figured out my problem.
AOTD Vaults of Knowledge makes the toggle for archaeology not work for some reason.
hopefully fixable in the future, for now i've disabled it.
My next patch (coming soon) will overhaul the Vaults of Knowledge tech tree, and in the future I plan to do another overhaul to avoid things like you've encountered occurring. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Greetings, AotD module VoK adds the "Storm World" type as one of the possible planet types, it is new and as such is not able to be terraformed with your mod. Would you be able to include it in terraformable planets list?
That's from Unknown Skies, not VoK. VoK does not add any planet types.
Noted, I will add support. Thanks for letting me know about this!
Hey Boggled, can you make it so that astropoli / stations can be built around worlds of my commissioning faction and independent worlds? Currently you essentially can't build astropoli with AoTD test of loyalty because it sets all of your colony's to be your commissioning faction's world with you as the governor (and therefor not a valid target for construction). If you have the time a way to remove colony conditions such as cold for stations (which are apparently not valid reflector locations) would also be nice, but the other thing is more my concern.
I'll have to take a look at the code for astropolis construction, but I think I decided to prevent them from being built around governed worlds because if control of the planet reverts to the owner, the astropolis will still be in the hands of the player and it wouldn't make sense from a lore standpoint.
Getting a crash when opening up the terraforming menu.
om.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain - java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.SectorEntityToken.getCustomEntitySpec()" because the return value of "boggled.scripts.BoggledTerraformingRequirement$RequirementContext.getStation()" is null
Happened after I took over some VRI home worlds.
Are you using a fresh install of TASC (meaning you deleted the old folder and pasted in the new one)? What mod adds the VRI home worlds? Are any of the VRI planets station markets?