so im wanting to make these into fighters in my game. they already came with the game but i dont believe there being used at all. and as such really want to add them.
but seeing as i have...carry the... yea.. add here.. uh.. that makes.. exactly zero modding skills i really need help to do it.
essentually im looking for the steps that are needed to make it into a fighter class ship that i can buy at the main station in the game. and then also keep stocked.
i have notepad++ and have looked at some fighter class ships from \starfarer\starfarer-core\data\hulls
but dont know myself what all that stuff is for
"bounds": [
"center": [
"collisionRadius": 25,
"engineSlots": [
"angle": 180,
"contrailSize": 64,
"length": 20,
"location": [
"style": "MIDLINE",
"width": 6
"angle": 180,
"contrailSize": 64,
"length": 20,
"location": [
"style": "MIDLINE",
"width": 6
"height": 43,
"hullId": "thunder",
"hullName": "Thunder",
"hullSize": "FIGHTER",
"shieldCenter": [
"shieldRadius": 25,
"spriteName": "graphics/ships/thunder.png",
"style": "MIDLINE",
"viewOffset": 0,
"weaponSlots": [
"angle": 0,
"arc": 5,
"id": "WS 001",
"locations": [
"mount": "HIDDEN",
"size": "SMALL",
"type": "MISSILE"
"angle": 0,
"arc": 15,
"id": "WS 002",
"locations": [
"mount": "HIDDEN",
"size": "SMALL",
"type": "MISSILE"
"angle": 0,
"arc": 120,
"id": "WS 003",
"locations": [
"mount": "HIDDEN",
"size": "SMALL",
"type": "ENERGY"
"width": 26
and does the final product need to be formated like this with all that excessive space seems a bit silly to me.
my final idea if i can get some help would be to have the fighter heavy escort (the red one) have two swarmer SRM launchers (front facing) in the front one on either side of the cockpit hidden under the wing area just sticking out a little bit. and two light machine guns in a forward mount on top of the wings in the circles. with an omni 90 degree shield. being that its a heavy fighter i also wanted to play around and see if i could make it work with a wing of just one. since it should be very powerful for a fighter. either that or a wing of 2 and very expensive and high fleet points. say 12 points for a wing of 2 ships or 6 points for a solo ship.
the second ship the fighter heavy escort mk2 would be (obviously) geared up version and high tech. no missiles. but instead 2 machine guns in the same place as before on the wings and in a forward mount and 2 pd lasers in the tail area one on either side in a 270-330 degree rear facing turret mount. same shield setup and same point values for wing size.
the third ship the heavy fighter escort strike variant. would have two single salamander missile launchers (which would be a new weapon type) under the front wing area. (missile nose would stick out) and two 360 degree pd weapons on the wings. and again same shield and same point values for wing sizes
also the mk 1 would be the fastest with a speed of say 150. the mk 2 would be mid range of 125 and the strike variant the slowest with a speed of 100. all would have a crew of 2 per ship in a wing. the pricing should be a bit ridiculous for the power of the fighters. something like 25k-30k depending on variant, strike being the most expensive and the mk1 the cheapest.
again i have exactly 0 ability for making mods. so i either need a ton o help of if someone is feeling completely generous then to have someone make it for me. in which case me love you long time.. just not in a homo manner.
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