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Author Topic: [0.9a-RC10] Minor: Odd response to atypical mouse buttons  (Read 1185 times)


  • Ensign
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[0.9a-RC10] Minor: Odd response to atypical mouse buttons
« on: December 03, 2018, 09:41:19 AM »

I use mouse 3 (thumb, not middle) as an alternate button for shift functions in this, and if I'm holding down left mouse to guide my fleet through a storm I can't begin to accelerate time unless I let go of the button, or in combat start to turn to cursor if I'm firing weapons. It only stops the detection of click down; it will stay detecting if I click 3 before LB and hold or release. The mouse is reporting this fine to other programs, so it's not just a hardware issue.

Example input sequences:

LB down, M3 down, LB up, M3 up: Fires weapons, never turns to cursor.

M3 down, LB down, LB up, M3 up: as expected, turns to cursor, fires, stops turning to cursor

M3 down, LB down, M3 up*, M3 down, LB up, M3 up, M3 down^: Stops turning to cursor at *, doesn't resume again until ^

LB down, Shift down, M3 down, Shift up*, LB up, M3 up: Stops turning to cursor at *

Just tested, same behavior with 3 and right button, too.

Possibly related, more minor: I use mouse wheel left/right for volume up/down, and that toggles weapon arcs as if I had hit `. Volume up/down are not set as alternate buttons for that.


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Re: [0.9a-RC10] Minor: Odd response to atypical mouse buttons
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2018, 10:20:24 AM »

Hmm - unable to reproduce this on my end, unfortunately.

For example, if I bind M3 to "turn to cursor", the first sequence you've described works like it's supposed to.

Not sure I can do much about this; but, just for information - what operating system are you using?

It *might* still be a hardware (or software/driver) issue, depending on how the other programs you're using are interpreting mouse events/state. For example, if it reports button state correctly (i.e. whether a given button is up or down), then it's possible for a program to only be using that, even if "button was pressed" and "button was released" events get lost occasionally. And vice versa. Or it could be an issue in the library I'm using to access input events/state.


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.9a-RC10] Minor: Odd response to atypical mouse buttons
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2018, 12:10:29 PM »

Windows 7, Logitech G700, reinstalling mouse drivers didn't fix it.