Autonomous ships really are rough running AI cores on them in late game fights. If you deploy them at the start of fights, they're probably going to get destroyed every other time. They just always get out of position in these giant battles thanks to fearless. Unless you're constantly grinding very easy battles, it's impossible to keep them at a high integration score.
I'm planning to change it so the loyalty/integration stuff only applies to AI ships if a story point is spent to "fully integrate" the AI core. That should improve a couple of issues, including this one, hopefully. If not I might need to add another loyalty loss modifier for AI ships, but I'm hoping that won't be necessary. I'm not really concerned about making sure high loyalty can be maintained for every type ship, I just don't want any viable ship type or playstyle to be made frustrating or annoying by causing too much negative loyalty.
Hello, from searching the thread it looks like there used to be a "traitsPerTier" setting, but it doesn't exist in the config anymore. Is there still a way to limit the total number of traits? Like If I wanted to have a maximum of 0 negative traits and 1 positive trait for each ship
Well, there's a "secret" setting called "traitPairsPerTier" but it's not properly tested and it's only really useful if you want more traits rather than fewer, as the default value is 1. If you want to use it you can paste this line into your config file:
You could also limit traits by making the later tiers prohibitively difficult to unlock by simply increasing their xp requirement.
I've had this mod for a very long time, and only recently updated in the past month or so. Since coming back, I don't really know what was added or what wasn't.. But I'm really amazed by how connected to the world I am when the people actually start noticing your ships and the legends that follow them. I recently got my first few legendary ships after an eternity, which is understandable, a legend should be difficult to form.. But to know the animated storyteller told that story, complete with where it was built.. It touched a heart I didn't know I had. I actually had to sit there for a moment in silence.
I'm very glad to hear that!

It took me way too long to get around to adding that event to the mod. Should've been day one!