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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97] Tahlan Shipworks  (Read 1350880 times)

Nia Tahl

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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1215 on: November 11, 2022, 09:28:59 AM »

The Legios are absurdly overtuned, like they spawn fleets faster than they can be destroyed and even with massive attrition they somehow materialize highly skilled commanders from the nether.  Just for a lark I used cheats just to see the extent of how many fleets they'd spawn before running out or letting me bombard their planets.   The answer was 48 pages of salvaged ships.  I'm not sure how you're expected to beat them legitimately, much less while running Nexelin, it just doesn't work with how the combat readiness system works.  Your ships literally cannot regain CR fast enough to keep up with how quickly new ships materialize.  While I get it's a boss faction, they should be beatable, but a combination of extremely overtuned hulls and the sheer amount of fleets that are spawned make it pretty unusable.

I also am going to assume this is a bug, but they'll complain about your transponders.

Working as intended. They are very much beatable, but if they are too hard for you, there's options to disable them in the config.


I am coming back to this game after a while. Unfortunately, I am not able to buy the Metafalica Battleship anywhere. I have also explored all 3 blackhole systems in my playthrough and could not find the Rosenritter Carrier or the Battlecruiser. Could you please help?

Thank you!

Metafalica is a bounty ship, check the unsanctioned bounty board in bars. No idea about the Rosenritter spawns.
My mods: Tahlan Shipworks - ScalarTech Solutions - Trailer Moments
It's all in the presentation


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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1216 on: November 11, 2022, 11:20:52 AM »

DOPE mod. Legio are the best thing to fight. Way better than that Ninth Domain cheese. People crying about them being hard are hilarious. LOVE this mod. The ships are dope too. Can tell you put some care into it. The only area I would say could be improved are the faction portraits. I personally just hodge podged around and reworked it for my own amusement, though I'd hardly say it matters. Thanks for all the hard work Nia Tahl.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2022, 12:50:48 PM by G.W. LobSTAR »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1217 on: November 11, 2022, 12:41:54 PM »

The Legios are absurdly overtuned, like they spawn fleets faster than they can be destroyed and even with massive attrition they somehow materialize highly skilled commanders from the nether.  Just for a lark I used cheats just to see the extent of how many fleets they'd spawn before running out or letting me bombard their planets.   The answer was 48 pages of salvaged ships.  I'm not sure how you're expected to beat them legitimately, much less while running Nexelin, it just doesn't work with how the combat readiness system works.  Your ships literally cannot regain CR fast enough to keep up with how quickly new ships materialize.  While I get it's a boss faction, they should be beatable, but a combination of extremely overtuned hulls and the sheer amount of fleets that are spawned make it pretty unusable.

A few things that helped me were 1) synchronize my attack with some other faction launching an attack on the system, so the patrol fleets are busy, 2) flip beacons to decoy more patrol fleets, 3) set up an outpost on an asteroid somewhere so you can quick dock and repair all damage rather than waiting (this is a Nexerelin feature I think, but there's some uninhabited planets in the system you can colonize and use the spaceport for the same purpose if you're not using Nex), 4) again in Nex, use saboteur operatives to blow up the spaceport and military base and whatnot, and synchronize your attack with that, 5) don't attack the station directly, attack a fleeing frigate that happens to be near it - the station will support the frigate, you kill the station, and then you can kill the planetary defense fleet rather than having to face the station and fleet together.

And then you saturation bomb the planet.  Twice.  And then everybody declares war on you, and within the next few weeks most of them offer peace, whispering "we really didn't like those guys anyway". 

But it is a hassle and it forces you to pay attention to them until they're dealt with.  I sympathize.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1218 on: November 13, 2022, 05:54:44 AM »

In general I love the mod, but I'm saddened by the loss of the Scathach, I used it as my flagship for most of my playthroughs and now I can't use it anymore and even trying to readd it isn't possible because folder structure has changed.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1219 on: November 13, 2022, 03:38:18 PM »

If i turn off the daemons for the play through can i turn them on later? The Legio will still be on, i just dont want them to steamroll through the core worlds before i get my own thing going on cause id like to have a late game challenge but not at the cost of the core worlds.
I know it says its only for that campaign in the settings but id like to make sure.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1220 on: November 14, 2022, 01:59:42 PM »

Ahhhhhhhhh I was so close!!

Story time:

After about 6 hours spread over 3 days of bashing my head into a wall, rethinking everything I thought I ever knew about superships, fleet doctrine, positioning and alpha strikes, tinkering and retinkering the Izanagi's loadout over and over again; the stars align right with my two remaining braincells and I finally get an attempt where I manage to bait the Onslaught and most of the Colossus and Dominators into a spot where I could pin them down between the Izanagi and the rest of my fleet.

We get some good shots in and manage to blow up the Colossus to stop those annoying fighter runs, before reinforcements arrive sooner than I thought they would and my encirclement suddenly finds itself encircled.

A frantic brawl ensues with the Wolf frigates and the remaining freighters on one side against the Izanagi desperately holding the encirclement (rapidly breaking into a distorted half-circle as the enemy regains their footing) on the other; after a minute I manage to pull through what almost became my latest failed attempt, in no small part thanks to the valiant sacrifice of both Monitor ships distracting the Dominators and the Onslaught. After that I order all ships to close in where we still have the Onslaught pinned down and successfully destroy it, nearly blowing out the Izanagi's systems along with it might I add considering the time it took our fleet's puny guns to chew through its armor meant it was well past PPT and had only a third of its CR and hull remaining.

It took another half-minute after that to blast through the remaining Dominator and Enforcer and mop up what was so far looking to be finally the run where I could put this victory behind me; and not a moment too soon with the Izanagi having to withdraw after the final ship was taken out since it had fallen below 10% CR and was rapidly plummeting to zero.

but then my joy quickly morphed into HORROR as I spied at the edge of the fog a single freighter, having somehow escaped in the chaos and rapidly fleeing upward to safety.

I go "oh HELL naw brother" and send everything I have left to chase it, but with both Monitors destroyed and the Izanagi worn down to little more than a drifting metal triangle I am out of options to pursue and have to watch in slow painful agony as the freighter easily leaves my remaining ships in the dirt; taking with it presumably the secret of Lethia's location and our doom.

RIP in peace boys, we'll get 'em next time

Fantastic mod, been having a blast with it (if that wasn't already obvious). Can't wait to use the Izanagi as my flagship next playthrough; this mission taught me to love that fast metal triangle and boy, do I love it.

(The build I used on the Izanagi was 3 Overcharged Fusion Torches, 2 Annihilator rockets, 2 Light Needlers and Converted Hanger mounting a Claw Fighter wing, in case you were curious.)
« Last Edit: November 14, 2022, 02:03:06 PM by AngelSpirit »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1221 on: November 17, 2022, 04:05:01 PM »

Playing as United Pamed (from Xhan), I took an indie luxury goods delivery to Melchiresa.  Legio faction bounty was active so after one quick kill I was up to -24 and able to dock.  So I did.  But, no mission completion, no agent listed in comms screen to receive the delivery.  Left, hid in the asteroids, went dark, re-docked.  Same issue.  Mission description says I should be able to do it either docking openly or stealthed.  Bug?  Intentional?

I had completed another indie delivery immediately before this one (to Anargaia) with no problems.

edit: Ignore this.  I'm pretty sure I sold the cargo to a shortage without realizing it was mission-required and therefore didn't actually have the cargo on hand when I got there.  I blame society.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2022, 11:15:10 AM by vok3 »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1222 on: November 18, 2022, 07:50:40 PM »

When starting as a Knights Errant I noticed that my Enforcer(GH) had the Forced Overdrive Hullmod installed. Is there any way to get the blueprint for this hullmod in the game? Stellar Networks doesn't list it in the market query for hullmods, so I assume it cannot be bought?
First time I see this hullmod so I am wondering if it is starting ship only maybe.

Big Bee

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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1223 on: November 19, 2022, 11:08:35 AM »

When starting as a Knights Errant I noticed that my Enforcer(GH) had the Forced Overdrive Hullmod installed. Is there any way to get the blueprint for this hullmod in the game? Stellar Networks doesn't list it in the market query for hullmods, so I assume it cannot be bought?
First time I see this hullmod so I am wondering if it is starting ship only maybe.

I'm pretty sure I found it in some ruins or an orbital lab/station or something.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1224 on: November 19, 2022, 07:49:07 PM »

Out of curiosity was the Scathatch replaced with anything when it was removed?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1225 on: November 21, 2022, 09:22:48 PM »

Please return my favorite Capital Ship D: I didn't see any notes, at all, in the change log of the Great Houses Dun Scaith being simply and utterly removed. I only noticed it after deciding (many hours into a playthrough) to try grabbing it again, only to eventually figure out it's completely missing.

Why? It had a really cool missile weapon, and an awesome Hull system. It was my favorite missile ship in the moddysphere, unless you cheat yourself a Titan-X from Imperium.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1226 on: November 26, 2022, 08:36:04 PM »

I also got the Null constellation issue. 

In the save file it says:

Can't find it anywhere.  Kinda bummed.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1227 on: November 26, 2022, 08:55:48 PM »

I think the sector has had enough of the Legios Infernalis, and just after I befriended them.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1228 on: November 27, 2022, 04:23:35 AM »

The Legios are absurdly overtuned, like they spawn fleets faster than they can be destroyed and even with massive attrition they somehow materialize highly skilled commanders from the nether.  Just for a lark I used cheats just to see the extent of how many fleets they'd spawn before running out or letting me bombard their planets.   The answer was 48 pages of salvaged ships.  I'm not sure how you're expected to beat them legitimately, much less while running Nexelin, it just doesn't work with how the combat readiness system works.  Your ships literally cannot regain CR fast enough to keep up with how quickly new ships materialize.  While I get it's a boss faction, they should be beatable, but a combination of extremely overtuned hulls and the sheer amount of fleets that are spawned make it pretty unusable.

A few things that helped me were 1) synchronize my attack with some other faction launching an attack on the system, so the patrol fleets are busy, 2) flip beacons to decoy more patrol fleets, 3) set up an outpost on an asteroid somewhere so you can quick dock and repair all damage rather than waiting (this is a Nexerelin feature I think, but there's some uninhabited planets in the system you can colonize and use the spaceport for the same purpose if you're not using Nex), 4) again in Nex, use saboteur operatives to blow up the spaceport and military base and whatnot, and synchronize your attack with that, 5) don't attack the station directly, attack a fleeing frigate that happens to be near it - the station will support the frigate, you kill the station, and then you can kill the planetary defense fleet rather than having to face the station and fleet together.

And then you saturation bomb the planet.  Twice.  And then everybody declares war on you, and within the next few weeks most of them offer peace, whispering "we really didn't like those guys anyway". 

But it is a hassle and it forces you to pay attention to them until they're dealt with.  I sympathize.
Interstellar Imperium also has a planet killer missile ship which allows you outright destroy any colony in a single bombing. When you absolutely want to make a point. Or turn them into catgirls with VIC virus bombardment.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« Reply #1229 on: November 27, 2022, 05:17:00 AM »

The Legios are absurdly overtuned, like they spawn fleets faster than they can be destroyed and even with massive attrition they somehow materialize highly skilled commanders from the nether.  Just for a lark I used cheats just to see the extent of how many fleets they'd spawn before running out or letting me bombard their planets.   The answer was 48 pages of salvaged ships.  I'm not sure how you're expected to beat them legitimately, much less while running Nexelin, it just doesn't work with how the combat readiness system works.  Your ships literally cannot regain CR fast enough to keep up with how quickly new ships materialize.  While I get it's a boss faction, they should be beatable, but a combination of extremely overtuned hulls and the sheer amount of fleets that are spawned make it pretty unusable.

A few things that helped me were 1) synchronize my attack with some other faction launching an attack on the system, so the patrol fleets are busy, 2) flip beacons to decoy more patrol fleets, 3) set up an outpost on an asteroid somewhere so you can quick dock and repair all damage rather than waiting (this is a Nexerelin feature I think, but there's some uninhabited planets in the system you can colonize and use the spaceport for the same purpose if you're not using Nex), 4) again in Nex, use saboteur operatives to blow up the spaceport and military base and whatnot, and synchronize your attack with that, 5) don't attack the station directly, attack a fleeing frigate that happens to be near it - the station will support the frigate, you kill the station, and then you can kill the planetary defense fleet rather than having to face the station and fleet together.

And then you saturation bomb the planet.  Twice.  And then everybody declares war on you, and within the next few weeks most of them offer peace, whispering "we really didn't like those guys anyway". 

But it is a hassle and it forces you to pay attention to them until they're dealt with.  I sympathize.
Interstellar Imperium also has a planet killer missile ship which allows you outright destroy any colony in a single bombing. When you absolutely want to make a point. Or turn them into catgirls with VIC virus bombardment.
TASC also has a PK option, one that can be deployed as an alpha strike, so you can just sneak up during a ceasefire and delete Lucifron.
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