Sundiving is a depricated mod!Sundiving is Depricated. It does not work as-advertised, and it
cannot work as advertised, on the current iteration of Starsector. Alex is aware of this issue and since it stems from something else he thinks is also an issue, he will be correcting the way Solar Shielding works in the next iteration, in such a manner that will enable Sundiving to work.
Having said that, some modifications made by the Sundiving mod still retain some utility. Sundiving is incorporated into my current-gen mod
Advanced Hullmods, so get it there!
This very simple, very small and kind of blunt-force mod originated when I was attempting to use the rather swanky
Fuel Siphoning mod by Sundog, and found it to be absolutely useless, since my supplies
evaporated before my eyes the moment I dipped into the corona of a red giant, even
before I switched on the fuel siphon.
The problem was the Coronal environment's CR damage. Even though every ship in my fleet had Solar Shielding, my Supplies usage jumped an order of magnitude, from 2.5/day to ~35 a day. That being
with the Solar Shielding hullmod that reduced coronal damage by 75%, I shuddered to think of what hell would have awaited me if I'd dipped a toe in without it! It also, in my estimation, makes lurking within a coronal environment (say, to escape a foe/ambush same,) a losing proposition. I learned after asking if this was intended behavior that it was, and that the Solar Shielding mod was
mostly used for 20% energy damage reduction in combat and storm-surfing in hyperspace. No more!
I made this Sundiving mod. This simple and brute-force mod simply causes the Solar Shielding mod to
negate Combat Readiness damage from being in a solar coronal environment, so as to allow a fleet fully-equipped with such to lurk where other ships dare not travel. As a side effect it also negates the damage from being caught in a storm in hyperspace, but that damage was minuscule with the mod anyways, and I can't separate the effects.
I made this mod for me, but I hope others find it useful too.
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