Three new ships, balance changes and a return of an old favorite!
-Added Iapetus-Class Supertanker
Big thanks to WMGreywind and Yunru for finally giving me a logistics fuel tanker!
-Added Carnwennan-Class Railgun Frigate
-Added Spartan-Class Super Destroyer
-Added Ballistic Rangefinder as a built-in to the Javanicus
-Returned Nebulosa (M) to its Railgun form
Haha, it just feels better to use than the Avenger. Sorry for taking so long!
-Removed Active time on Safeties Switch
So this means you can have it on FOREVER.
-Fixed Zygaena and Nightingale phase cloaks to normal vanilla phase cloak.
Temporary fix until I can figure out the custom visuals.
-Changed Avenger firerate from 0.18 to 0.1 refire time.
-Lowered Avenger range from 900 to 800
-Changed Avenger damage type from ENERGY to FRAGMENTATION.
-Lowered Plasma Bomb Launcher damage from 200 to 100.
This should lower the Mako (M)'s damage significantly; but still give plenty of damage to hurt bigger ships.