Yeah I just realized, these signals could be the START of quests. There could be two types of signals; the one I described above, and another "special" type of signal that "seems out of this world" and when you get close to it, it activates a quest at random.
For example, the first type of signal would have this description when interacted with on the intel screen:
"Your sensors detect a signal from X star system; it has regular streams of clipped data being sent outwards to a unknown location. It could be a trap, or a derelict just waiting to be claimed."
The second signal would be slightly the same but changed enough to make you know its a "special" one:
"Your sensors detect a signal from X star system; it has infrequent bursts of strange sensor readings, glitched computer sounds, and mangled screams. When you try to decipher it from space, your computer systems emit a !ERROR! message and reboot. Before the computer shut down, your computer system was able to decipher the location of the signal. It could be a trap, or a new land just waiting for you to claim."
The special signals would pick out of a pool of random quests (doesn't have to be main quests, could be something simple like go to X research station and activate it, similar to survey missions) and those quests will give rewards based on either difficulty or RNG.
TL;DR first type of signal is your standard "it might be good, it might not be", second is more "go here and get a quest to go somewhere more dangerous, but with guaranteed high level loot if you can brave it".