Been playing with this mod for a bit, and I must say I absolutely love it. It blends in almost seamlessly with vanilla and the ships feel like they could have easily been part of the base game.
But there is one ship that honestly has me stymied, so I was wondering if you fine folk could enlighten me to how it's meant to be used (as I do like it aesthetically and would like to have them in my fleet).
Namely, the Rhea class cruisers (and Crusaders, I suppose).
I just can't seem to grasp what it's meant to be good at? It's painfully slow, turns even slower, the Armor on it isn't that impressive given the ship's sluggishness and while, in theory, 3 large mounts give it amazing damage potential, in reality it doesn't have the flux to actually make use of them without immediately overloading itself?
And I mean, all of that would be fine for an overengineered Cruiser ... if it didn't cost 35(!!) DP to put on the field. It's like a cheap capital ship in terms of deployment, while definitely not having anywhere near a capital ship's performance? Like, just for 5 points more I'd rather field Skysplitters which, I'm sure, can kill an arbitrary amounts of Rheas.
There has to be something I'm missing and too dumb to figure out on my own. How should one build a Rhea in order to turn it into an asset worthy of 35 DP?