Hey there, love the mod.
The LI (legio infernalis) is a bit buggy (as mentioned regarding their faction with nexerelin mod and random core worlds).
I dont think Kassadar spawns in that mode either.
And the new missile battery for the GH is way too OP. Needs to be nerfed in any 2-3 of these categories:
1) No emp
2) Massive CD increase
3) Massive flux increase
4) Less projectiles
5) Lower speed
6) Make it large ordinance only, increase cost to 25-30
7) Decrease range to 1000
As if you fit them onto all your ships as medium ordinances. You steamroll everything so hard, it's rather sad.
I'd personally say "lower projectile speed (15-20%), increase CD by 15-30s. And make it large ordinance and decrease range to 1000"
As the way I see it, they are incredible for making any fast frigate stop dead in space. Since the missiles tend to go in random directions sometimes, and then head for the back of the ship, for the engines.
Which would be understandable for large capital ships to want and need. And they also tend to disable larger targets weapons pretty nicely too (so all around a decent set of re-usable missiles).
But they are so strong, and cost so little to put on your ship it's just OP.
I love your mod otherwise. I am getting a lot of errors in my log, and can post it if you'd like. But most likely they are cross mod problems.
Keep up the good work!
The only faction I don't steamroll are the [redacted]. And that's because they tend to specialize in anti-air/missile combat. Everything else just stops flying/shooting