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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Xi Liu Fiddling Ed., 0.3.8f)  (Read 798615 times)


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Re: [0.96a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Debloatening? Ed., 0.3.6a)
« Reply #660 on: February 07, 2024, 08:06:52 AM »

Has anyone tried changing the version number and using it with the new update?  I am missing HMI hard.


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Re: [0.96a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Debloatening? Ed., 0.3.6a)
« Reply #661 on: February 07, 2024, 02:06:13 PM »

Has anyone tried changing the version number and using it with the new update?  I am missing HMI hard.

Seems to be working fine except for Anthracite that decivilizes quickly because of the economy change.

You can manually fix it with the console command by increasing its size to 5.


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Re: [0.96a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Debloatening? Ed., 0.3.6a)
« Reply #662 on: February 07, 2024, 02:18:38 PM »

Has anyone tried changing the version number and using it with the new update?  I am missing HMI hard.

Seems to be working fine except for Anthracite that decivilizes quickly because of the economy change.

You can manually fix it with the console command by increasing its size to 5.

What changed with the economy that causes it to decivilize faster?


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Re: [0.96a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Debloatening? Ed., 0.3.6a)
« Reply #663 on: February 07, 2024, 02:27:39 PM »

Has anyone tried changing the version number and using it with the new update?  I am missing HMI hard.

Seems to be working fine except for Anthracite that decivilizes quickly because of the economy change.

You can manually fix it with the console command by increasing its size to 5.

I honestly don't know. Perhaps it is because black market trade can now fill demand ?

Regardless of the cause, Anthracite now always starts at 0 stability and pretty much stay there for the whole game because of constant food shortage AND because its number of industries exceed what a size 4 colony can support (so a -5 penalty to stability). That's why it decivilizes so quickly and so constantly.

What changed with the economy that causes it to decivilize faster?


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Re: [0.96a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Debloatening? Ed., 0.3.6a)
« Reply #664 on: February 08, 2024, 10:38:47 AM »

Am I encountering a weird bug or are the high value bounties from this mod all not supposed to have a picture for the various captains?  They all just show a black screen where their portrait should be.


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Re: [0.96a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Debloatening? Ed., 0.3.6a)
« Reply #665 on: February 08, 2024, 11:36:24 AM »

Am I encountering a weird bug or are the high value bounties from this mod all not supposed to have a picture for the various captains?  They all just show a black screen where their portrait should be.
The HVB's in HMI are Vayra's Sector Bounties and that mod is semi-broken for the .96a bootleg update so those portraits will not show as a result. The HMI Supervillain mod use magic bounty and should show up fine as long as you have magic lib.


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Re: [0.96a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Debloatening? Ed., 0.3.6a)
« Reply #666 on: February 08, 2024, 12:20:50 PM »

Thank you for the answer!


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Re: [0.96a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Debloatening? Ed., 0.3.6a)
« Reply #667 on: February 08, 2024, 12:25:01 PM »

Thank you for the answer!
Glad to help, I only know because the JYD HVB's suffer the same issue. :)

King Alfonzo

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[0.97a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Thumper Ed., 0.3.7a)
« Reply #668 on: February 10, 2024, 08:21:46 PM »

Hey, I have a small bug report for HMI Brighton.
The description of the Brighton base assembly hull mod states that it regenerates ammo 75% slower, but it actually regenerates it 75% faster. Either the description is wrong or the code should be
stats.getMissileAmmoRegenMult().modifyMult(id, 1f  / (1f + MISSILE_MULT));
Thanks for making this great mod!

Whoops! Thanks for the catch!

Tried HMI only run and stumbled upon strange thing. Mbeke luncher flight time is only 3.75(600range) and Mbeke turret is 12 seconds (more than 3k range).

This has since been fixed as a part of a wider rebalancing (see below)

Curious if the following is intended:

Around Fuyutsuki there are 2 types of patrols: standard HMI patrols and then "Company Patrols" that tend to have better quality ships. The Company Patrols are always neutral to me, even if I'm 100/100 with HMI. Further they don't seem to take part in attacks on HMI. In my last game a large invasion fleet attacked and the Company Patrols did not assist with attacking the fleets or defending the station. However, they did burn straight for me when I turned off my transponder to try to hide from Ludds wraith so their AI does work, somewhat.

This is not intended behaviour, however I believe I have fixed it.

In the supervillain pack, I obtained and learned a Wolf (Assault) blueprint without problems. However when mousing over it in the ship builder, it crashed with a null pointer error. I think it has to do with the "GreenFlare" StyleID of one of the engines being undefined in the standalone mod.

Thanks for the catch on this, fixed in next version.


Since 0.97 dropped, Anthracite, in the Obsidian system, always decivilizes after one and a half cycle. It is because its stability is almost always at 0 because it has too much industries for its size (giving it a -5 penalty to its stability). Therefore, it is "stuck" at 1 stability and any shortage of food causes it to decivilize.

It's weird because it was never happening to me before 0.97.

I've tweaked the economy so this shouldn't happen, thanks for the catch.

I know this says to not use in a pre-existing save. However, lately I have been doing that for a lot of faction mods to introduce their ships/weapons/hullmods into my game while cutting down on the markets they spawn.

Seeing as this adds a ton of markets I was wondering if adding post save would either:

a. crash my game.

b. miss out on story content (not sure if this has any)

HMI could still spawn because I turn on respawning factions in Nexerelin. I'm not a fan of randomized sector to cut down on size of markets.

I honestly don't know if the game will crash or not, but I can guarantee that you'll miss out on story stuff. I suggest that you start a new game if you want to include this faction.




This one was more directly focused on HMI's weapons (and fighting the urge to make everything a Thumper analogue). I've gone through and done extensive thinking and analysis of the weaponry, and there's been considerable changes to some weapons, others have been cut entirely, and some have remained unchanged. This should make HMI weaponry more unique and sensible and also desirable. I've also fiddled with a couple of ships and other things in the background.

Hazard Mining Incorporated 0.3.7

-Updated for 0.97a


-Chimboku is now a weak, long range pd laser with a strong movement-inhibitory effect. Now comes in hybrid.

-Medium Xi Liu Projectors now fire three shots simultaneously of variable velocity per shot.
-Medium Mbeke Rocket Turrets now fire in bursts and with faster, but less longer-lived projectiles; now works like an inbetween Locust and a small Mbeke turret
-Andersson MG has been completely reworked; it now functions like a mid range, HE Flak Thumper. Very useful when fighting the Mess.
-Clyde has been resprited.
-F-Type Mining Blaster has been reworked into a mid-range HE Thumper/Mining blaster. Now comes in Hybrid.
-Mining Laser Array has been slightly nerfed in range and damage. Now comes in hybrid.

-Suzuki-Clapteryon now comes in hybrid.
-Slightly nerfed the Baffler by making it's cooldown between bursts longer.

-HK-101 Rifle is no longer modular, and only shows up on the Shell now.
-Removed Signpost, McGuyver and Kane weapons; already existing weapons fulfil the same role and better.


-Locomotive now has two large composite slots on it's rear module, and an OP increase; should help it be more competitive vs other capitals
-Junk has been buffed with larger mounts and more OP; should now be able to turn away smaller enemies easier.
-Brasher has been resprited and given a buff; should now be a lot angrier.
-Mulligan and Mulligan (P) reworked to be more in line with the Grendel; they should still be garbage ships, while also being a touch more threatening in combat.
-Khorkoi's Jackhammer now reloads
-Bombardment drone now moves faster.


-Added a lot of silly MagicBounties.
-Added some content if Industrial Evolution is also installed.
-Fiddled with campaign markets a touch (Thanks SelfControl!)
-Added new [SECRET CONTENT] content, and tweaked some existing [SECRET CONTENT] content.
-Drastically improve [SECRET CONTENT] hullmod effect and fixed the typos
-Fleet sizes from [SECRET CONTENT] should be more reasonable
-Moved [EXISTING CONTENT] away from the Abyss.

HOTFIX 0.3.7a
-Fixed CTD if using random sector mode.


Brighton Federation 0.0.3c
-Updated for 0.97a
-Fixed Missile Reload being incorrect (Thanks chdcl!)
-Moved Dieman down on the star map to get away from another mod's Boss Faction system


HMI Supervillians 0.0.4e
-Updated for 0.97a
-Fixed problems with incorrect engines on Wolf and Fury Prototype ships (Thanks vicegrip!)



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Re: [0.97a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Thumper Ed., 0.3.7a)
« Reply #669 on: February 11, 2024, 01:14:19 PM »

Dear King Alfonzo,
I started some days ago with a modded 0.97a run for which is used your old HMI version but with manually adapted mod_info.json. Your recent update to HMI 0.3.7 sadly broke my save game since you seemed to have removed some assets.
I could fix it by removing all instances of the following lines in the campaign.xml file of my save game
Could you consider some empty placeholders for removed assets in your next update, such that outdated save files load but lose the assets you removed (ideally saving would then remove the placeholders)?

King Alfonzo

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Re: [0.97a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Thumper Ed., 0.3.7b)
« Reply #670 on: February 11, 2024, 10:26:58 PM »

Dear King Alfonzo,
I started some days ago with a modded 0.97a run for which is used your old HMI version but with manually adapted mod_info.json. Your recent update to HMI 0.3.7 sadly broke my save game since you seemed to have removed some assets.
I could fix it by removing all instances of the following lines in the campaign.xml file of my save game
Could you consider some empty placeholders for removed assets in your next update, such that outdated save files load but lose the assets you removed (ideally saving would then remove the placeholders)?

I do tend to do this - the Remnant Thumper is still there despite it, too, being destined for the scrapheap. The problem is at what point do you remove this excess content? I felt that with a new game update out, that a lot of people would start new games entirely. Hence, why this version has those removed.

I do understand if you find this particularly frustrating, but this really was the best time to remove this content.


Hazard Mining Incorporated 0.3.7b

-HOTFIX: (Hopefully) Fixed rare CTD crash on generating a new Sector.



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Re: [0.97a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Thumper Ed., 0.3.7a)
« Reply #671 on: February 11, 2024, 10:34:21 PM »

All fine; it was actually fun to mess a bit with my save game file; felt like low level hacking.

You can consider keeping them in as files but with a zero spawning chance and deleting them finally after one major game update. But one the other hand, I understand your reasoning. Manually waiting the game was not too hard and it was my own fault that I started the game before all mods were updated.


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Re: [0.97a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Thumper Ed., 0.3.7b)
« Reply #672 on: February 12, 2024, 04:42:37 PM »

HMI specifically causes game to crash after updating to 0.97a-RC9. All dependencies are of the latest versions.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error loading [data.scripts.weapons.SignpostOnHitEffect]
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore$ Source)
at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: data.scripts.weapons.SignpostOnHitEffect
at org.codehaus.janino.JavaSourceClassLoader.findClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 2 more


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Re: [0.97a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Thumper Ed., 0.3.7b)
« Reply #673 on: February 13, 2024, 03:16:17 PM »

Hey King Alfonzo,

I'm returning to the game after a break and jumped into HMI. I had your mod in my rotation when I played but never played the faction. I do have a few questions and some feedback about mid-game with 3 Junks, 3 Roach Kings, and a Fishkill, along with a lot of supporting elements from a custom start with a Zebu, Nebulite, and Whisky Priest. Because I still don't know how to tell how long I have been playing my save. Currently, I'm doing a Junker/mining playthrough, but combat is always lurking just around the corner.

Do I need to do anything special to get the MagicBounties, or is that just MagicLib?

What is the Andersson MG? I have yet to see it. I have been looking after reading the notes. Is it on a fighter that I overlooked? (Update- I had a stack spawn finally and need to try them out.  RNG is not with this time around.)

Feedback: Talking about not seeing something, the HMI markets are a bit odd. HMI weapon stores seem to stock less faction weapon variety, even in the Military tab, than what I recall. Now that might just be my perspective or just bad RNG, but I have seen only one Mark IV cannon, and Seth drones are a very rare find.

The Medium Mbeke Rocket turret is fun, as all Mbeke rockets are, but it only seems useful on the fore or turret mounting. I tried it on a side arc mounting, and the rockets don't turn fast enough on the course correction before triggering the main forward thrust. This leaves them throwing either left or right of the target but still close.

Please tell me there is a Large mount version of the Mbeke rockets, as I need that on my Junks. It might be in the pool, but my stores have been very stingy.

The Mining Laser Array medium mount works well on the Junk when you have the Mining Hybridization Amplifier and the drones to go with it. Again, is there a large mounting of the Mining Laser Array? That would be nifty for the rear large mount of the junk with enough range to pair with the Hunig Cannon on approach. But a space miner can dream.

Can you explain how and what the Xi Liu Accumulator should be doing or used on or against? I want to like it, but I really don't enough with that weapon. Is it just a large mining PD weapon? When I saw the same name as the other two very fun weapons of the Xi Liu, I was excited, as the small and medium Collector versions are good. Is RNG hating me, and there is a Large Xi Liu Mining Collector that I just have not seen yet?

"-Junk has been buffed with larger mounts and more OP; should now be able to turn away smaller enemies easier."
There are only two large mounts on the junk, right? The large missile and the center line rear large mount pairing with the Hunig Cannon. Does HMI have their own large missiles like a Seth Drone multi-launcher or Mbeke mounting option?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2024, 07:18:16 AM by balordezul »


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possible bug with the locomotive?
« Reply #674 on: February 16, 2024, 06:00:15 PM »

Had to create a account to ask, however the locomotive seems to have a bugged weapon on the right gun platform. it seems to be stuck facing forwards. Then when hovering over it shows it facing out. Or is this intentional?
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