Hazard Mining Incorporated Incorporates Itself into the FUTURE!
As it turns out, 0.95a dropped about the same time I was planning on doing an update to HMI. It also gave me the tools to do some neat things, some of which are in this update, and some of which I will address in the future. No major changes to HMI Supervillians, and nothing but a compatability update for Brighton Federation. Without ado:
HMI 0.3.3k:
-0.95a Compatibility
-Minor tweaks to ship spawning to keep consistent with new vanilla.
-Added systems to the Secret Content Systems, and put them into Constellations - HMI secret content should not be more difficult to see.
-Added the Mulligan (P) for flavour.
-Added the Fury (Assault) and Wolf (Assault) TT prototypes.
-Made minor tweaks to the stats of a couple of ships to keep them vanilla compliant.
-The Ecstacy's large mount is now a medium synergy, ship tweaked to be lighter but more fragile.
-The Aureole's EMP system now has a longer cooldown.
-Revelio is a bit more mobile.
-Added the Coelum, a hulking and slow Remnant cruiser with incredibly effective built-in PD drones.
-Added a couple of Vayra Colonial Faction ships
-Added the Baffler ADC, a large ballistic weapon that fires large bursts of slow HE projectiles that can be intercepted by point defense.
-Added the Ragtime Mortar, a mildly improved version of the heavy mortar.
-Added several Remnant weapons; these are weapons that have been adjusted by AI-engineering to be slightly better than their original analogues. Only accessible by defeating Remnants, and are more common and conventional than [REDACTED].
-Finally added a reward for killing the Mess [REDACTED].
-Fixed some descriptions.
-Just now - Hotfixed to actually work.
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HMI Supervillians 0.0.1g
-0.95a Compliant
-Draco gains the Penanggalan, a light carrier version of the Shrike
-Fang hullmod has been altered to be less punishing for carriers.
-Various balancing tweaks to Fang.
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Brighton Federation 0.0.1i
-Compatibility with 0.95a.
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