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Author Topic: [0.96a-RC10] Missing ships mod 1.0.3 9/12/23  (Read 420572 times)


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[0.96a-RC10] Missing ships mod 1.0.3 9/12/23
« on: August 19, 2019, 10:37:18 AM »

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i felt like some ships were missing from the rooster. Felt like adding them. So i did. I split the mod into 6 submods, as i know some people will prefer approach of other modders to certain factions. I will also leave one big file with all 6 submods in one place, so, installation is still the same, but you just have to tick 6 mod boxes instead of 1. currently there's these submods:



Midline Dreadnought, hulking behemoth of concentrated long range firepower. Utilizing three twin heavy Mjolmir turrets to wrestle with Space Fortresses and planetary ground-to-space batteries (not yet implemented, but it will help with planetary raids), this ship is single-handedly able to destroy whole fleets of capital ships. Designed pre-collapse, but never built, for there was no need for such an expensive ship, new reality of the sector might prove this design to be useful. If anyone is able to find its blueprint and has industrial power to bear, they may as well create this monster of destruction and unleash unseen firepower on the whole galaxy.


Midline Supercarrier, breaker of worlds. Carrying enough ordinance and support infrastructure to ensure fighter superiority over any theater of war. Able to deploy dozens upon dozens of high end fighters, this mothership can easily overwhelm any and all resistance with ruthless stream of ordinance. Sleek in its design, only very few of these ships were ever build, at the peak of fighter doctrine, to blot out the sun of many worlds. May whatever gods there are have mercy, when this mobile space station arrives on the battlefield. Provides 20 fighter slots and almost 600 ordinance points, battleship level defense capabilities and station level range. Named after some prehistoric big bird. Same as Nagato, player has to buy/build them, no other way of getting them, certain faction have access to the design, however most markets almost never have them. However, if given chance, even pop 5 planets with high command can spawn them in fleets, both Nagato and this one, with proper items.


Ship shrouded in mystery, its design was apparently made after the collapse and entered sector from past the Persean Abyss some 50 years after the gates went silent, bringing doom to the whole sector with it... Or at least thats whats superstitious spacers say. For everyone else its the single biggest logistic asset one can get. Anchor Harbor-class SLS (Super logistic ship) is a ship only in name, being effectively a whole station worth of depots, salvage gantries, sensors and antimatter tanks. Effectively, the design brings ability to sustain whole fleets for extended period of time in deep space with both supplies, food, fuel and recreation for the crew. Original design is seemingly based on ancient asteroid mining ship of unknown class. However, asteroid mining ships of the ancient era were enormous vessels, very much unlike modern times, as they had to take in whole asteroids for mining into their own hull. This leftover ability makes it so that this ship has very unique logistic profile. Being equipped with large production lines and nanoforges, this ship is effectively self sustainable to a degree. It can produce anything it needs, from food, supplies or even antimatter fuel, due to its sector unique ramscoop drive design. Last but not least, it has extensive hydroponic bases inside its hull, that can produce any consumable a person can desire, making Anchors one of the most desired ships to serve on. That said, this ship packs enough punch to easily defeat capital ships threatening it, however deployment of this station sized monster into battle is quite an expensive prospect and seen as a last resort option. It is said that of the few that ever flew in the sector, one was completely equipped with only mining equipment, and that it was highly profitable way to mine in the deep space.


Much like its cousin, the mighty Invictus, the Dominion also comes from the era bygone. Born during the time when modern shields were but a myth, this massive carrier, one of the first of its kind, represents the doctrine of the earliest space combat. Due to lack of shielding, its hangar bays are faced backwards, as to protect its deck crews and various craft from the spaceborn threats, as only a single hellbore round making it into a hangar could wipe out entire wings of fighters. Much like its smaller cousin, Dominion carriers have a forward facing battery of guns, originally designed to hold only a hellbore gunline, but with times changing, even other armaments should be considered. Due to its sheer size, and realities of the early Domain era, this ship holds entire closed off decks filled to the brim with ready made ordinance just waiting to be crewed and spewed forward, boosting its already massive fighter wing capacity. Speaking of fighter wings, this Superheavy carrier brings 16 LPC slots to the fight, easily overwhelming even the strongest opponents with its armaments alone.


Hammer of Ludd. Avatar of his holy spirit, the Ragnarok, what once was a life giver to the Persean sector is now its ultimate demise. Old Sporeship, one of the first to arrive to the sector, hundreds of years old was reforged, remade and refitted with Space Fortress worth of armaments. This mobile battle station, able to smash through capital ships is the peak of Luddic Paths efforts to eradicate the sector of the heretics and heathens. May Ludd has mercy on anyone foolish enough to fight this instrument of his holy will. (the engines in the middle are there to keep the ship together while boosting. Brought to you by Luddic Path """"""engineering""""""" team.)


Capital ships


Midline battleship-uparmored Conquest with 4 centered large ballistic guns. Give it 4 Gauss, extend its range as much as possible and watch it tear enemies to pieces from 2k range-great at taking down shields and has increased PD slots too. Be warned though, its not a very good brawler (flux runs out quick) and it will loose even to Conquest in short/mid range fight due to removal of the prow missile slots. Give it some good escorts or fighter cover.


Midline capital carrier-Conquest that gave up its large guns and prow missiles for 6 wings. it will get shredded by Legion or any other capital in close range due to lack of proper armor and armament, however, it can also dish out serious damage from 8 ballistic slots, 4 on each side able to shoot in front of the ship, but due to flux cost, its highly advised to stay far back and provide overwhelming fighter support. 6 thunders on this baby can ruin day of any Astral and can seriously hinder and even destroy, after prolonged engagement, other capital ships.


Fast Fleet Carrier, concept of Heron led to its logical conclusion. This nimble, very fast yet fragile carrier can outmaneuver fleets of opponents, while harassing them from safe distance by bomber runs from its sizable fighter bays. Part of an effort to reuse a failed design. Resulting design can be said to represent unity in the whole of humanity, that is trying to claw its way to the former glory. Or its just a damn good ship. Who can say. 

Patrol Boats


The Claymore is the concept of Midline fighters lead to its extreme. While being technically a fighter, its sheer size and firepower puts it in Patrol Craft size class. This super-heavy fighter is equipped with heavy machine gun, vulcan and 6 fighter class Swarmer missiles. Combined with its extreme range, it can give Thunder fighters heavy fire support they often desperately need. Having light frigate armor, Claymore can wrestle with ship PD for quite some time and other than different Patrol Craft, no fighter can challenge its might, but their long refit time should be taken into account when fighting.



The Gamble-class light Battlecruisers are a versatile solution to the issue of capital threats to merchant fleets. Essentially an upgunned Venture-class Cruiser, offering two large ballistic mounts and numerous smaller mounts for anti-ordinance duties, this light battlecruiser can flank and scrap most capital ships in moments, given chance. However, due to improvised built of this hull, it has even weaker armor than vanture cruisers, even if its somewhat made up by significantly enhanced hull integrity. Moreover, its drone bay has been completely ripped out and replaced by additional engines, turning formerly sluggish Venture into extremely fast and nimble ship.

Warliner represents the spirit of the sector in a way. In that it will take any remnants of the golden days of humanity, put massive weapons and hangars where possible, and use it for war. Entire aft of the ship has been cut out and replaced with sizable hangar bays with military grade nanoforges, providing its fleet with significant ordinance capabilities. Along with these upgrades, whole of the ship has been pierced through by heavy reinforcements, sometimes going straight through cargo bays, living quarters and other secondary sections. Lastly, numerous weapon mounts have been added to the whole length of the ship, effectively turning it into a battlecarrier, however weird that definition is, when placed onto former Starliner.


The Nyx is a general destroyer-class design, meant primarily to act as the stone wall between a vulnerable convoy and the mass of pirates and other desperate elements in the Persean Sector that wish to prey on them. Very heavily armored for its weight, the design offers substantial broadside firepower and decent maneuverability in a fairly compact package, making it a versatile convoy escort craft. Some of the more desperate navies in the Sector have taken to adopting the Nyx as their primary light line warship. The true strength of the design is in its comparatively cheap cost and ease of construction – the most successful of Nyx flotilla tactics involve overwhelming enemy forces with sheer weight of numbers.

Hogtarsus is cheaper alternative to the formidable Nyx-class destroyers, and considerably faster too. Its an answer to the protection of the bottom line. After all, it doesnt matter all that much which ship is protecting convoys, if it can pull its weight, its enough for the corporations, warlords and mercenaries alike.
Boasting two medium turrets welded on lifted mounts, this Tarsus conversion works well in fleet support role, either providing medium range cover for its more armored brethen or providing excellent flak coverage against enemy ordinance.

Ubiquitous Nebula liner converted into an atmospheric lander. Originally conceived by now unknown mercenary group, which wanted cheaper and better armed lander than Valkyre, but didnt want to use the stigmatized pirate Colossus conversion, which also has significantly higher support profile. So, a Hedgehog was born. With massive structural enhancements and numerous weapon mounts added, it can provide significant direct fire support to landing units. It can also serve in an anti-ordinance duties, given its many turret mounts and generous firing arcs. 

A major conversion of the standard Buffalo-class freighter hull, the Mk.III sacrifices almost all of its cargo capacity in exchange for mounting twin Fighter Bays, equipped with military-grade Nanoforges and the support facilities necessary to maintain constant fighter patrol. This revision is a desperate attempt by civilian authorities to provide trade convoys with some level of protection against increasing pirate activity. While the effectiveness of such a haphazard escort carrier has yet to be substantially proven in direct combat, no freighter captain would pass up the opportunity to fly under fighter escort.


Slasher is an evolution of the Lasher design. exchanging 4 small hardpoints for 2 medium hardpoints, this ship can suddenly skirmish with sizable opponents and can serve and a good gunline for smaller fleets. While still rather underarmored, captains shouldnt underestimate the Slasher, as it can now inflict serious damage on destroyers and cruisers alike.


5 civilian ships converted by the Hegemony Naval yards in effort to bolster the ever weakening ranks of the Hegemon flotilla.


Ever present in the sector. By several simple upgrades, Hegemon Venture now poses serious threat to any captain foolish enough to underestimate the venerable Venture. Stripping away its mining drones and survey equipment and modernizing the fighter bay to house a fighter wing, this ship has reached new potential, awaiting to be exploited.


Colossus was supposed to replace fragile Buffalo-class Freighters, which fall an easy prey to pirate activity. However, with the collapse of the gates, smaller freighters kept their prominence. After two hundred years and attrition inflicted upon the Persean battlegroup, the Strategic Command decided to bolster its ranks with upgraded Colossus freighters. Upgrading its armor and integrating makeshift hangar into the design made it somewhat more resilient in individual combat.



While Condor was already ambiguous across the Hegemon auxiliary fleets, it never received the attention it deserved. It got it now, with upgrades across the board making it even more formidable freighter turned carrier than before.


Featuring already thick armor and serious armament for a freighter, military upgrades only benefited this formidable ship.



Originally used as a small transport ship, its shuttle bay was modified to house wing of talon fighters. While there wasn't any space left for proper shield generator, it still provides cheapest way to get fighter capability to any fleet desperate enough to use it.

Lasher and Slasher

Another ubiquitous design. It was only a matter of time, until Hegemony realized, that running patrol fleets with heavy cruisers it a wasteful endeavor. By retrofitting numbers of frigates into military standards and pushing them into service, Hegemony saved millions of credits. That can be used for AI expeditions now.

Patrol Craft

Ubiquitous on planets of the leading powers, the "PC" or "Patrol Craft" serve generally only as suppression and heavy patrol units, however, after slight modifications to its engine systems, these Patrol Craft can be used in space combat without much issue. They can fit into most hangars, and while they have very high supply profile, they provide serious firepower for a "fighter" class ship, rocking mostly about half of what Frigate class ships carry.
Two main classes which both have two sub classes are Patrol Craft class and Gun Craft class. Patrol craft sub-classes are Patrol Craft, with twin auto cannon, two twin machine guns and vulcan on its rear, and Torpedo Craft with twin auto cannon, two single harpoon launchers and rear vulcan. Gun Craft sub-classes are Gun Craft with twin auto cannon, heavy machine gun and rear vulcan and Flak Craft with twin auto cannon, single flak gun and rear vulcan.
patrol craft gun craft

Broadsword Mk.II

Upon closer inspection of Broadsword, it was found that it actually carries two missile spots, but no missiles. Big brain geniuses in Hegemon Naval yards figured they could utilize sudden surge of fighter size missile pods and weld them to these spots. And so was born the Broadsword Mk.II. boosting original machineguns and two missile pods, it became strong contender for the best fighter in the sector. Only question remains, how nobody figured out this sooner.



Much like its pirate brethren, even Luddic Path saw the possible utility of the Starliner. Haphazardly converting it to the carrier brings much needed fighter support to the Panther fleets. Starliner Mk.III houses 3 wings of fighters, and while its support infrastructure is nothing great, its still remarkably useful, and whats more important to the Panthers, cheap. While Starliner is readily available, other cruiser class ships aren't. Panthers however desperately needed cruiser combat ships. Opportunity appeared however. Ever present husks and hulks of the abandoned and destroyed ships are all around the sector. And so was born the Panther combat fleet. Consisting mostly out of previously destroyed and looted ships, while not being even remotely as efficient as their new and pristine counterparts, these ships are everywhere, have low support profile and are cheap to maintain. For cruiser class, these ships are Eagle, Dominator, Falcon and Venture. Every looted ship had its energy weapons removed and retrofitted to ballistic weapons, due to their lower cost and availability. Because of their salvaged nature, they are worse in every single aspect than their counterparts. However, they have reduced supply and deployment requirements, making them great at overwhelming enemies with numbers.


Along with construction its main cruiser fleets, Panthers realized they needed screen ships too. First of these is Condor. Classic civilian and military light carrier, only proper carrier in the Panther lineup. Then comes the combat destroyers. Same as with their cruiser counterparts, these are mostly looted and salvaged ships, making them overall worse, but cheaper to maintain and deploy. Enforcer and Hammerhead pose great threat to merchant fleets, due to their overhauled engine systems, giving them ability to quickly close in in their targets. During raids, Panthers get a lot of various freighters. Realizing the boon on their hands, they converted Tarsus and Mule freighters into makeshift combat ships. While far from any actual combat ships, they still pose a threat to civilian vessels. Last but not least, Nebula. Same with Starliner, Luddic Path found them self with massive fleet of these looted ships after countless raids. Rather than selling them or scrapping them, they repurposed it, and made deadly Hammer barrage its main weapon, converting its standard hangar to house Hammer torpedoes, giving it quite a few volleys before running out.


Much like with previous classes, even frigates were needed, and so panthers came up with additional designs for their fleets. Wolf, while loosing its jump abilities, is still a formidable and very nimble frigate. Other 3 frigates are converted civilian ships. The Mercury, Hermes and Mudskipper. Mercury and Hermes were merely armed with two missile slots. Muddskipper, however, following its pirate counterpart, has been fitted with Hammer barrage. While extremely fragile, one would be fool to underestimate raw killing power of this small craft equal to suicide bomber.

Patrol Craft


The Snake is an old mining craft design, carrying two hammer torpedoes and two small guns for protection, it was often used during small scale mining operations. While rather weak, its the better alternative to the Perdition bombers, which far too often fall prey to enemy PD.

Capital ships


Pelican-class but everything is wrong. Using broken down Atlas Mk.II as its basis, stripped most weapon mounts and welded massive fighter bay where cargo bay once stood. While still suffering from lack luster generator, slow speed and paper thin armor, it can deliver 6 fighter wings of ordinance in relatively cheap package (and a little corrupted too). There were some spontaneous combustion incidents from subpar quality fighters, but such sacrifice is pirate captain always willing to make.



While Hegemony pushed "new" designs into the sector, pirates took some inspiration, and a nanoforge or two, or much more likely just stole some welding torches, and made some "new" ships of their own as well. First being pirate modification of Venture Cruiser, nothing exceptional, except that it has lost all of its more delicate equipment "somewhere". Good ship of the line, and when supported by another two new additions to the pirate fleet, it is rather dangerous.


Unused, sat around the sector as bleak reminder of the golden age. It now serves a much more practical purpose. Filled to the brim with massive computers, communications arrays and wide array of amenities to serve its pirate crew, this ship can seriously bolster any fleet it supports.



While being yet another reminder of bygone era, served well in the new daily reality of the sector, however, when pirate warlords were done with the starliner support ship design, they still desired something more nimble, smaller. And so came the Nebula Mk.II into being.



First new addition, Nail, represents soul of the sector. Utilitarian application of stripping every single thing from ships, making them horrible death traps for sake of saving money and limited space. While loosing its missile pods and targeting systems, wing of Nails gains 2 additional fighters over its more conventional death trap, Talon. Being basically Vulcan with engine and poor soul piloting it, its good anti-ordinance fighter, and still somewhat capable anti-fighter fighter, but other than that, its pretty useless. But then again, what else that came from the pirate yards isn't.



Full 6 pack

[] Merged mod - from TimeDiver [/url]

Scarface-Creator of the modpack
IceFire-Too much stuff to list here.
Nautilus81-Original-DESCRIPTION OF SHIPS:Staple, Albatross/Pelican, Atlas Mk.III,Patrol Craft,Expedition,Buffalo Mk.III,Nyx, Pelagornis, Ragnarok
Archaeon-Original-DESCRIPTION OF SHIPS:Broadsword Mk.II, Colossus, Condor, Mudskipper, Mule, Nagato, Nail, Nebula Mk.II, Starliner Mk.II, Venture, Pirate Venture

1.0.3.-9.12.2023-fixed bunch of stuff, hopefully
1.0.2.-8.12.2023-Ship descripion updated Dominion, Pelican, Staple, added Chrysaor , added mission The Bad Timing, Sprite fix on Staple (Compressed sprites reworked), Modpage updated. Cleaned up faction files. Placed additional... Surprise for the most dedicated captains. Play the mod with Super ships and More missions mods active, play station defense mission. It will come eventually. Dont fear it.
1.0.1.-27.11.2023-forgot faction files for pirates and midlines
1.0.0.-26.11.2023-Split the mod into 6 parts-Dreadnoughts, Midline, Independent, Auxiliary, Path, Pirate-made full 6 pack too. Added Ships to Independents-Venture based battlecruiser, starliner based battlecarrier, nebula based lander, tarsus based escort destroyer, fixed usage of pirate ships by independents. Multiple graphic fixes. Multiple turret/hardpoint fixes. Multiple variant fixes. Multiple cost fixes.
0.5.1.-11.10.2023-Added low tech dreadnought, the Dominion Superheavy carrier
0.5.0.-5.10.2023-Various string fixes, added Anchor, rebalanced OP to fit in with similar mods and vanilla ships, heg Colo now has fighter bay, Ragnarok AI and turret placement fixed, removed Expedition, reworked bunch of stats across the board.
0.4.1.-25.6.2020-Minor fixes, description placeholders, all superships now usable by AI, ragnarok is available to Luddic Path from the start, appears around 400-500 fleet point strength (size 7 planets), To help test it, luddic path now sends expeditions to free markets. Superships are UNBOARDABLE.
0.4.-25.11.2019-Ludd Path update, hella path ships, modified weight values so path would use exclusively path ships (ships that were blessed by the ludd, so they can use the fuel "luciferium") and added midline superheavy fighter and several small corrections on other ships and made new mod page layout.
0.3.4.-08.11.2019-Bunch of minor balance tweaks, added missile slots to mule, added supercarrier Pelagornis. bunch of other changes i forgot. Made sure so that AI wont be able to use super ships.
0.3.3 hotfix1-29.10.2019-nagato wasnt attacked by enemies, for some reason. fixed
0.3.3.-26.10.2019-Introduced Nagato, Nail and broadsword Mk.II. Several corrections and balance changes applied. NAGATO CAN BE ONLY BUILD FROM BLUEPRINT FROM THIS VERSION UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Added few descriptions
0.3.2.-15.10.2019-balance update mostly. fixed pirate starliner and made ventures less beefy-hegemony venture could reach 2400 armor easily. that wont do.
0.3.1.hotfix1-09.10.2019-pirate venture had bugged collision detection, remade it, works in my game. renamed starliner and nebula roles.
0.3.1.-08.10.2019:fixed starliner and nebula classification, upped maintenance and fleet points of albatross, made pirate venture more combat oriented and changed its built in hangar into converted hangar bay
0.3.-07.10.2019:Added pirate ships:Venture, starliner support and nebula support. Added civilian ships:Nyx destroyer and Buffalo wing tender. Added Patrol Craft
0.2.2.-26.9.2019:made few graphical improvements on ships, made OP adjustments for few ships, removed two medium energy slots from albatross, fixed expedition, no longer frigate but capital.
0.2.1.hotfix1-26.09.2019:Expedition spawns within 4 factions, with independents being main sellers. i dont know what was wrong, i just rewrote half of the data and somehow it worked. ship was ingame and working, but for some reason wasnt recognized by markets.
0.2.1-31.8.2019:added Expedition and several Hegemony auxiliaries. Upped auxiliary use by hegemony by 0.5.
0.2-20.8.2019:added Atlas Mk.III, made factions use new ships/made ships actually buyable
« Last Edit: March 30, 2024, 02:03:03 AM by scarface »


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Re: [0.9.1a] Missing ships mod
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2019, 10:52:17 AM »

Welcome to the modding community! Always fun to see someone shore up the mid-line capital fleet.

Perhaps consider reducing the flight decks on the Albatross to five? I'll need to play around with it to see if it is as strong as I suspect, but I mean, the Legion only gets four, and the Astral sacrifices nearly every other capital advantage to have six. Seems a bit overpowered to give a ship ten medium ballistic mounts and six flight decks, especially with how strong carriers are in general in the current meta. I recognize it has crap armor, but crap armor isn't all that relevant if you can simply delete everything before it reaches you.

I hope your burnout is far distant and you bring many more awesome ships to the community :D


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Re: [0.9.1a] Missing ships mod
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2019, 11:08:50 AM »

Thought about reducing it. and also either removing 2 medium ballistic slots or 2 energy medium slots on the prow. i did very little testing with albatross, and it seems OP-if the other ship doesnt have sufficient anti-fighter, onslaught wont get scratched by albatross thunder or any other combination i tried, but astral gets rekt in 15 seconds, so i will address it once i find out how. also, astral can "teleport" its fighters, albatross cant. its supposed to be bigass carrier, much like astral.

on other note, fighters are broken anyway, my 10 mule fleet with converted hangars and talon wing+maulers eats pirate fleets and even capitals will get destroyed once i get rid of the escort, so i dont know how to balance albatross without messing up with fighters.

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Re: [0.9.1a] Missing ships mod
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2019, 03:02:55 PM »

Looks great, looking forward to more!


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Re: [0.9.1a] Missing ships mod
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2019, 11:48:20 AM »

Really enjoying this mod, especially the Staple. I love the concept of a centerline Conquest and this has definitely scratched that itch for a proper all-rounder battleship that isn't the Paragon.

A couple of suggestions, though: the Albatross is definitely too strong for what it brings to the table. I feel that instead of pulling any of the weapon mounts, you should scale down the hanger slots to four, and leave the it as primarily as a Capital class battlecarrier. Maybe scale up the armor/speed/flux stats a bit to compensate.

As for more ships to add in, maybe not so much as new hulls but I would definitely like to see XIVth battlegroup, Sindrian Lion's Guard, and maybe even a Persean League-specific skins for the Albatross and Staple, sort of how the Ship/Weapon pack does for the baseline Conquest. (

I'm willing to take a stab at the descriptions for the ships, I've got a couple of ideas as to how to properly flesh out the lore behind at least the Albatross and the Staple.

Very nice work overall, looking forward to what you add in next!


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Re: [0.9.1a] Missing ships mod
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2019, 02:17:03 PM »

Shameless update bump

depending on how well my java learning goes, balance mod might come sooner or later. for now i have found out i know jack *** about java and im not sure i will have enough time to learn before my masters starts. will continue adding ships though. and might make optional "my settings" balance mod. ships will continue to be released without any vanilla changes


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Re: [0.9.1a] Missing ships mod
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2019, 02:22:26 PM »

Really enjoying this mod, especially the Staple. I love the concept of a centerline Conquest and this has definitely scratched that itch for a proper all-rounder battleship that isn't the Paragon.

A couple of suggestions, though: the Albatross is definitely too strong for what it brings to the table. I feel that instead of pulling any of the weapon mounts, you should scale down the hanger slots to four, and leave the it as primarily as a Capital class battlecarrier. Maybe scale up the armor/speed/flux stats a bit to compensate.

As for more ships to add in, maybe not so much as new hulls but I would definitely like to see XIVth battlegroup, Sindrian Lion's Guard, and maybe even a Persean League-specific skins for the Albatross and Staple, sort of how the Ship/Weapon pack does for the baseline Conquest. (

I'm willing to take a stab at the descriptions for the ships, I've got a couple of ideas as to how to properly flesh out the lore behind at least the Albatross and the Staple.

Very nice work overall, looking forward to what you add in next!
I will add skins once i figure out how to actually do it. yesterday i spend 6 hours trying to get one single skin to work, fruitlessly. i am planning on making proper color navy for factions that dont have any/not enough tho.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Missing ships mod
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2019, 08:01:23 AM »

Laptop got splashed by my cat. Will work on mod in about a week again.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Missing ships mod
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2019, 06:57:34 PM »

to support version checker here are files needed

.\StarSector\mods\Missing Ships\data\config\version\version_files.csv
version file

.\StarSector\mods\Missing Ships\missingships.version
    "modName":"Missing Ships",

ofcourse the 'localhost' part needs to be replaced by path to online version file when possible
« Last Edit: September 08, 2019, 07:05:01 PM by Dwarden »


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Re: [0.9.1a] Missing ships mod
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2019, 10:39:56 AM »

Downloaded this mod just for the Expedition and Auxilary additions.

I love civillian mods and better exploration ships; a lot of the current vanilla ships are just.... bad for exploration (even though thats something that should be more prevalent).

I salute you good sir for this wonderful mod.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Missing ships mod
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2019, 01:57:51 PM »

Sorry for double post but I have had this mod for a while now and can't find the Expedition in any of the markets. Ive searched open market, black markets, and even some military markets and nothing.

What factions sell the Expedition?


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Re: [0.9.1a] Missing ships mod
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2019, 11:16:27 PM »

Sorry for double post but I have had this mod for a while now and can't find the Expedition in any of the markets. Ive searched open market, black markets, and even some military markets and nothing.

What factions sell the Expedition?

I cant even find it in the codex, while all the ships look great,  as someone who enjoys the exploration and salvage playthroughs that was the biggest catch for me.
Im assuming theres probably just some small bit of code thats preventing it from showing up in game.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Missing ships mod
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2019, 03:45:53 AM »

Sorry for double post but I have had this mod for a while now and can't find the Expedition in any of the markets. Ive searched open market, black markets, and even some military markets and nothing.

What factions sell the Expedition?

I cant even find it in the codex, while all the ships look great,  as someone who enjoys the exploration and salvage playthroughs that was the biggest catch for me.
Im assuming theres probably just some small bit of code thats preventing it from showing up in game.

Yeah same, I love me some exploration ships. But its like the only ship that doesn't show up anywhere.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Missing ships mod
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2019, 05:29:15 AM »

Will look into it. I think i miswrote tag with that ship. I wont know until u get my laptop tho. Check in a few days


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Re: [0.9.1a] Missing ships mod
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2019, 02:26:39 PM »

This is good but some of the ships could do with slight balancing changes. Atlas MkIII should have maybe 4 or 5 fighters for example. Same for the conquest carrier. Hegemony Venture should also maybe just have 1 fighter wing like the regular Venture. Still, expanding the auxillaries is a cool thing to do.

Also haven't found the Expedition at all yet.

The kitbashes/sprites are good other than the big ships which need more work.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2021, 11:46:21 AM by BigBeans »
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