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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2c) - indev campaign mod  (Read 388562 times)


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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2b) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #525 on: August 16, 2024, 02:32:55 PM »

I've noticed that the Habitat's hazard reduction doesn't apply while you're outside the system it's in (atleast it's so in the UI). Something to look into.
Version 0.14.2a
« Last Edit: August 16, 2024, 02:34:37 PM by Amon »


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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2b) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #526 on: August 16, 2024, 03:08:47 PM »

This sentence is not purple. :P
3592:$global.sotf_sierraHuman = true","""Right,"" she replies after a moment of silence. ""I suppose it $sierraOmiLabDoes in a way.""
« Last Edit: August 16, 2024, 03:53:38 PM by Amon »


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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #527 on: August 16, 2024, 10:08:57 PM »

Doing the usurper's mission and what's his noface gave me a note on how to proceed dustkeeperly after kidnapping the dude but I can't find the note?

It doesn't actually give you anything, it just activates hints as you progress through that quest.

To progress in the quest:
When obtaining the prisoner, speak to one of the officials in Umbra, and choose the urn option.
Speak to Caden and return the prisoner, and follow the hints that are given after.
You should gain reputation with the Dustkeepers after finishing the conversation.


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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2b) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #528 on: August 17, 2024, 12:45:09 AM »

Is it possible to have the Dustkeeper Forgeship to have an extra ship market for regular derelict drones in addition to the Proxy and Remnant ships ? As it seems like most of the time trying to setup a colony in the Mia system mid-way only to see a regular hegemony inspection fleet tear apart Blithe's and Seraph's mass defensive group. Far as I know there's no other way to upgrade the forge ship's defensive fleet outside of the corrupt or pristine nano forge. I've yet to encounter the "repose" capital type, but is that also part of the Proxy fleet's selection ? I don't remember which mod it was that I played long ago but it modified the Guardian to deploy frigate derelict drones as if they where fighters.

More or less another means to purchase derelict types outside of scavenging them, specially if running mods that expand the derelict fleets such as "All the Domain Drones+"


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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2b) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #529 on: August 17, 2024, 02:35:11 AM »

Wayward Star System doesn't exist for me, yes, on new saves. What do I do?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2024, 02:58:27 AM by Amon »

AnXel LG

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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2b) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #530 on: August 18, 2024, 12:21:49 AM »

Wayward Star System doesn't exist for me, yes, on new saves. What do I do?

   You must first complete another mission before the Wayward Star System unlocks as the story around Sierra unfolds.  Don't want to make any SPOILERS here, but given time, while you're exploring AND TRAVELING amid the CORE WORLDS, you will know what to do...


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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2b) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #531 on: August 18, 2024, 08:28:28 AM »

   You must first complete another mission before the Wayward Star System unlocks as the story around Sierra unfolds.  Don't want to make any SPOILERS here, but given time, while you're exploring AND TRAVELING amid the CORE WORLDS, you will know what to do...

Hm, thanks. I got it soon after fighting a battle in the past. Was that the trigger?


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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2b) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #532 on: August 18, 2024, 12:26:40 PM »

Indeed it was.

Inventor Raccoon

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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2b) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #533 on: August 19, 2024, 11:23:09 AM »

Secrets of the Frontier now has an official wiki! It's not content-complete yet but it contains enough to guide a player through Sierra's questline and the major Dustkeeper quests/encounters and I'll be working on it going forwards.

Visit it here!


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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2b) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #534 on: August 22, 2024, 05:04:30 AM »

Big fan of the mod. I love exploration in Starsector and any mods that add more to the mystery and wonder of the space beyond the core are tantalizing to me. And of course, the new characters. Twice now I've seen fanart of Sierra and been inspired to write something. The first time was coming off the heels of my first campaign with Sierra, who was the first officer to beat me in pro-rata DP with any kind of regularity. The idea of having an equally capable partner was very appealing as a player, but I thought it must also be extremely important to any late-game character. I knew stories of people who won the lottery and all their friends and family start behaving like nibbling rats and I could only imagine the relief and respite the Starfarer would find in a companion - and equal - like Sierra. The second time was after reading a bunch of lore and conjecture regarding the nature of the Starfarer, the origins of the Zig, and what lies beyond the gates anymore. I also watched the Matrix trilogy recently, haha. My mind was swirling with these, along with a long-running itch to write something commenting on the communities obsession with pixel starships and the extreme focus that Starsector places on them. You (almost) never control your character directly, instead piloting your flagship. In a way, you are your flagship.
Anyways, I hope it's not too presumptuous to share them as thanks and a testament for how much your mod has enthralled me.

Quote from: King's Consort
The life of a ruler is so much lonelier than you’d imagined.

It happened slowly. Your crew and captains were once naught but fellow starfarers. On long treks on the edge of the sector, skirting black holes and Remnant patrols, you’d pined for Byzantium wine and fine summer days on Favonius. On the far frontiers, you’d dress up the officer’s lounge with the tactless opulence of a Kazeron noble: pilfered rugs and paintings, all as dusty as the abandoned habitats they’d came from, spelled out your shared dreams of obscene fortunes.

Now your flag flies over Byzantium, and your officers bicker, bargain, and beg over the villas and towns they are entitled to as conquerors.

You were a nobody, once. Just a wet-behind-the-ears graduate from Galatia smuggling luxuries to embarrassed Luddites. Whether you walked into the stale airlock of an independent outpost or the glittering concourse of an Archon’s planetary governorship, you were as unknown and unimportant as any other rocket jockey looking for work. You found allies and comrades amidst the company of down-on-their luck spacers in dim bars across the core. Every stranger was a story of battle tested friendship waiting to unfold.

You do not go planetside anymore. Pathers and Hegemony assassins yearn for revenge. Your security department screens your recruits for Legio sleepers. There is no child in the Sector that does not know your name and face.

Where you once had friends, you now have customers. Where you once had loyal crew, you now have terrified fanatics. Where you once had dependable partners, you now have swindlers and thieves.

You have surpassed them all. You are larger than life. You are something to be exploited and consumed. You have gold in your stomach and antimatter in your veins. You are a living whirlwind. You destroy all that you touch and wither all under your gaze. You are the inheritor of the Domain and the Song of the machines. In battle, in power, in secrets, and in presence, there are none that can compare…

Except for her.

Good morning, Sierra. It’s another lovely day in paradise.

Quote from: A Dreaming Sky.ogg
Your fleet is at flank speed for the system’s secondary jump point. It is the seventeenth month of the campaign and the seventeenth month since your fleet has made anchor, but your crew is not yet weary. They have struck down every opponent and taken their spoil. Victory invigorates most, for the rest: lucre.

Such matters are far from your mind, anymore. Mastery of the sector, governorship, war, all of these have become banal. Conquest is a surety – as compelling and surprising as the hand of a clock. Even in the hours before battle, your thoughts turn out to the far places, the strange places. Not to the frontier, not to old ruins or forgotten stations. Not to the Domain. Nothing so mundane as that.

You dream of hyperspace. You dream of fractal clouds. You dream of oil painting nebulae. You dream of leviathan currents, of storms that could swallow worlds, and starry pinpricks to greater seas. You dream in the low drone of black holes and the percussion of pulsars. You dream in the howl of gas giants and the static hum of stars.

In your dreams, you hear music, and you are not alone.

You turn to a window and see her, as always, at your close four o’ clock. Polished, organic curves of armor wrap tightly over her gunmetal gray hull. No bridge, no hangars, no escape pods mar the perfection of her body. Even her gun mounts are hidden behind royal purple slopes of titanium like stilettos tucked into a corset. Her drive field is pure; it doesn’t scar space but burns it, pushing her as effortlessly as a shark through the water. She does not lag behind or race ahead in formation. She has no such human imperfections. Her escort at your side is flawlessly attentive and borderline possessive.

She only tolerated you in the beginning. Gratitude barely offset her horror, their horror, at your intentions. Your goals aligned, but your methods… It was a difficult proposal, but you won their cooperation and proved your word. Skies burned, but worlds were left unscathed. In time, you won her trust, her admiration, and then her devotion.

You shiver. You didn’t realize it then, when you made your plea amidst the glowing wreckage of her tormentors, what you had found. Oh, she and her kin were fine warriors, unparalleled, even. But the war was already won, even then. The war was won because the war was; determined both in its assured beginning and inevitable end because you were there to wage it. No, you did not find victory. You found… you found…

Crude emotions swell in your heart, so inadequate in their simplicity, but pure in the way they pine. A burgeoning desire to touch, a want for a flame in the winter. Your yearning has grown to desperation, but goes unspoken not out of fear, but out of impossibility. Your hand rises unbidden to the window of your flagship, splaying out over the condensation from your jealous breath. Would that you could entomb yourself. Would that you could enshrine yourself, as she is, amidst steel and silicon.

That was what you found: a balm for solitude. The world is already cold to you. Dead hands maintain your ships, dead lips govern your demesne, dead eyes watch for your foes. You are an idol to them, not a man. A bronze colossus to be feared, worshipped, or melted down and used. To any end. To any pathetic, impermanent end. They squabble too much and see too little to ever stand, to fly at your side. They are too mortal to do anything else.

Radar beams sweep where you stand. She is aware of you, standing at the window. She watches with IR scopes and laser imagers, EM hardened cameras and radio snoopers. You feel them on you, feel her attention, her presence. She’s an amethyst candle glowing dimly at the edge of your perception, like the sun through closed eyelids, only visible to your dull senses because of the brilliance of her mind. You have no explanation. Neither does she. But she feels it too, that ghostly touch of your consciousness, and so you keep your shared secret. You, from your crew, and her from her siblings.

You are becoming. You don’t know what, but you have your suspicions. You remember secret places haunted by phase-ghosts and poltergeist battleships. You remember slumbering giants in the doldrums of hyperspace. You remember a song, faded in memory, brought to life before adamantine rings and impossible visions of battles long past. You remember playful sprites in the void, racing free like porpoises while you watched from the wrong side of the glass. You remember faerie tricksters playing havoc with your drive field. You remember their surprise, their curiosity, and their concern as they recognized something within the school of blind fish they’d caught.

You remember a Galatia graduate that never enrolled.

“Stay with me, Sierra,” you whisper to yourself. You can’t hear her reply. Not yet.

But soon.

Inventor Raccoon

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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2b) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #535 on: August 22, 2024, 10:47:24 AM »

- snip -
This is really cool! I'm happy I was able to inspire you in that way, and thanks for sharing it.


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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2b) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #536 on: August 22, 2024, 06:14:14 PM »

One weird feature I found while experimenting was that giving a Military Base to the Holdout Forgeship allowed access to otherwise more restricted ships such as the Remnant Class types when having a high relationship. Could be useful for additional quest/mission to further assist the DustKeepers late game ? [Potentially salvaging from a domain mothership or remnant battlestation to further enhance the Holdout ie:expand colony size = larger defensive fleet].

Outside of console commands would it be possible to allow transfer of colonies to the Dust keeper faction outside the Mia system ?

Are they by default hostile to the regular Derelict/Domain and Remnant forces ?

First time I found the Dust Keepers in the Mia system was purely by accident, as I'm not sure if there was a hidden story/mission or indication that leads you to that system after doing the earlier starting quests like the Promise and Wayward.

Also it seems that Echo-Inadvertent integrates Beta Cores into the forge ship when supplied them, but does it benefit the Forgeship in any capacity ? As I suspected that the reason a Hegemony and Persean fleet showed up in the Mia system due to the ForgeShip having 3+ beta cores in it's facilities. As I only began colonizing the Hallow Hall and the other planets with no AI cores.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2024, 08:26:15 PM by ReconUnitZero »

Inventor Raccoon

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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2b) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #537 on: August 23, 2024, 10:39:35 AM »

One weird feature I found while experimenting was that giving a Military Base to the Holdout Forgeship allowed access to otherwise more restricted ships such as the Remnant Class types when having a high relationship. Could be useful for additional quest/mission to further assist the DustKeepers late game ? [Potentially salvaging from a domain mothership or remnant battlestation to further enhance the Holdout ie:expand colony size = larger defensive fleet].
I've some plans in the area but the next major update is likely to be more Sierra-focused - I do have an important Dustkeeper quest iceboxed, though. That the colony sells only Proxies openly is intentionally to give the impression it's a band of isolated holdouts with limited resources, but you can source most Remnant ships from Inadvertent via his custom production contracts.

Re: Dustkeeper colonies - Transferring colonies is intentionally turned off because I think a Dustkeeper-controlled but human-occupied colony would need to be some kind of special event with special mechanics.

Re the rest: yes they're hostile to Derelicts and Remnants, there's not a breadcrumb leading to Mia's Star yet, and beta cores mostly don't do anything in Holdout and are there as a fun lore thing (canonically, gammas get sent to war, betas go in logistics processing, and alphas get to sit in a nice comfy box). AFAIK it does not affect Colony Crisis activity in any way, as Hegemony crisis only counts player colonies for AI point progress
« Last Edit: August 23, 2024, 10:41:57 AM by Inventor Raccoon »


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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2b) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #538 on: August 23, 2024, 04:47:05 PM »

i found a bug, I have Philip andrada's gas station mod on and i somewhat recently got the "A promise" Quest i whent to do it but the patrol it chose was the grand fuel fleet wich i think overwrote the quet's line becuse it only showed the option to exit coms instead of also showng what i presume would be the text to continue the quest but that i don't know since i am going in blind.

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Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2c) - indev campaign mod
« Reply #539 on: August 24, 2024, 09:51:34 AM »

New update out now! It's mostly tweaks and minor fixes for Hope for Hallowhall and Guilt content. Notes below, and hopefully the next update should be 0.15 though it'll be a long enough while.

Version 0.14.3c:
- Hope for Hallowhall: event points for Pather/Diktat kills increased (was 0.125 per FP, now 0.2)
- Seraph and Blithe's personal fleets will now return to Holdout Forgeship to despawn and await respawn if their flagship is destroyed in a battle
- Giving the PK to Inadvertent for free now gives -1 Guilt
- Dear Dotty: Dotty is now banished upon her summoner's retreat
- Hatred Beyond Death: now gives large damage resistance instead of full damage immunity when the ship decays to 0, as to prevent possible immortality if it doesn't actually die
- A Trickster's Calling and Leviathan's Bane have additional checks to not work on fighters and modules
- A Trickster's Calling: removed "Skedaddle" emergency phase because it's janky and I don't like it, will replace with something else sometime, in the meanwhile increased % of missile ammo stolen from 50% to 60%
- Sources of Guilt reduction (excluding those related to giving away the planetkiller) no longer apply during The Haunted (i.e Alviss wave & making fun of TT scientist - Killa shrine already was this way), effectively limits min guilt to 6

- Fixed Hallowhall Astropolis clearing its storage when restored while there is stuff stored there
- Fixed Sierra text purplification during Legacy of Hypnos lab dialogue
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