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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - *hotfix* 4/14/22  (Read 801909 times)


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Correct possibly just random luck, I found it in nexerelin's ship buying thing through their agents so no worries


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Correct possibly just random luck, I found it in nexerelin's ship buying thing through their agents so no worries

Ah good!


Ok, so I want to release some "imminent"TM update patch notes for review. Specifically, I want to give those who have given feedback in the last few months a chance to look over the notes and point out anything I may have missed. Specific details in the spoiler at the bottom of this post. Because of certain changes the update will break saves, so I'm trying to cram as much stuff in there as possible as opposed to micro save-breaking updates.

General themes:

1) Increase the effectiveness of the CV designation and further differentiate it from a typical combat ship that has a couple of hangar bays.
I've further increased the refit times for all strike craft by ~25% and increased the bonus reduction to refit times from Carrier Bays by an additional 10% - bringing it to 75% total. From testing, I'm pleased to see that under AI control an Onslaught XIV 1v1 will eventually reduce the replacement rate, corner, and kill an Astral (I can't stress "eventually" enough, hah) that is outfitted for a long range strike role even if no orders are given. Even more pleasing to see, however, is that attack-oriented builds will hold the Onslaught off while replacement rate is restored - though it can't really do much damage to the Onslaught and will eventually lose but the idea here is that you as the player have much, much more time to respond to a cornered Astral with a combat build over one with a strike build when the Astral is controlled by the AI.

A side goal of this is to both encourage the use of all strike craft types on CV builds. So the Astral teleport system has been removed in favor of Fortress Shield. It was just too reliant on bombers, and also too powerful in general with that system. The Epiphany keeps that system. I think it works much better small scale rather than large scale. To address the weapons vs strike craft problem, I am considering adding yet another built-in hullmod that essentially gives CVs free weapons in each weapon mount for the base weapon in their tech class. So only upgrades will actually cost OP. That gives me the ability to balance carrier OP around hullmods and strike craft mostly exclusively. That's a lot of work though so I'm undecided if it will be this update or not and it's not currently in the notes for that reason.

As far as carrier speed is concerned, collisions and not reaching a battle quickly enough are an issue. I've reduced the low-flux boost penalty from 75% to 50% and buffed carrier base speed slightly to address this. This does mean that faster carriers can kite their own hullsize, well, not indefinitely but enough to force severe reduction of the replacement rate and active fighter count before the AI can use its' low-flux boost to close with the carrier. I'm not sure how this will effect player kiting but the hope is that (especially when outnumbered) the low flux speed boost of combat ships will come into play and the carrier will get chased down unless escorts provide a screen - just like how it operates now just not as harsh of a penalty.

2) Balance updates to combat and the campaign layer for Nex.
I have increased the strength of Sci-Corps and Luddic Path fleets and I have given a pretty large buff to the Aurora to give in-combat Tri-Tachyon fleets a much needed boost. Tangent on balance:

There is currently this weird rock paper scissors mechanic between the three vanilla faction cruisers where Dominator > Eagle > Aurora > Dominator - when under 1v1 with AI. This generally even transcends loadouts which is weird interesting. Obviously loadouts that target smaller ships don't fair as well, I'm talking the primary strike/assault builds. Then to add even more nuance, once you make it a group fight rather than 1v1, that changes even more and the Aurora (post buff, mind you) generally comes out on top. The poor Eagle seems like it doesn't compete in that setting so again I'll keep an eye on it. There are lots of factors to consider - especially the strike craft the Eagle can bring in a supporting role compared to the other too so maybe the balance there is actually pretty good.

The campaign layer will require some more strongholds for Tri-Tachyon and a High Command somewhere so that is in the works too - alongside some planned defense stations orbiting the Askonia jump points for Nex - though none of this is implemented yet.

I've also taken the time to give some nerfs and buffs to reported outliers like the Apogee, Odyssey, Harbinger, Executor, Brilliant and Pillager. The Pillager should no longer use broadside AI and should perform better under AI control. I am also somewhat reversing the Archean Order vessel nerfs from a couple of updates ago. They are currently too flux inefficient to be much of a threat and making them harder to get is probably the better way to go as far as player power creep is concerned.

Weapon-wise, I have made the Sabot and the Thunderbolt closer in strength to each other and generally changed how anti-fighter missile weapons behave as a whole. They should no longer target ships in most situations and things like the Trapdoor and Proximity Mine will be used more liberally against both strike craft and missiles. The Proximity mine might actually be too good for its OP now so I'm watching that closely. The Ion Cannon line of weapons will no longer typically target strike craft, but the caveat is that now the AI uses them a lot less and rarely empties the full clip. It's a trade off I can't really get around since AI hints tend to do double things - which is honestly quite frustrating. Similarly, the AI is more conservative with anti-fighter missiles now that it won't target ships. It generally waits for a swarm, which could honestly be a good thing. Strike weapons are used against strike craft more often than I would like, but the alternative again prevents the AI from emptying the full missile clip unless the missile-equipped ship is heavily damaged. I'm leaving them as they are for now since, for instance, the Atropos is actually kind of useful against heavy gunships like the Goliath and Trident or similarly shielded strike craft and sometimes it's the only way the AI actually kills an attacking Dagger without its own interceptors or fighters.

Finally, I am looking at the Hivemind both in regards to reducing its inability to be mitigated to a large degree and it's reported tendency to cause friendly fire. I haven't looked too deeply yet there but plan on addressing it for this update.

3) Frigates and ship speed.
As of the current version, frigates are mostly limited to early - early mid game and only have token use after that as PD escorts or chasing down freighters in pursuit battles. I'm hoping these changes will give them more room later in the game. I have increased their PPT substantially and alongside the reduction in the speed penalties to carriers it should allow frigate-based carriers to avoid collisions with larger ships when burning in and let them retreat more effectively when low on PPT. I've also reduced the rate at which CR decays after PPT runs out to give carriers more of a chance to stay out longer and lessen the CR loss when far from a retreating point.

Frigates could also be cornered or surrounded too easily. I've increased all frigate base speed by ~33% and it may be increased more if needed. Alongside their built-in hull benefits, they should be a lot more viable now even before the Starsector update attempts to address that even further. Gunships are now technically slower than many of the fastest frigates with their speed boost intact. I'm on the fence if it will stay that way as gunships are kinda the anti-smaller ship strike craft while bombers of course are the anti-larger ship strike craft.

Of special note: I've removed the Phase Teleporter from the Hyperion and replaced it with Temporal Shell. I think both the AI and the player can make better use out of that system considering the speed buff and I felt that the Phase Teleporter is a little too binary and definitely too strategically powerful in the player's hands.

4) Ship accessibility.
This will likely be controversial. :P I'm toying with the idea of finally addressing this in the coming update. Essentially, this will lock away the vast majority of capitals. (Base Legion, Base Onslaught, All Pillagers versions, Conquest, Odyssey, and the capital freighter conversions will be the only readily accessible capitals in markets and recovery of any of the capitals outside of the prior stated list will be impossible unless the player already owns it.) Capitals outside of the list will require rare blueprint/blueprint pack finds to produce them at player colonies in order to lock them in as end game rewards. I also am considering this for especially powerful cruisers or even destroyers like the Harbinger. Power creep from recovery of derelicts is too large right now and I don't want players to be able to jump-start themselves into colony territory as it really scrapes away a lot of content and the feeling of earning it. Similarly, this would also impact access to almost all, if not all, Adamantine Consortium and Archean Order vessels. The plan is that once you have a commission these will be purchase-able, but otherwise the player will need to either complete a difficult quest chain or get a lucky blueprint drop to get them. The work involved in this is substantial, so I'm still debating on whether I want to tackle that now. I'm leaning yes.

5) Weapon niches and REDACTED:
It has been reported that some weapons feel almost indistinguishable from others and that other niches/roles could be filled in some categories. To go alongside this point, remnants feel a little boring due to a lack of fleet variety compared to other end game factions. So, I plan on adding a couple weapons and maybe even a ship or two to give remnants more unique fleet builds and even a couple of unique weapon drops. That is not complete yet, but it is planned. For derelicts, the Guardian has been significantly buffed to be a powerful solo threat. It is likely more powerful than the Radiant at this point.

Well, I think that just about covers the current design goals for the next update. Feedback, new suggestions and reminders welcome! :)

Here are the full notes. They are obviously subject to change between now and release as I further flesh things out or finalize what I will and will not include. Feedback between now and then will also be considered.

Campaign Content Additions and Balance Changes

 - Overall Campaign Changes:
    - Reworked FP for capital ships to help better balance autoresolve for Nex campaigns.
    - Increased power for Sci-Corps both in combat and in autoresolve. They are now a defensive, speed oriented faction.
    - Luddic Path is much more powerful in combat.
    - Pirates have better conversion ships.
    - Stronger Sci-Corps fleets.

 --- Colony Changes:

Combat Balance Changes
 - Increased Sabot hp and first stage speed slightly. Also increased range of second stage ignition.
 - (^ I forgot I buffed PD enough in a past update that this is likely warranted. We'll see.)
 - Reduced Thunderbolt emp, reduced second stage flight speed and slightly reduced second stage hitpoints.
 - Added EMP arc effect to Obliterator and Heavy Obliterator cannons to make them a more unique weapon.
 - Ship speed general pass:
 - Increased frigate speed across the board by about 33% - more in some cases.
 - Increased base speed of carriers and reduced penalty to low flux speed boost.
 - (^ The above should help avoid collisions and get carriers into the fight sooner while still limiting their ability to kite.)
 - Increased PPT for frigates and destroyers - also some cruisers.
 - Rebalanced PPT differences among tech and carrier/phase considerations.
 - Reduced the rate at which CR decays after PPT runs out for carriers.
 - (^ The goal here is to prevent situations where a carrier loses too much CR when trying to retreat after PPT runs out.)
 - Reduced Brilliant max speed but changed ship system to Plasmajets.
 - Reduced Radiant deployment cost and increased max hull.
 - Changed Hyperion's system to Temporal Shell.
 - Changed Astral's system to Fortress Shield. (Less emphasis on mass bomber builds.)
 - Changed Executors system to Damper Field and increased OP. (Moves focus to hybrid battlecarrier role and promotes more interceptors.)
 - Changed Legion's system to Combat Compacitors. (Encourages more weapons utilization over simply better strike craft.)
 - Changed Eagle (Ad) system to High Energy Focus.
 - Changed Doom system to Maneuvering Jets.
 - Massive buff to the Guardian. It is now stronger than a Radiant. Changed system to Damper Field for extra durability.
 - Slightly lowered Megalith deployment cost.
 - Large buff to defenses and speed for Odyssey and Apogee.
 - Apogee now has Microburn ship system. (Should be able to kite efficiently.)
 - Odyssey now has plasma burn ship system. (This should allow it to really choose its fights carefully.)
 - Increased Pillager defenses and forward firepower capability substantially.
 - Removed combat carrier tags from all combat carriers.
 - Anti-fighter missile weapons should now prioritize fighters over missiles and not target ships under most circumstances.
 - (^ Unfortunately, they will now fire at incoming missiles. The AI uses them more often in general so there is a tradeoff.)
 - Ion Cannon and Heavy Ion Cannon no longer will target fighters in most scenarios when under AI control.
 - Reduced flux dissipation of all phase ships to prepare for the next Starsector update which improves their AI.
 - Increased Aurora max flux, dissipation and OP. Increased shield efficiency.
 - Increased Justicar and Revenant max flux.
 - Increased many low tech ships max flux.
 - Massive stat boosts to Luddic Path and Pirate conversion vessesls from freighters.
 - Increased Salamander speed slightly.
 - Luddic Path ships often have Damper Field instead of stock ship systems to add defense to their speed.
 - Further increased refit times for all strike craft by ~25%. (Built-in drones exempted from this change.)
 - Increased refit time reduction of Carrier Bays by 10% for a total of a 75% reduction.
 - All Eagle-class cruiser hulls now have Reserve Deployment as their system.
 - Doubled the time it takes to regenerate a charge of Reserve Deployment.
 - Slightly lowered cooldown of Mass Deployment.
 - Reduced flight speed of Hivemind orbs.
 - Moved Graviton Beam and Graviton Lance back to 800 range from 700. Increased flux cost per fire.

Bug Fixes
 - Fixed crash with Commissioned Crews features.
 - Added maneuvering stats to Havok.
 - Fixed Pillager turret arcs so the AI won't consider it a broadside ship.
 - Fixed AI hints with missile weapons so that the AI hopefully uses them more intelligently.
 - Added Phase built-in Field to Tyrant as intended.

 - Added support for Commissioned Crews features.


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Changes sound great. A little worried the Pathers maybe get problematic if buffed, but we'll see.


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Changes sound great. A little worried the Pathers maybe get problematic if buffed, but we'll see.


Regarding Pathers, it's mostly their freighter conversions that got a boost, really, because they were on the weak side compared to their main ships of the line - both in combat and during campaign autoresolve. All conversion freighters - including Pirate ones - got a buff for that reason. I did that, and I replaced all instances of Combat Capacitors (Ammo Feeder) with Damper Field since, as you correctly pointed out a bit ago, that system didn't really synergize with their built-in SO very well and it's power was mostly wasted.

That being said, in my experience even tiny changes like that can break things and that is a powerful system so we'll see how it goes. (As an example, I had to completely rework the sabot projectile because the tiny hitpoint and speed buff made it better than the Thunderbolt because of its armor penetration - but not giving it the buff made it fairly bad in large scale engagements. ::) It was very binary in its reliability and power.)

In any case, one thing that should help is that Pathers are a bit easier to buy off to avoid combat than other factions. I've set it up that even if they don't ask for a tithe you can still engage in a ceasefire/bribe attempt as well. Before the colony stage that should give some options. I'd say overall that the intention is to make them the next step up from Pirates as far as player challenge is concerned. They definitely feel different from Pirates when you fight them, but due to Ill-Advised Modifications I'm not sure that they are actually stronger. This change should *hopefully* address that a bit.


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Ah yeah I took a look at the faction files and it just can't be done- at least for now. :(

Since I don't override vanilla ships, fighters or weapons anymore, if I don't explicitly remove them from the faction files by overriding them they will merge even in the stand alone TC. This means that a player can get vanilla ships and weapons from raiding and they might even show up in markets. So even assuming a new player understands the risks of mod merging they would still have to put up with a lot of "useless" (from the perspective of TC balance) stuff bloating markets and loot.

If in the future the faction definitions for weapons/fighters/etc get a weight modifier like hulls and stations (so I can thereby set it to 0), then I can prevent vanilla items from spawning in the TC without overriding the entire file. I'll suggest this to Alex and see what he thinks. Maybe there is way I can do this already and I'm just not aware of it.

If not, the best I could likely do would be to modulize the portraits by adding them to dummy factions and then writing code to "merge" the portraits into vanilla factions when the module is present. Then I can take portrait pack requests and add them as players request them. This would also give more customization options for portrait styles. (Again this will likely take some time to set up.)

Ahhh! I was digging around the factionAPI and it turns out this isn't true! I think I can set up the mod with a setting in the settings file to enable/disable vanilla ships and weapons in the campaign and thereby no longer need to override any vanilla faction files.

I didn't think there was API to remove known ships/weapons/fighters, etc and there is! Assuming I don't need anything else from those files I can probably trim down the merging as well. This should allow portrait packs once again and give users the option to mod merge faction mods such as Luddic Enhancement and actually allow the mod to add ships to the Luddic Church/other vanilla factions.


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Hey there! Ive been using this mod and Nexerelin for about two months now, playing Starsector off on on and Ive really enjoyed it.

I'm not done with it, but I was wondering if there were other mods people use commonly with the Archean Order? Preferably more in line with gameplay changes and not just the addition of factions and ships on top of the ones Ive already got. Although, I'd gladly take any working changes to the Remnants. They can be a little uninteresting.

For now, what I've gathered:

Starship Legends:
Combat Chatter:
Unknown Skies:
Ruthless Sector:
Second Wave Options:
Grand Sector:
Commissioned Crews:
Common Radar:
Fuel Siphoning:
Updated Rotary Weapons:
Automatic Orders:
Player Station Construction:

Tyrador Safeguard Coalition:
Outer Rim Alliance:
Just coming back to the game and I'm so exited to see this post and the updated main post with the list of compatible mods. I'll be messing around with those off and on over the next few days and preparing myself for the deep dive back into hyperspace.


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Just coming back to the game and I'm so exited to see this post and the updated main post with the list of compatible mods. I'll be messing around with those off and on over the next few days and preparing myself for the deep dive back into hyperspace.

Thanks I hope you have fun! Even more compatibility should be available in the next update too. No idea how long it will take though, it could be a month or two since there is a lot of work left to get everything in there.


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Astral nerf, ouch. I don't think Fortress Shield is any useful much to Astral. I can't imagine it to go frontline as it's pretty much paper thin, unlike Legion. I would prefer something else, maybe, a temporary boost to crafts speed, temporary remove missile recharge cooldown so it can fire a huge barrage, massive boost to weapon range/damage then overload the ship afterward.

Eagle (AD) nerf. Oh no, my OP zero flux ultimate ship that can face tank capital.

Ship accessibility, ah yes the inevitable. I will let you know that, in my last playthrough, I only got Astral and Onslaught blueprint and nothing else from the entire map. I wonder if a drop rate from a successful raid can be increased somewhat. If you keep NEX agent ability to smuggle a ship then I might be ok with it.

I see that you actually put a lot of my half-ass recommendation in it, I'm honored.


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Well the Astral isn't a combat carrier, so it's slow. If an enemy decides to engage, then it has to fight, so the fortress shield is probably going to be very useful.


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Astral nerf, ouch. I don't think Fortress Shield is any useful much to Astral. I can't imagine it to go frontline as it's pretty much paper thin, unlike Legion. I would prefer something else, maybe, a temporary boost to crafts speed, temporary remove missile recharge cooldown so it can fire a huge barrage, massive boost to weapon range/damage then overload the ship afterward.

I'm hesitant to give it something that boosts fighters or long range strikes (or I'd have given it Targeting Feed or Fast Missile Racks) because with as many bays as it has it already practically deletes most ships below heavy cruisers and can keep enough flux up on the Onslaught to prevent it from reliably getting its low flux boost - which means it takes a long while to catch up with it since the Astral almost always has its low flux boost even when using advanced missiles like the Thunderbolt. The Onslaught has to get its replacement down to 30% before it can truly give chase. So because of the reduction in the low flux boost penalty the Astral would be way too good in both the AI and the player's hands with a system like any of those.

Eagle (AD) nerf. Oh no, my OP zero flux ultimate ship that can face tank capital.

lol it's not really nerfed that much. Temporal boost is certainly good but with 4 bays Reserve Deployment can be pretty useful to spam mass bomber/gunship attacks at a moments notice or conversely defend against them by replenishing interceptors evem at 30% replacement - which happens pretty fast for non-carriers now. The AI doesn't make good use of Temporal Shell in larger ships which was part of the reasoning behind the decision. There is also another change I'm making with Expanded Deck Crew that will further feed into this style. It will no longer be equip-able on ships that already have Carrier Bays (it's currently too mandatory for carriers otherwise) but will be boosted to a 40% reduction in refit time for ships like the eagle that have bays but not Carrier Bays. This will give it some utility options for non-carrier ships while solving some of the binary build dependency that hullmod currently is cursed with.

Ship accessibility, ah yes the inevitable. I will let you know that, in my last playthrough, I only got Astral and Onslaught blueprint and nothing else from the entire map. I wonder if a drop rate from a successful raid can be increased somewhat. If you keep NEX agent ability to smuggle a ship then I might be ok with it.

No plans on changing any Nex interactions so that should stay there. Blueprint packs will also be more accessible late game most likely. (Also yikes that's some really bad RNG luck there - unless you mean those were the only capitals you found?)

I see that you actually put a lot of my half-ass recommendation in it, I'm honored.

 :) I always take feedback seriously (well I try at least - things do slip through the cracks from time to time) and they didn't seem that way to me. Most of them made sense and the couple I was uncertain of (like the Sabot) I decided to take an alternate direction since it did feel either too strong or too weak by the smallest changes. The only worry I have now is the spread is a little too wide - but that will help out poor frigates against it a bit so it might turn out to be a good thing. I'll probably wait for the next round of feedback after the update to see.

Well the Astral isn't a combat carrier, so it's slow. If an enemy decides to engage, then it has to fight, so the fortress shield is probably going to be very useful.

Yeah it seems to suit it really well. Like Albreo said it's never going to be a frontline ship, but this gives it enough time to "bite back" at attacking vessels and buy enough time to replace its strike craft or for reinforcing ships to give it a hand. Without it, an Onslaught with Combat Capacitors engaged practically makes it pop like a balloon.

The attack variants can now go toe to toe with a cruiser I'd say, where before it might do only superficial damage before imploding.


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hey ive been experimenting with mods that work with archean order and in particular aria and galaxy tigers seem to work fine.
(i havent tried every single one there is) it seems like they all work just fine
in fact the only problem ive hit is certain mods that add hullmods, i can obtain and learn the hullmods but they dont show up when i go to apply them to ships
that is to say in galaxy tigers (they add cool hull mods that cost a lot of op to add a drone bay to any ship that can spare the op) i cant use the drone hullmods
ive noticed a few others that have the same issue
any idea how to fix this?


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hey ive been experimenting with mods that work with archean order and in particular aria and galaxy tigers seem to work fine.
(i havent tried every single one there is) it seems like they all work just fine
in fact the only problem ive hit is certain mods that add hullmods, i can obtain and learn the hullmods but they dont show up when i go to apply them to ships
that is to say in galaxy tigers (they add cool hull mods that cost a lot of op to add a drone bay to any ship that can spare the op) i cant use the drone hullmods
ive noticed a few others that have the same issue
any idea how to fix this?

That's really weird that mod-added hullmods would show up in markets but be absent from the hullmod list in the refit screen.  :o

Well, I can tell you I don't override the csv file or anything, and if that was what was going on then they wouldn't show up at all... maybe somehow there is a class involved that for some reason isn't loaded or conflicts?? Seems unlikely but that is the best I have off the top of my head. I guess the other thing is that the hullmods could share ids with vanilla mods or my added mods (and thereby be overridden in this version strictly from csv entries- that will change next version btw) but that would be unlikely as well.

I also doubt it's some kind of max limit on hullmods in that screen coming into play considering the number of mods out there. I feel like that would have come up before.

Well, I'll have to see if I can reproduce it with Galaxy Tigers to give me some kind of lead. For reference, are you on the latest version of both mods? The name of the hullmod would help too. Then I can just use console commands to test it and hopefully reproduce it faster that way.


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hey ive been experimenting with mods that work with archean order and in particular aria and galaxy tigers seem to work fine.
(i havent tried every single one there is) it seems like they all work just fine
in fact the only problem ive hit is certain mods that add hullmods, i can obtain and learn the hullmods but they dont show up when i go to apply them to ships
that is to say in galaxy tigers (they add cool hull mods that cost a lot of op to add a drone bay to any ship that can spare the op) i cant use the drone hullmods
ive noticed a few others that have the same issue
any idea how to fix this?

Have you toggled the filter in the refit screen to show the hullmods? New categories acquired during gameplay start toggled off, and most mod hullmods are in their own categories nowadays.


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Is there a way to capture or board remnant ships? Tried using the mod boardables unboardables and it doesn't seem to work.


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Is there a way to capture or board remnant ships? Tried using the mod boardables unboardables and it doesn't seem to work.

You can open the ship_data.csv (under: data/hulls) in notepad or a spreadsheet editor and go to the tags column. Just remove UNBOARDABLE and it will allow them to be captured. (Do this in the mod directory not in the vanilla directory.)

All the ships in the mod have a unique ID to prevent them from clashing with other mods implementing variants or changing vanilla ships. That's why Boardable Unboardables doesn't work.
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