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Author Topic: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector 3.2.1 - D&DSECTOR 2021-03-25  (Read 630667 times)


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[0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector 3.2.1 - D&DSECTOR 2021-03-25
« on: August 14, 2019, 09:05:30 PM »

Download now!

Note: Edit "VAYRA_SETTINGS.ini" in the mod directory to toggle options.
WARNING: This mod contains foul language, cuss words, anarcho-communist propaganda, dubious game design choices, amateur-at-best art, incoherent java scripts, and updating it WILL break your saves!

User Testimonials

So what's in the mod?
Vayra's Sector is a "megamod" which changes, adds, or replaces several core campaign-level gameplay mechanics, most of which are easily extensible by other mods for additional content.
  • More D-mods to ruin the lives of degenerate scavengers like you
  • New starting options when used without Nexerelin, including Pirate and Luddic Path starts, plus more when combined with Kadur Remnant and/or Vayra's Ship Pack
  • Minor changes to vanilla faction doctrine: The Luddic Church will prefer an equal proportion of carriers to warships, and the Hegemony will prefer low-tech standbys like Enforcers, Dominators, and Onslaughts
  • Optionally: A new and improved bounty manager with faction-aligned bounty targets, rare flagships, more background information, and other features
  • Optionally: A separate manager for unique, story-driven bounties that don't expire
  • Optionally: A system for established factions to put out bounties on the player's head when their crimes become truly egregious
  • Optionally: Competing upstart colonial factions out for their slice of the galaxy
  • Optionally: A fix to prevent Pirate, Luddic Path, and Kadur raider bases from spawning once their parent faction is entirely destroyed
  • Optionally: A system to implement semi-procgen implementation of factions and hidden entities
  • Optionally: New and exciting outcomes for distress call events in deep hyperspace
Note: The above options will be 'ON' by default -- you can turn them off or adjust them in VAYRA_SETTINGS.ini

The mod also adds several mod frameworks -- easily extensible by other mods for simple addition of features:
  • A framework for mods to add their own easy campaign implementation, for a faction, mini-faction, or exploration content
  • A framework for mods to add their own unique, non-expiring bounties with narrative descriptions
  • A framework for mods to add more bounty backgrounds and rare bounty flagships
  • A framework for mods to add their own colonial mini-factions
  • A framework for mods to add their own raider bases with special options
  • A framework for mods to add their own distress call events with a common manager to prevent spam and overlap
  • A framework for mods to add their own exploration content "listening post" objects with simple loredumps
  • A whitelist for mods to enable their factions for posting player-targeted bounties

Integration Details for Modders
- All bounty config files are located in <moddirectory>/data/config/vayraBounties/ and will merge if you include the same directory and filename in your mod.
- Description strings for regular bounties are read from bounty_strings.json. Bounty strings are selected entirely randomly, and are a good way to add some color to the sector as well as give possible reasons for why, exactly, a faction might want this specific bounty target dead.
- Rare flagships for regular bounties are read from rare_flagships.csv. Rare Flagships are an excellent way to implement a ship that should only be available rarely but is not quite unique, or give a particular faction rare access to a ship they would not normally have (e.g., the Medusa as a rare flagship for pirate and independent bounties).
- Factions are whitelisted as capable of posting (and hunting) player-targeted bounties in player_bounty_factions.csv. This is required if you want your mod factions to be capable of posting bounties on the player and spawning bounty hunters to hunt them.
- High-Value Bounties are defined in unique_bounty_data.csv. High-Value Bounties are a good way to implement unique ships available once only, and inject a little extra story into the campaign as they support entirely custom intel text.
- If you want an example of a High-Value Bounty minimod, I have created the thgualsnO bounty mod as a template for the 'minimum viable implementation'. Note that this does not use some newer features, so also check out the "core" .csv file in Vayra's Sector if you're interested in more elaborate things such as prerequisite bounties, special item rewards, et cetera!
- You can test your HVBs with the list HVBs and ForceHVB <bounty_id> Console Commands, assuming you have the Console Commands mod enabled

Colony Factions
- All colony faction config files are located in <moddirectory>/data/config/vayraBounties/ and will merge if you include the same directory and filename in your mod.
- Colony factions are loaded in colony_factions.csv and defined in a .json file with the same filename as their faction id and line id in colony_factions.csv. Colony factions are a good way to implement a faction in a limited context, without having to devise an entire campaign implementation and handmade star system(s) and/or market(s).
Ships/skins can be added to colony factions and auto-assigned faction hullmods using the following tags:
- Rimward Venture Trading Company - faction tag: mercantile - hullmod tag: vayra_merchant_marine
- Ashen Keepers - faction tags: ashen and ashen_rare - hullmod tag: vayra_ashen_bulwark
- Persean Democratic People's Revolutionary Concil - faction tag: revolutionary - hullmod tag: vayra_red_army
- Independent AI Research Mandate - faction tags: science or science_post_ai - hullmod tag: vayra_science_hull
- Stormhawk Republic - faction tag: warhawk - hullmod tag: vayra_warhawk_modular

Procgen Entities
- All procgen entity config files are located in <moddirectory>/data/config/vayraProcgenEntities/ and will merge if you include the same directory and filename in your mod.
- Listening posts are defined in lore_objects.csv. Listening posts are a super-simple, extremely easy way to add some additional flavor and background to your mod.
- Procgen entities are loaded in entities.csv and defined in a .json file with the same filename as their line id in entities.csv. Procgen entities are a great way to implement exploration content, factions or mini-factions, without having to devise an entire campaign implementation and handmade star system(s) and/or market(s).

Raider Bases
- All raider base config files are located in <moddirectory>/data/config/vayraRaiders/ and will merge if you include the same directory and filename in your mod.
- Factions to spawn raider bases are loaded in raider_factions.csv and defined in a .json file with the same filename as their faction id and line id in in raider_factions.csv. Raider bases are a good way to bother and annoy players while adding a little extra flavor to a faction or mini-faction.

This mod is compatible with utilities, faction mods, ship/weapon packs, Nexerelin, and other non-Total Conversion content mods.
It does, however, make one notable modification to vanilla which may cause incompatibilities with other mods in the future:
  • Replaces (removes from Sector and adds its own new classes) PersonBountyManager and PersonBountyIntel

Comments and constructive criticism encouraged.

If you enjoy my content, please consider supporting me on Ko-Fi or Patreon!

Changelog: (note: changelog is updated "live", thus the topmost entry will usually be WIP/unreleased. The latest release will always be the one linked to from the OP.)
- HVBs now have more robust logging for data errors - check your logs if your HVB isn't working
- added the new colony factions skins to their nexerelin starts
- Venture (MM) no longer has a universal slot
- buffed Kashtan Scattergun range to 300, from 200
- science_fuckers will now use AI cores sold on their markets. they haven't figured out how to use ones you donate... yet
- you can play a procedurally generated tabletop RPG in bars now
- improved bounty hideout location picking - less likely to 'stack up' in the same system/around the same planet
- improved bounty target picking - now more likely to pick eligible bounty target factions it hasn't picked in a while
- stars with no planets will now have one barren planet (this assists with reducing bounty stacking)

- deleted RaiderNonEventFleets entirely 8)
- added even more error handling to HVB system - malformed rows (THANKS SOZZER :argh:) will no longer crash the system and cause bounties after them to not load
- added Manifesto Nexerelin start
- notable Persean League subfactions will now spawn diverse fleets to defend their homes, including two new skins
- finally fixed bug where HVBs don't actually autorecover (thanks nicke)
- finally fixed bug where player-targeted bounties scaled unintentionally way above what they were supposed to
- also set the default FP scaling to 1.1 from 1.2
- also fixed the bug where they cared more about war deaths than war crimes
- tweaked some other settings
- set Blessed Reach spawn to default to FALSE
- L'Interstellaire will spawn in a random system instead of hyperspace now
- added a number of skins for the Rimward Venture Trading Company and Stormhawk Republic (thanks Alfonzo)
- fixed bug where sometimes Stormhawk ships would cause all fighters of a given spec to refit instantly, forever, which somehow nobody told me about until right now
- the new behavior for Stormhawk Modular Engineering is a flat 20% buff to fighter replacement rate
- fixed bug where the Ascendancy would sell [REDACTED] materiel if they Ascended before having any colonies (possible in Nexerelin)
- added really good music - no, actually, it's really good, this isn't a meme - to PDPRC as neutral/friendly theme, by Samuel Choi (
- added ForceHVB <bounty_id> Console Command
- added list HVBs Console Command
- added getBountyFaction(), getPostingFaction(), getPerson(), getFleet(), and getFlagship() methods to VayraPersonBountyIntel and VayraUniqueBountyIntel
- added maximumFleetFP field to unique_bounty_data.csv - optional field, defaults to Integer.MAX_INT
- fixed Galleon variant (assigned unspent OP, fixed weapon groups)
- set all .variant files to goalVariant: true, without looking at them. you may notice a slight itching sensation
- fixed .version file hosting (moved to github)

- added loredump "Listening Post" object framework
- increased colonial expedition pick weight for low-hazard worlds
- fixed Flying Dutchman haunting your fps counter, cpu cycles, and starsector.log
- i can feel the communism overtaking me

- actually fixed crash bug in nonevent fleet thingy for real this time

- fixed thingy where new old portraits overrode some vanilla portraits
- added some logging and a null check to nonevent fleet handler

- buncha new portraits
- toned down nonevent raid fleets from raider bases
- finally fixed double bounty advance bug (thanks histidine)
- added nex diplomacy traits to colony factions
- raider factions will no longer target markets they are not hostile with
- further improvements to unique bounty error handling (check the log if yours aren't working!)
- player is no longer forced to fight unique bounties after talking to them, if nonhostile with bounty faction
- added nanite bug spray, out on the fringes (check research stations)
- new pirate HVB and custom non-Nexerelin start

- some cleanup on ghost ship effects

- fixed issue where colony faction colonies would never be removed from the "to remove" list, and ran the "colony changing owner to noncolony faction" script... every frame
- added IBB-style forced recovery of High-Value Bounties
- added chanceToAutoRecover value for High-Value Bounties
- added some more error handling to Unique Bounty system - check the log if your bounties aren't spawning!
- added null variant handling for non-flag variants to Unique Bounty system - will log a WARN line and skip variants if not found, for preset non-flag variants
- - YES this means you can use other mods' variants in the preset fleet section now :pandaDevil:
- upped perLevel bounty reward scaling to 1.5x (was 1.2x)
- added hook to player-targeted bounties to display bounties posted on you by delivery mission givers and tri-tachyon loan sharks
- added ghost ships
- added some excellent artwork courtesy of Chloe Kesshoo ( and JamieSue Heise (
- added more D-mods
- replaced Corvid Crow portrait (thanks Mendonca)
- fixed issue where [REDACTED] faction icon would disappear sometimes when loading save
- set [REDACTED] to check colonies that it did not create itself (i.e. starting, gifted, or conquered colonies in Nexerelin) for... things
- fixed tricksy treasure memory leak bug (thanks Alex!)
- halved player-targeted bounty fleet scaling

- moved colony faction blueprints over from Kadur Remnant, where they definitely did not belong
- fixed PDPRC faction hullmod, for real this time
- reduced colony "special" chance from 25% to 10%
- set Blessed Reach back to hidden, which should prevent constant delivery missions
- hardcoded unique bounty spawn chance per month to 10%, which should fix error where rolls would always fail after updating mods on an existing save
- dropped Pegasus OP cost to 20, tweaked Galleon and Gemini (MM) variants to compensate
- fixed bounty spawner ignoring non-planet-attached stations when picking bounty hideouts
- fixed crash with Rimward Venture treasure fleets missing intel icon FOR REAL THIS TIME
- fixed several issues with variables not being saved/reloaded properly due to 'static' mismatch

- L'Interstellaire will now properly decivilize when saturation bombed
- fixed bug where personal bounties would not pick valid hideouts
- added setting for bounty duration

- adjusted colony faction hullmod fixer script to recognize tags
- added mod integration help to forum OP
- set colony factions to noHomeworld and !enabledByDefault in Nexerelin random sector
- fixed several little bugs with colony system, especially Independent AI Research Mandate
- added wreck functionality to procgenEntity framework
- fixed crash with Rimward Venture treasure fleets missing intel icon (wasn't defined in settings.json, d'oh)

- split the damn mod into three separate mods god DAMN it
« Last Edit: April 10, 2021, 07:05:27 PM by Vayra »
Kadur Remnant:
Vayra's Sector:
Vayra's Ship Pack:

im gonna push jangala into the sun i swear to god im gonna do it


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Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector v3.0.1 PUBLIC RELEASE 2019-08-14
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2019, 12:19:01 AM »

Is it better to use ship pack of vayra sector with nerelexin?


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Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector v3.0.1 PUBLIC RELEASE 2019-08-14
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2019, 02:09:02 AM »

So it not add any new ships, weapons, mod ships, fighter wings, or core systems?


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Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector v3.0.1 PUBLIC RELEASE 2019-08-14
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2019, 01:29:57 PM »

So it not add any new ships, weapons, mod ships, fighter wings, or core systems?

It adds a handful of new ships, as "test case" content for the unique bounty system and faction content for the colony factions. Besides that, no.

Is it better to use ship pack of vayra sector with nerelexin?

It's not any better or any worse. They're compatible, if you want to play both at once you can. The only incompatibility is that if you're using Nexerelin, you'll only see Nexerelin start options - not Vayra's Sector start options. :)
Kadur Remnant:
Vayra's Sector:
Vayra's Ship Pack:

im gonna push jangala into the sun i swear to god im gonna do it


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Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector v3.0.1 PUBLIC RELEASE 2019-08-14
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2019, 11:33:53 PM »

Love the mod, works very well with Nexerelin, just wanted to point out a bug that may be caused by it after downloading the 3.0.1 version. I just downloaded the new update (and the other two) and I made a new save and now for some weird reason when I go to inhabited planets and I go to the bar and if the game only gives me one option for somebody to talk to (Speak to pather, talk to academic, etc) it will only have that option on the screen, and it will have no option to leave, and if I click on the option, or type 1 (selecting the option with keyboard) it makes the sound as if I've selected it but nothing happens. I can't exit the screen or anything I have to forceclose the game and now I guess I'm just gonna save before every bar encounter just in case. I also downloaded the Artefact update at the same time but I'm not sure if it messes with the scripts enough to cause a bug like this.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2019, 11:35:32 PM by ActiveTurtle »

Star Lord

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Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector v3.0.1 PUBLIC RELEASE 2019-08-14
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2019, 05:50:54 AM »

After installing your 3 new mods along with Nexerelin, I tried starting a new game with Prism Freeport enabled, but I have not been able to find it. I started multiple games to ensure it wasn't a fluke, and I still cannot find it. Did you change something to inhibit its appearance?


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Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector v3.0.1 PUBLIC RELEASE 2019-08-14
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2019, 10:56:06 AM »

Love the mod, works very well with Nexerelin, just wanted to point out a bug that may be caused by it after downloading the 3.0.1 version. I just downloaded the new update (and the other two) and I made a new save and now for some weird reason when I go to inhabited planets and I go to the bar and if the game only gives me one option for somebody to talk to (Speak to pather, talk to academic, etc) it will only have that option on the screen, and it will have no option to leave, and if I click on the option, or type 1 (selecting the option with keyboard) it makes the sound as if I've selected it but nothing happens. I can't exit the screen or anything I have to forceclose the game and now I guess I'm just gonna save before every bar encounter just in case. I also downloaded the Artefact update at the same time but I'm not sure if it messes with the scripts enough to cause a bug like this.

I'm 90% sure this is Vesperon, and 99% sure it's not me. Just in case though, what's the one option it has? Or is it different every time?

After installing your 3 new mods along with Nexerelin, I tried starting a new game with Prism Freeport enabled, but I have not been able to find it. I started multiple games to ensure it wasn't a fluke, and I still cannot find it. Did you change something to inhibit its appearance?

Excellent, the Communist Clouds have finally swallowed that bastion of bourgeoisie decadence, Prism Freeport...

J/K, I don't touch that either! Do you happen to have SCY Nation active, by chance, and if so: have you checked their star system?  :)
Kadur Remnant:
Vayra's Sector:
Vayra's Ship Pack:

im gonna push jangala into the sun i swear to god im gonna do it


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Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector v3.0.1 PUBLIC RELEASE 2019-08-14
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2019, 04:09:25 PM »

The option is different every time, one time it was speaking to a Pather, one time it was talking to mercenaries, one time it was a shady guy. Only happens when there’s only one option, if there’s two or more it works fine but one causes the glitch, and I noticed it kind of already selects the option, cause even though it gives the option as if you just entered the bar it still says ‘you follow the pather’ Or ‘you talk to x and y happens’ but at the end it says ‘null exception something.’ Not at computer at the moment. I’ll have to redownload Vesperon and see what happens


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Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector v3.0.1 PUBLIC RELEASE 2019-08-14
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2019, 10:34:36 PM »

Looks very promising! Testing it now


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Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector v3.0.1 PUBLIC RELEASE 2019-08-14
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2019, 08:43:43 AM »

I must admit.
I really like extra options and stuff that this mod brings but tips are extra immersion breaking for some reason.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector v3.0.1 PUBLIC RELEASE 2019-08-14
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2019, 09:01:19 AM »

Quick question, will this work with pre-existing saves? The idea of not playing colony babysitter being raided by damn pirates and Luddic Pathers every 5 minutes sounds very appealing (and the bounties on the player too) but I didn't wanna bork my game

Space Pirate Kobold

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Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector v3.0.1 PUBLIC RELEASE 2019-08-14
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2019, 01:52:00 PM »

Been Getting a Crash since the split at the same moment every time that I pass by the star on the way to survey the next planet in the system.

747540 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.campaign.fleets.VayraTreasureFleetManager  - Added treasure fleet from Tartiflette to Chicomoztoc
747542 [Thread-4] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Cleaning up music with id [campaign_music_part_2_v28.ogg]
747551 [Thread-8] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Cleaning up music with id [Atmospheric_Rise.ogg]
747933 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Creating streaming player for music with id [Stellar_Rust.ogg]
747934 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.null  - Playing music with id [Stellar_Rust.ogg]
748032 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.RuntimeException: Texture [vayra_treasurefleet] from category [intel] not found
java.lang.RuntimeException: Texture [vayra_treasurefleet] from category [intel] not found
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings$1.getSpriteName(Unknown Source)
at data.scripts.campaign.fleets.VayraTreasureFleetIntel.getIcon(
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.comms.ooOO.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.comms.super.addMessage(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignState.addMessage(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.comms.v2.IntelManager.addIntel(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.comms.v2.IntelManager.addIntel(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.comms.v2.IntelManager.advance(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine.advance(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignState.advance(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
at Source)

I took a look into the Mod files and there is indeed a PNG for vayra_treasurefleet so im not sure what could be causing it to CTD on me

Took a look at the locations that the fleets are sending and receiving from

Tartiflette is under Rimward Venture control and Chicomoztoc is a Hegemony Planet. They are at 100% cooperation with each other. Not sure if this could be the cause of the issue tho

« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 05:12:16 PM by Space Pirate Kobold »


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Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector v3.0.1 PUBLIC RELEASE 2019-08-14
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2019, 10:22:46 AM »

Hey Varya, you're gonna love to hear this, you were right! Finally got back to my computer and redownloaded and installed vesperon, and then I cleared my activated mods, played with vanilla for a few minutes (went to bars to see if the glitch would happen, which it didn't) and then exited and turned on all my mods, made a new game and went to the first bar and it was one option and it worked completely fine! Thanks for the help! Still one of the best mods I've had that adds content to games, and I've played Skyrim, Fallout (NV, 4) , Mount and Blade, and countless other games with mods. Paired with Nexerilin it makes the game feel like it's not still in Alpha. Wanting to learn how to mod just for this game.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector v3.0.2 cleanup & bugfixes 2019-08-18
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2019, 09:34:57 PM »

Hey Varya, you're gonna love to hear this, you were right! Finally got back to my computer and redownloaded and installed vesperon, and then I cleared my activated mods, played with vanilla for a few minutes (went to bars to see if the glitch would happen, which it didn't) and then exited and turned on all my mods, made a new game and went to the first bar and it was one option and it worked completely fine! Thanks for the help! Still one of the best mods I've had that adds content to games, and I've played Skyrim, Fallout (NV, 4) , Mount and Blade, and countless other games with mods. Paired with Nexerilin it makes the game feel like it's not still in Alpha. Wanting to learn how to mod just for this game.
Awesome, really glad to hear it!

Been Getting a Crash since the split at the same moment every time that I pass by the star on the way to survey the next planet in the system.

I took a look into the Mod files and there is indeed a PNG for vayra_treasurefleet so im not sure what could be causing it to CTD on me

Ah, this was my bad - the sprite is there, but the reference got lost in the split. Fixed!

Updated to 3.0.2!!!
Fixed the above crash as well as some other cleanup and bugsplatting. Download and full changelog in the OP as always. :)
Kadur Remnant:
Vayra's Sector:
Vayra's Ship Pack:

im gonna push jangala into the sun i swear to god im gonna do it


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Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector v3.0.1 PUBLIC RELEASE 2019-08-14
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2019, 03:53:05 PM »

I must admit.
I really like extra options and stuff that this mod brings but tips are extra immersion breaking for some reason.

The way I see it, the on-ship interface always provides advice, yet the one I ended up with is defective and now inquires about contacting my mother and making sure I don't leave the oven on.

Fortunately, there is a way to turn this off by simply going to the mod folder, then opening the data folder, opening strings, and deleting tips.json. This has no impact on anything else besides the tips added by the mod, so it's perfectly safe.
It's official. I've made terrible lapses in judgement and got my fleet destroyed 1000 times now. In honor of this achievement I am now naming my band "Wayfarer and the Kite".
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