If that's the case, I can explain it.
I mentioned this reinforcement issue to Alex a couple of weeks ago when I found the bug, and asked him what might have been causing this behavior.
The bug is actually a vanilla bug, but you won't find it happening in a vanilla game. What is happening, is that every time a ship spawns, the game moves the spawning point a bit further back to avoid collisions, this change degrades over time. The issue is, this is happening with any type of ship spawning, not just from reinforcements, so the Atlatl is causing this due to constant non stopping drone spawning, thanks to equipped weapons and its shipsystem.
Alex has fixed it for the next game update, but there's not much I can do about it on my end, besides reducing how often you can use those weapons or the shipsystem, which is something I've done on the dev version, although I might revert the changes since they will not be needed after the update.
Anyway, if you're using Dronepod weapons on an Atlatl it might be best to remove them for the time being, it won't remove the problem entirely but it will make it less noticeable.