Got a chance to mess around with the soulbond hullmod and it's super cool! But I have some thoughts about it though.
If you ask me, I think kinskip should be the default option for soulbond rather than recall. It fits the theming of the hullmod a lot more (has hella "taking a bullet for a friend" vibes, plus matches up with the song better), and on other other hand recall just kinda feels overly demanding. From a practical side, I just see myself wanting to use kinskip a lot more than recall, especially at very long range where kinskip is currently not really doable due to zoom limits. Sierra's ship is most times significantly faster than my ship, so 99% of the time if I'm in a jam, I'd much rather pull myself out of a jam and go to Sierra rather than dragging Sierra in to help me out. Even from the other side, Sierra is slippery enough that she rarely gets into a jam so I just don't often see the need to drag her out of anything, since she can easily slip out on her own most times.
On that note though, I know Sierra is supposed to trust us with it's usage, but I think it'd be fun and hilarious if she could also use soulbond on her end. Even something as simple as using kinskip if ordered to escort or defend the flagship, or automatically trigger it if one of us overloads, but it would be cool if you could edit the behavior such that she'll dynamically use it to get around (eg if my ship on the way to her destination), or drag me in if she thinks she's in trouble and/or needs help doing something (maybe make it so we can change when and how often she uses it via talking to her too). Also it sounds like it'd be funny to just be battling normally and then Sierra just all of a sudden drags me halfway across the battlefield just to watch a mudskipper spin out lol
Also, there might be a few bugs, I noticed that for recall, not only does Sierra get the activation cost, but she also builds flux while in transit, which means she can end up with something like 12k flux if recalled across large maps. In contrast, kinskip incurs no flux cost on Sierra or my ship on use, not sure if intended or not.
Finally, and unrelated to soulbond, but I think it would be nice if there was a small notification whenever Sierra has something to talk about, it always kinda annoys me that I have to keep bugging her about conversations because I have no idea if the interesting thing I just did has a relevant convo for Sierra.
Oh, one last thing, I think it'd also be cool if Sierra had more "mini quests" similar to the moths thing, those moments are some of the highlights of the mod for me.
Did I mention I love this mod to bits? It probably doesn't have to be said lol.