Alright, so something unusual has happened in this mod, which requires a touch of explanation. For my hidden content, I implemented a system that folds a lot of different system data into a single file. The upside is that you can place everything into a single constellation. The downside is that sometimes certain things within one file, that would be contained in one file, can now infect other system data in the same file.
The result is that Manchester system has a faulty jumppoint, that instead of taking you to Manchester, tries tot ake you to a different system, which is can't and crashes the game. This update will fix this issue, but due to the way sector generation works, this update won't fix a game in progress.
So, you can continue playing the game with this update, however if you enter or attempt to enter the Manchester system's Inner jump point the game will crash. In order to avoid this issue, you can download the update and restart, however that comes with the cost of tanking your current progress, or continue playing the game, but miss out on Manchester and it's hidden contant.
I deeply apologise that this has happened to those currently midway through a run about this, this issue is rather unusual and not immediately apparent at first glance.
Download the update here.