A minor issue: I got a bar event offering to remove a D-mod from one of my ships, at cost of crew loyalty. I grumbled to myself, and then went and restored the ship (via the standard pay a bunch of credits). Afterwards, the bar event was still there, with the same text (though the ship preview it showed demonstrated that the ship was pristine.)
I did not test to see what would happen if I told them to go ahead and apply the fix when the ship was already pristine, though.
Also, for reasons, I recently was puttering around with a game back in Starsector 0.95.1, with Starship Legends version 2.1.2. And I found that, in that version, when you get a "swap X trait for Y" opportunity via intel, the intel item includes the full list of that ship's traits. Would it be possible to restore that behavior? (Or even just add in a config option somewhere for it?)
In particular, consider a warship with two (or more) negative traits. Let's say I've been offered a chance to swap reduced fuel efficiency for reduced weapon range. Do I want to take that trade? If it's in the first negative trait slot, then the answer is "No, definitely not", because that trait will always be negative, and weapon range is important. However, if it's in one of the later trait slots, then - in the long run - I probably do want to make the swap, as those traits can eventually be shifted to positive traits... and weapon range is important enough that I'll take a malus now in exchange for a bonus later.
So I suppose that technically I don't care so much about seeing the full list there, but I definitely do care about "Is this negative trait one that can potentially be flipped to a positive trait?", which currently requires backing out of intel and going and manually checking the specific ship.