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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - *hotfix* 4/14/22  (Read 801986 times)


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Ok, so I,ve found a few strange things. First I found a hammerhead for sale in an independent market which had medium ballistics-slots rather than hybrid. Also, during a pirate-fight, one of the-pirate ships (a standard kite ) showed up on the info-screen during combat as having no weapons installed even though I'm certain it had (showed up as armed on the pre-battle screen). Also, when I have come across people in bars which sold surplus-ships they seem to be vanilla-variants. For example, one guy sold a buffalo and it showed up on the info-screen with only one-energy-slot, which I think is the vanilla-variant unless I'm mistaken?


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Thanks for the report. This is not the first time that I've heard about stuff like this though I haven't personally seen this come up yet. It seems to be a 0.95 thing.

Question - are you playing with Nex?

The surplus ships problem is *probably* fixable. The frustrating thing is that a vanilla variant showed up in a market. That should be impossible unless you have allowed that to happen by editing the TC's settings.  >:(

Sigh. I'm probably going to have to delve very deep into the market code and find out how this is happening. I have double checked and the ids for all of those ships are in the override csv - which means they are having all the necessary tags added to prevent this. Something must be adding them explicitly.

Big dummy alert... *spoiler* its me. I figured out why this is probably happening and I will have it fixed for the next version. I didn't override the damaged version of a bunch of ships - including the buffalo and hammerhead.

Histidine said that the Derelict Empire will be set up to work with the TC derelicts - likely in the next release of Nex, so hurray!
« Last Edit: July 19, 2021, 04:04:02 PM by Morrokain »


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Nvm, Alex shot down that solution so I am back to square one.

If you don't mind, I am probably going to need a copy of your save file so I can reference both what mods are included and also have a reference to what market/fleets had this bug, etc.

Looking at the vanilla code and verifying with Alex that the logic of how I am approaching the overrides is sound, I can't as of yet find a case where this sort of thing could have slipped through the cracks.

The bar event might be an exception as I haven't gotten to looking at that code yet.


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just want to say how grateful i am for how much you soend on this creation (yes i know it is a mod but i prefer to call them creations when they are at the level that the average modder for starsector produces)
THANKS TO YOU AND THE ORIGINAL CREATORS (yknow, the ones who spawned starfarer i mean starsector LOL)
edit: edit: maybe were just falling with style LOL.  make a bubble, make the space in front of it smaller and just fall forward


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just want to say how grateful i am for how much you soend on this creation (yes i know it is a mod but i prefer to call them creations when they are at the level that the average modder for starsector produces)
THANKS TO YOU AND THE ORIGINAL CREATORS (yknow, the ones who spawned starfarer i mean starsector LOL)

You are quite welcome, thank you.  :) (And yeah Alex is hands down THE most helpful dev I've ever seen in any game. No joke.)

I have fun doing it most of the time and I've learned a fair amount too - especially in the beginning. Still, I'm happy other people enjoy it too.


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yea i can attest to his coolness, he responds on the different threads hes active in very quickly
edit: edit: maybe were just falling with style LOL.  make a bubble, make the space in front of it smaller and just fall forward


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Nvm, Alex shot down that solution so I am back to square one.

If you don't mind, I am probably going to need a copy of your save file so I can reference both what mods are included and also have a reference to what market/fleets had this bug, etc.

Looking at the vanilla code and verifying with Alex that the logic of how I am approaching the overrides is sound, I can't as of yet find a case where this sort of thing could have slipped through the cracks.

The bar event might be an exception as I haven't gotten to looking at that code yet.

Unfortunately the save-file is to large to be uploaded here. Unless the descriptor-files are sufficient?
Btwi I can confirm that the vanilla-ships I were seeing indeed were damaged versions.


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Nvm, Alex shot down that solution so I am back to square one.

If you don't mind, I am probably going to need a copy of your save file so I can reference both what mods are included and also have a reference to what market/fleets had this bug, etc.

Looking at the vanilla code and verifying with Alex that the logic of how I am approaching the overrides is sound, I can't as of yet find a case where this sort of thing could have slipped through the cracks.

The bar event might be an exception as I haven't gotten to looking at that code yet.

Unfortunately the save-file is to large to be uploaded here. Unless the descriptor-files are sufficient?
Btwi I can confirm that the vanilla-ships I were seeing indeed were damaged versions.
Use this site:
I'm not going to check but you should feel bad :( - Alex


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Okay, I,ve PM:ed you the URL to the save file. I also included a screenshot of the "unarmed" kite I mentioned earlier.


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not sure if this is just me but i havent found any agents

i also run accross officers with the green font but they end up being administrators with no skills
edit: edit: maybe were just falling with style LOL.  make a bubble, make the space in front of it smaller and just fall forward


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Thanks! I'll take a look and let you know what I find. I've already made changes so its possible that the logic will remove the ships from the market when I load the save. If that is so, I'll disable the setting that does that and see if they show up. If they do, then hopefully that means the issue was fixed.

The screenshot you linked is just the codex entry for the Kite hull. Hull codex entries never have weapons on them. Variant codex entries have weapons on them. Are you saying that is what the ship looked like in the pirate group? Rereading it, it seems like you are saying it had weapons in the actual battle and this screen showed it unarmed? If so, that is how it generally works I believe.

not sure if this is just me but i havent found any agents

i also run accross officers with the green font but they end up being administrators with no skills

Hmm, I'll take a look. Maybe it has something to do with a rules incompatibility over previous versions. There isn't anything with the config that I can see that would disable them.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2021, 04:43:22 PM by Morrokain »


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I'll take a look and let you know what I find. I've already made changes so its possible that the logic will remove the ships from the market when I load the save. If that is so, I'll disable the setting that does that and see if they show up. If they do, then hopefully that means the issue was fixed.

From the save, I learned that there isn't any vanilla ships in any market (nothing came up that was removed in the log and it checks every submarket in the sector) so I can confirm that its working as intended. The Hammerhead (D) that you saw was, in fact, the TC version - but the TC version has the primary medium weapons changed to ballistic. I went ahead and removed that from being part of the damaged hull in order to avoid future confusion.

Checking the code after confirming that the freighter you get is a vanilla freighter, however, I confirmed that its hardcoded by hull id. So I will have to remove that mission and replace it with a TC version.

The surplus ships mission uses the faction's known ship list, and so this mission should always give TC ships assuming the default mod settings.

Alright, now on to admins, officers, mercs, and agents...


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Alright, now on to admins, officers, mercs, and agents...

Apparently, all Admins have full elite skill but the Alpha core isn't...

I think the colony skills need to change somewhat so that normal Admin can only have non-elite skills or one elite skill and put half of the benefit that is currently in the elite version into base skill. +1 industry should remain elite, +2 stability in base and +1 more in elite version, etc. For Alpha cores, they will have all skill elite. Since players can elite any skill easily it shouldn't be taken into consideration whether which part should be in base or elite but look between the Admin and Alpha core.


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Apparently, all Admins have full elite skill but the Alpha core isn't...

I think the colony skills need to change somewhat so that normal Admin can only have non-elite skills or one elite skill and put half of the benefit that is currently in the elite version into base skill. +1 industry should remain elite, +2 stability in base and +1 more in elite version, etc. For Alpha cores, they will have all skill elite. Since players can elite any skill easily it shouldn't be taken into consideration whether which part should be in base or elite but look between the Admin and Alpha core.

Ah thanks I'm ok with the player being a better admin (at least until possibly everything gets reworked in 0.95.1a if you've been following the Skills Part 2 thread) but definitely not admins. I'll look at this and find out why that would be the case. Rules is really the last place I need to thoroughly check for 0.95 changes. I think I've taken care of everything else in the current dev version at this point. Unfortunately, the next update will likely not be save compatible as a result.

I ran into a skill bug that I think I just fixed when generating fleets which causes a nullpointer. I also fixed the freighter bar mission, and better fleshed out the new faction's skill choices and the "voice" section that has to do with mission dialogue.

I wish some sections of the faction file could be locked down instead of merged without locking the entire file. Right now I am in kind of a tough spot with faction skills that aren't the new factions. Ah well, best probably to leave it alone for now considering all the changes in the works. Once that update hits I might see what code options are available.


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An update to the compatible modlist with old mods removed and new mods added would be appreciated. It's hard to choose between all the mods I've grown attached to and AO.
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