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Author Topic: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]  (Read 657917 times)


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Re: [0.95.1a] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.11 [12/20/21]
« Reply #705 on: May 15, 2023, 06:18:07 AM »

I really love this mod, Gwyvern. Thank you very much for making it!

One perennial question I do have though, is how do I send operatives to raise my relations with them?

I don't know, I've been out of the loop for a very long time at this point.

I've got this one, Gwyvern. First, you get an agent. If you do not have an agent, find one. They're often available around bars at stations or the local spaceport. Not always, but sometimes. You're looking specifically for a diplomat, as they're the best suited to easing tensions between parties.

Once you have one, find one of the ARS's spaceborne outposts. I can't tell you where to look exactly, as they change from seed to seed, but they usually start at the beginning on the outskirts of the Core Worlds before being wiped out and rebuilt further away. If they do not like you to start, all you have to do is discover the station itself, and bug out.

Once that's done, go to your operative, put them on perpetual assignment, and raise relations between your faction and the ARS. It should give you the option to choose that station for them to go to, so they can make their case for why you should be friends. I don't know what happens if the station gets destroyed, they might relocate to another station, or their mission might end prematurely.

Regardless, every few weeks, you'll get a mission report followed by a standings change. It won't always be positive, as sometimes (especially with lower level operatives) they fail and your standings decrease. Don't fire them just yet, these things take time. With enough time the ARS will favor you enough to allow you to complete jobs for them, or encounters in bars will reveal the remaining stations where you might find more luck sending other diplomats to do the same as your first and speed up relations buffing.

This is about the only way to befriend them when they're not being invaded and post system bounties for you to cash in on, unless you manage to get in close with a low sensor profile, IFF dropped, and dock, and hopefully get a non-pirate agent job from them to do.

Remember: these people are not Perseans. They don't like Perseans. For good reasons. They look at the goings on of the Persean Sector with what amounts to a healthy dose of skepticism, and are more often not wanting to be left to their own devices, except in where they can screw over Perseans for their own financial and material gain, just so they can leave.


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Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« Reply #706 on: June 20, 2023, 09:14:59 PM »

I've really been enjoying using this mod, but for some reason the derelict ships I've found that need restoration are spawning with question marks for names, both before and after restoration. The Lancer has been alright, but I believe the ones I've found with ?? names are the Oogith, Taath, and Nicke, going by their names in the ship graphics folder.

Obsidian Actual

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Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« Reply #707 on: June 20, 2023, 10:14:29 PM »

I've really been enjoying using this mod, but for some reason the derelict ships I've found that need restoration are spawning with question marks for names, both before and after restoration. The Lancer has been alright, but I believe the ones I've found with ?? names are the Oogith, Taath, and Nicke, going by their names in the ship graphics folder.

This seems intentional for the Colonial Initiative ships. They were developed long before(?) the Collapse after all, so no surprise that the warbook does not recognize them.


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Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« Reply #708 on: June 21, 2023, 08:49:20 AM »

I've really been enjoying using this mod, but for some reason the derelict ships I've found that need restoration are spawning with question marks for names, both before and after restoration. The Lancer has been alright, but I believe the ones I've found with ?? names are the Oogith, Taath, and Nicke, going by their names in the ship graphics folder.

This seems intentional for the Colonial Initiative ships. They were developed long before(?) the Collapse after all, so no surprise that the warbook does not recognize them.
I guess so, but it just seems silly that they're called various numbers of question marks. I would've thought that they'd be given names, even if there's a note somewhere that people have no idea what they're actually called and it's just a placeholder so they're not mixing up which ship people are talking about if they don't know the ship's name.


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Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« Reply #709 on: June 21, 2023, 09:21:18 AM »

I'd argue that, since those ships have been found and thouroughly salvaged by other people before you according to the description, it'd probably make sense that not much remains on it, not even an identification plaque. There's also the fact that you only get heavily damaged and d-modded versions of those, which probably doesn't help either.

Indie Winter

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Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« Reply #710 on: June 22, 2023, 12:04:54 AM »

hey there, I'm trying to figure out how to add the Arkgneisis ships to IndEvo's Restoration Docks' whitelist. What file should I be looking for? will I need to update something in the IndEvo mod folder or add something to the Arkgneisis folder?


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Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« Reply #711 on: July 22, 2023, 09:55:20 AM »

I don't really have the answer to that right now, sorry.


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Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« Reply #712 on: July 22, 2023, 01:25:41 PM »

hey there, I'm trying to figure out how to add the Arkgneisis ships to IndEvo's Restoration Docks' whitelist. What file should I be looking for? will I need to update something in the IndEvo mod folder or add something to the Arkgneisis folder?

the relevant file should be in

mods\Legacy of Arkgneisis\data\config\indEvo\printing_whitelist.csv

Personally i would just change a setting in the indevo mod's own config to swap from whitelist mod to blacklist mode.


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Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« Reply #713 on: August 27, 2023, 08:18:03 PM »

You should put a heads up in the original post that it can mess with Nex games by destroying markets and killing contacts from other mods or vanilla without constant player intervention or disabled invasions. If there's a critical issue like that it's a stretch to call it compatible.


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Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« Reply #714 on: August 27, 2023, 08:55:12 PM »

You should put a heads up in the original post that it can mess with Nex games by destroying markets and killing contacts from other mods or vanilla without constant player intervention or disabled invasions. If there's a critical issue like that it's a stretch to call it compatible.

lol they are he hitmen of the sector. the interaction varies. ive had them take out kanta in the first cycle and i didnt even notice it.only time i have had this mod stall me on a quest was playing random core worlds and and faction weight was random. they took out the hedge in a cycle and a half cause the hivers were paying them. it was quite funny.


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Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« Reply #715 on: August 31, 2023, 12:23:53 PM »

You should put a heads up in the original post that it can mess with Nex games by destroying markets and killing contacts from other mods or vanilla without constant player intervention or disabled invasions. If there's a critical issue like that it's a stretch to call it compatible.

lol they are he hitmen of the sector. the interaction varies. ive had them take out kanta in the first cycle and i didnt even notice it.only time i have had this mod stall me on a quest was playing random core worlds and and faction weight was random. they took out the hedge in a cycle and a half cause the hivers were paying them. it was quite funny.

They're more than the "hitmen of the sector", but they themselves deliberately obfuscate most of what makes them unique in order to hide themselves from the Hegemony's direct attention. They might still raid the Hegemony, but they're just raiders, or just armed war protestors, not what they actually are, which if known widely would paint a target on their backs as opposed to skirmishes with them, the occasional destruction of an outpost, and the trouncing of an invasion on their "capital ship" (ha ha) whenever someone manages to find the Anargaia without being associated with the faction.

Not to mention, there's a lot of characterization to the faction that is, presently, unimplemented or discarded but remains in the files of the current version (some older versions had other things, I believe, but records of those are hard to come by these days), and so most get a surface level examination of the faction and just believe them to be slightly more advanced pirates (which in truth they sort of play like mechanically), when in reality they're people with a lot more than meets the eye, if their design language is anything to go by.

One of these days, I have to get back into video editing, and finally make something for the faction, a-la Ironclad Lion, so the mod gets the exposure it deserves. But I'd have to ask Gwyvern before I do that, as some people like to be less notable, and don't like the attention gained from being spotlit.



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Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« Reply #716 on: September 12, 2023, 05:33:35 AM »

I just wanted to say thank you for this mod. It's easily one of my absolute favorites now. I also really like how the ships start off as really lowsy and when you actually put some work into them with the right hull mods they become very powerful. The Alastair is a beast when you build it just right and easily my most sought-after and favorite ship now. Again, thank you.


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Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« Reply #717 on: September 12, 2023, 07:57:23 AM »

You should put a heads up in the original post that it can mess with Nex games by destroying markets and killing contacts from other mods or vanilla without constant player intervention or disabled invasions. If there's a critical issue like that it's a stretch to call it compatible.

Wait what? they can take out markets??? i dont think i've ever seen them actually do anything in my saves O.o


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Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« Reply #718 on: September 23, 2023, 04:29:36 PM »

You should put a heads up in the original post that it can mess with Nex games by destroying markets and killing contacts from other mods or vanilla without constant player intervention or disabled invasions. If there's a critical issue like that it's a stretch to call it compatible.

Wait what? they can take out markets??? i dont think i've ever seen them actually do anything in my saves O.o
They are extremely annoying in nex. Anyone who is at war with them spends all their invasion points on invading arks markets. The first cycle or two, it seems like every Hegemony (who are permanently at war with them) invasion was targeting their traveling colony ship until they finally succeeded and it just vanished off the map. After that, they end up as zombie faction. Hegemony (or others) continue to invade their hidden colonies that they magically know the location of, and if they succeed the market vanishes and arks respawn instantly somewhere else if you have that option on. Additionally, if arks succeeds in invading a market, it also vanishes. Last run I played with them, they invaded sentinel and it instantly decivilized. It's just sentinel so it wasn't a huge deal at the time but it definitely influenced my decision to not include them in future runs. If they weren't targets for invasions and didn't invade, they'd be fine. Also they keep targeting the USL from space trucking.


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Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« Reply #719 on: October 12, 2023, 05:39:17 PM »

I made some adjustments to the HullFrequency to try and even out the fleet composition in 0.96.

Place the faction files in /mods/Legacy of Arkgneisis/data/world/factions/ and overwrite
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