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Author Topic: [0.9 RC10] red planet mission broken  (Read 608 times)

Dread Pirate Robots

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[0.9 RC10] red planet mission broken
« on: November 25, 2018, 04:08:38 PM »

I picked up the first step of this mission (to talk to the pilot) early on in the game and decided to put it off, I didn't realize the pilot I was supposed to talk to was on the same station and thought I was going to go off to find them somewhere in the galaxy. I then came back and destroyed the station later (oops),  a pirate station called ekwarmer station in the Duzahk system, not knowing the person I was supposed to talk to was there. Later I decided to pick up the mission from where I had left off, and at that point the mission continued to point toward the spot in the Duzahk system where the station had been, but if I right clicked on the red planet symbol it would set a waypoint to the center of the sector screen in the middle of hyperspace. It took me a while, and reloading a previous save, to realize what had happened.

Probably the mission should update in the event someone annihilates the station the pilot is on like I did.


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Re: [0.9 RC10] red planet mission broken
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2018, 09:16:30 PM »

Thank you - yeah, this came up a bit back and is fixed it for the next release! In the meantime, you can still theoretically complete the mission, just no-one will point you to where the red planet actually is. Which, er, does make it considerably more troublesome :)