Check the full playlist here: you liked what you saw then please, give the mod a try and experience it yourself!
IV. Commissioned Crews:Yuri Expedition is integrated with
Commissioned Crews, and getting a Caparice Trade Co. commission will give you the following bonus:
V. High Value Bounties:As of YRXP 3.0, the HVBs previously integrated with Varya's Sector have now been rendered obsolete. However, they still remain active for posterity, as they await their update. But at least they have updated portraits now!
V. Lore:As you might expect from gaudily painted ships with cute girl decals, there's no way this is or can be lore-friendly. I did, however, add some internal lore regarding each ship and weapon system, if you're interested in that sort of thing.
v1.0.1: For what it's worth, the 'excuse' for them being in the sector is as follows:
After an unusually powerful hyperspace storm out in the rim of the core worlds, an entirely new star system appeared where there was just empty space. Quacks and scientists with lab coats alike a race to explain this phenomenon just as signs of civilization were detected. A strange xenos species has arrived. Perhaps from a different dimension. Perhaps - from the second dimension?
v.1.4.0: Some limited interaction between the Yuri and the wider sector. Missions chronicle events that transpired involving Pirates and the Persean League/Hegemony.
v.1.5.0: Some technological exchange between Yuri and Independents. Bounties have been placed on certain Yuri.
v.1.6.0: Tensions between the Yuri and the locals are rising.
v.1.8.0: In response to increasing hostilities across the sector, Caparice Trade Co. develops weapons of mass destruction as a final deterrent.
v.3.0.0: As a result of they Yuri acclimating to their situation in the sector, as well as the fruits of accumulated technology gained from the humans, Caparice became more and more industrialized. And so, their military posture also became more aggressive over time.
They Yuri believed that with the arrival of familiar faces in the Arians and Royal Azaleans, they would be able to find a way to restore their home back to their original dimension, but as it turned out that both factions were quite keen in keeping them stuck in this dimension, it has become clear that the Yuri must do everything in their power to attain their goal, even if it means entering into conflict with the wider sector...
VI. Known Issues:
VII. Still to come:YRXP 3.0 is not yet, so to say, complete. It is merely an attempt on my part to release YRXP in its current form for 0.96, since I felt like playing Starsector again and had managed to update it and its subsidiary mods for the campaign. As such there are still many things that this update has
NOT touched upon, but will be in the future:
- Old HVBs are still there and most are obsolete. I keep them there for you to continue to enjoy them though they are likely to receive revisions in the future.
- Most of the old missions have been removed temporarily - because they all used obsolete variants that caused the game to crash, and I have not yet revisited them to implement a fix.
- The Caparice Trade Co. campaign itself has not yet received any changes (in terms of quests or any other campaign-layer items)
- The promised market for obsolete YRXP gear is not yet functional! Most are still there, just tucked away in a dark corner, out ot sight. I'll get to it eventually!
- Custom officer skills: I actually tried my hand in adding one for this release, but errors prevented them from reaching releasable state before today, so maybe next time!
VIII. Special Thanks: --For YRXP 3.0--
I would like to thank those who helped out on YRXP 3.0 by directly contributing their art and modding expertise, Amazigh who resprited the Last Smile, Mayu who provided hullmod icons for the new Extension Pods and the banner for Caparice Trade Co.'s Nexerelin start, and the code references I used to display the said banner, as well as the as-of-yet in development unique officer skills.
Also, I would like to thank those who were kind enough to create unofficial updates for YRXP and my other mods. Thank you for keeping them alive through these past couple of years!
Lastly I'd again like to thank Alex for always being available to answer the tough modding questions!
--For YRXP in general--
This mod was made possible only by the generosity of the community spriters who made their works available within the Kitbash Database and the Free Community Sprite Resources. You are the reason why this mod isn't made entirely out of MS paint chicken scratch (which means I wouldn't have bothered making it at all because it doesn't look good):
Mechs are heavily edited sprites from Mobile Suit Gundam: Cross Dimension.
The decals are made by these talented artists:
baba seimaijo
atou tsubaki
myo ne, arknights
shanyao jiang totoro
Special art for commodities, structures and hullmods:
Kobayashi-san no Maidragon by Cool Kyoushinja
CD Art from Akatsuki Records
tomono rui
Taira Komori,
Kyutwo (great anime sounds!)
C&C Red alert sounds
For coding and internals-related help:
For scripts and references (especially on faction creation):
Mayu (Dialog insert images)
Tartiflette (Diable Avionics)
Dark.Revenant (Interstellar Imperium, Ship/Weapon Pack, Black Magic that makes all my problems go away)
Vayra (High Value Bounty integration)
Of course, a big thank you to the Starsector team, who created this wonderful game that has already claimed hundreds of hours of my life. Since I discovered it around a month ago.
And finally,
you. Thank you for trying out YRXP. I hope you enjoy it!