It's on like donkey kong.

-Adjusted Winghead back to 30 DP. (From 25)
-Adjusted Javanicus maintenance/DP to 50. (From 60)
-Converted Falcon (M) into skin. **
-Changed (M) Bonus from increased maintenance/recovery to slower maneuverability.
-Changed Stormbreaker's Light Mauler into Heavy Mauler (Fighter), now uses no ammo.
-Redesignated Stormbreaker to Fighter (From Bomber)
-Made Single/Twin Sagir Autolasers ammo to 200 (From 300).
This will let the Crossbow/Sipahi loiter less and return to carrier quicker.
-Changed Mairaath's administrators from Persean League to Mayasuran.
-Changed Mayasura to be able to make Mayasura spawn in random sector
-Added Nightingale Phase Frigate
The Nightingale replaces all of the low tech gremlins in Mayasuran fleets, so do not underestimate them.