Alright, finished with the mod, have a couple things to report.
1) The edgy 200 DP thing can't spawn if battlesize is set to 300 (default). You get an empty battlefield, can't do anything but retreat, and retreating causes you to take harass CR damage. Also, the first time I saw it there was 1, but on my current save (same starsector version, same mod version) where I actually did the fight there were 2 (fought one after the other). Working as intended?
Right now my code-fu isn't good enough to solve this. Similarly, it's not good enough to prevent picking up two copies of the hullmod.
2) The +10% CR hullmod doesn't actually grant +10% CR. Or, rather, it grants +10% current CR, so you go from 70% to 77%. Also, I'm not sure what the downside is. It says something is decreased by 4, but everything in the stat screen seems unchanged. Is it the rate of CR degradation after PPT runs out? The description probably could use a better wording.
Huh, that's weird. Maybe something weird happened between versions? I'm not too bothered by it though, it's still a good bonus. Also in the next version I specify that you lose CR by a factor of 4 rather than the ambiguous description it had.
3) The descriptions of remnant mess fighter wings mention that they can be safely manufactured by carriers if LPCs are retrieved. This sounds to me like they should be lootable. However, all of them have the no_drop tag, so obtaining them seems impossible. Did I miss some secret stash or did you just straight up lie to me? 
At the moment, I am straight up lying. It's one of those things I say I'll get around to doing, and then forget about doing it. Right now the current form of fighters is nearly balanced, but are still a level of broken as fitting for a boss faction. So I've got to rebalance them so they're pickupable but not broken. Also I want to do more work on the Mess, considering that we now have certain infrastructure in place (courtesy of a certain dorito ship)
5) DomRes drones are very, VERY broken, when recovered. Please don't nerf. 
It seems noone can decide out whether Domres drones are broken or not in the players hands. I'll leave them as is at the moment, and see which one wins out.
Thanks for the feedback!
Using the discord beta, 0.3.3n beta and recently restarted because of bugs in a different mod...
Fair cop, I missed that jump point as well, much to my frustration. In current games the Mansa system will crash the game, but new games from the next update will resolve this. Apologies.
Will the Explorarium Drones added (not the DomRes ones) get a second look in the future with the addition of Automated Ships?
No, they won't. I didn't really make those ships to be used by the player, but to enrich the experience of fighting against derelict ships. Traditionally Domain Derelicts are early game bosses, that beginners can fight and get a grip for the game - in that spirit the Embrasure is used to introduce and act as a source of energy weapons, the barbican to introduce and act as a source of large weapons and the Embrasure exists to show the player what a carrier is and how to defeat one. When the fleets get bigger I found that they became rather monotonous with only two derelict cruisers, hence the inclusion of the Bracket and Outworks to mix things up a little.
Finally I felt that it'd be cool for players fighting Derelicts to be given an occassional challenge in the mid to late game - nothing too hard, but something different and interesting. That's where the Objects come in - the 108 is faster than you expect for a derelict, the 361 packs more flexibility and more punch than a derelict should, and the 440 mixes up the traditional derelict fight by introducing a giant, strong shield. Each of the ships can be defeated by an early player, but they're weird enough to mix up fighting the derelicts so it's less of a monotonous experience in the mid to late game. From that perspective you shouldn't be using them as an automated ship - the remnant and domres ships are flat out better, as they should be.
Now, speaking of the next update:
HMI 0.3.3o (HiddenError2 Ed.):-Fixed the Mansa jumppoint error -
this will not apply to games currently in progress. You can keep playing your save, but you must avoid Mansa system to prevent crashes. Apologies about this, I thought I had all of them covered when I did the last release.-Certain dangerous hidden systems should now not be picked for missions (This will require a new game)
-Remnant Burst Laser range increased to 450
-Remnant Dual Autocannon and Heavy Autocannon now do EMP arcs 15% of the time rather than 25%
-Added Remnant Mark IX Cannon and Remnant Gauss Cannon.
HMI 0.3.3q HOTFIX Because I am a Muppet
-Fixed the Remnant Pulse Laser having a 500 second cooldown and a 2.5 burst size
-Fixed the Remnant Pulse Laser and IR Pulse Laser to be more efficient
-Fixed the Remnant Mark IX being the incorrect mount type
-Fixed the Remnant Gauss Cannon being the incorrect mount type and ridiculously OP by shortening its range and making it less efficient.