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Author Topic: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - *hotfix* 4/14/22  (Read 789420 times)


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1755 on: March 06, 2022, 12:23:44 PM »

1 more thing. Is this mod compatible with Industrial Evolution and its special features like the Embassy? Thank you


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1756 on: March 06, 2022, 01:50:55 PM »

Thanks for the quick fix. You are really a good mod dev of my favourite mod for Starsector. I have another quick question though. Don't you think shield shunt is a little overpowered now? I haven't played with it now, obviously, but in your 0.95a release, I made an Artillery Legion 14 build with shield shunt and heavy armor, armored weapon mounts etc. and it was already incredibly powerful. But now +800 armor might be a little bit, too much, I think.

Also, will there be codex descriptions for remnant and Adamantine Consortium Ships in the future? Thanks

Thanks for the kind words I appreciate it and I'm glad you like the mod!

To answer your questions:

Shield Shunt: It very possibly could be. So, here is what I was thinking by the change:

Ships like the Legion and Onslaught were obviously the top choices for something like the old Shield Shunt. The 25% bonus meant that either ship got a 1000 armor bonus since they start out at 4000 armor. In that sense, the change was actually a nerf. XIV ships got an even larger one. On top of this, equipping something like Heavy Armor also scaled with the bonus iirc. So that would be a total of a 2000 or higher armor bonus and adding armored weapons gets it pretty close to 2250 for a total of around 6250 armor value. To me, that's pretty insane when you look at skills like Polarized Armor and other defense oriented skills that reduce damage taken. I would imagine that some ships became practically invincible with the right officers and built in mods. Now, the flat bonus may stack alongside the other hullmods, but now the bonus should be 1800. Its still really large and so it could still be OP, but its at least a bit better than before. I haven't tested enough to know for sure since stations took up a lot of time. (Station bonuses were even greater with the old version of Shield Shunt and that is another part of why I changed it since I wanted that to be a theme of Luddic stations.)

That isn't the only reason I made the change though. That 1800 bonus is also applicable to high tech ships now rather than scaling far lower due to their low base armor. I'm hoping that this opens up the hullmod for use on more ships - specifically I was targeting midline as high tech ships losing shields might be a harder sell.

So thats the reasoning behind it, but the numbers aren't set in stone until I can test more thoroughly as I flesh out the new roles into the campaign as stated on the roadmap. The other route I could take is making it a competitor with Heavy Armor and making them mutually exclusive. Since Shield Shunt is the same bonus plus emp resistance for lower OP, it might compete well with Heavy Armor on some builds despite removing shields. This is especially interesting since removing shields also changes the AI of the ship. As I'm typing this I like that route more and more, but we'll see after I can test a bit more.

Codex: What I really want is for the Codex to unlock entries as they are encountered in the campaign. Those lines of ships are supposed to be "secrets" to the players that are first starting out and so Codex entries kind of ruin that. It wouldn't be so much of an issue if it weren't for the fact that UI scrolling in the info screen is apparently hard to do and so only the first paragraph of the description is included. It does seem like a bit of a waste, but I haven't decided yet if its worth spoiling the ships for a first time player. Obviously I'd rather have the unlock feature, but I can't do that myself afaik.

1 more thing. Is this mod compatible with Industrial Evolution and its special features like the Embassy? Thank you
Honestly I'm not 100% sure. I've heard its mostly compatible. Details:

Iirc, I need to get around to adding a whitelist for some things that a few users have taken it upon themselves to do on their own. Reverse Engineering I think is one? Due to time limitations, I don't normally look at other mods and rely upon user feedback to point me to compatibility issues or features that I could and haven't implemented in feature mods like Industrial Evolution. I also have to admit that sometimes I will read about it, make a mental note, take time off, and forget about it by the time I get back to dev work or finish the item I'm currently working on, etc. I do try to limit the amount of times this will happen or otherwise reread a few pages back on the thread, but things still slip through my fingers from time to time especially if I'm in the middle of a big change that requires a lot of time to implement.

The obvious question is why not write more things down? Sometimes I do, but I've also felt that it's a slippery slope in its own way. At one point, I realized I was spending half of my dev time documenting and the other half actually making or improving things. There are pros and cons to it but I ended up taking a looser approach to really maximize what I can do in a dev sprint. The other side of this is the risk of more bugs and balancing oversights, as well as the "seesaw effect" - which is mostly specific to balancing where the balance item goes back and forth from two states due to differing user opinions or, simply, me not remembering that I already tried it and didn't like it in the end for whatever reason. A great example of this is the Shattercell Cannon. I *think* I've finally found a good spot for it, but I'm almost positive that it was a slow firing and hard hitting weapon in the past and it was too good. I changed it to rapid fire missile interdiction at some point and wasn't 100% satisfied with it but it mostly worked. Now with missile changes I had to change it again or it would be pretty bad for its OP and its back to the first state (though somewhat different if I'm remembering it correctly to begin with - this was over a year or even years ago I think).

Well, that turned into a bit of a dev diary so I will put this in spoilers to consolidate the post. I hope that helps explain things a bit!


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1757 on: March 06, 2022, 10:56:44 PM »

So I just tried this mod, and most (all I saw in two hours) of the (ao) weapons have ZERO flux use on firing....    Is this by design?? Seems very OP if so I also noticed pirates and luddic path fleets are much more hostile, and prevented me from completing a cargo delivery mission, had to reload an older save.       The new fighters on my apogee seemed pretty cool but did it lose it's large energy mount?   


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1758 on: March 07, 2022, 10:35:30 AM »

Next question. Where can I find the shield shunt blueprint?


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1759 on: March 07, 2022, 12:38:20 PM »

So I just tried this mod, and most (all I saw in two hours) of the (ao) weapons have ZERO flux use on firing....    Is this by design?? Seems very OP if so I also noticed pirates and luddic path fleets are much more hostile, and prevented me from completing a cargo delivery mission, had to reload an older save.       The new fighters on my apogee seemed pretty cool but did it lose it's large energy mount?

Hi thanks for giving the mod a try!

Zero flux weapons are indeed part of the combat design. They should actually be pretty balanced with weapons that cause flux. This is because they tend to have lower dps and hit strength than weapons that cost flux, or have a lot worse range. Weapons are categorized a bit differently in this mod. Flux free weapons include most point defense weapons and assault weapons. These provide almost constant defense or pressure. Strike weapons deal high alpha damage but their sustained damage is generally low. Heavy assault weapons have high sustained damage for the cost in flux, and fire support weapons cost a lot of flux for very long range with below average damage. These come together to allow you to build ships with very specific fleet roles that then are intended to synergize with other roles tactically.

The Apogee did lose its large energy. All ships have been changed to some degree over their vanilla counterparts, so any notions about what ships are capable of from playing vanilla are probably not valid here with all of the changes in the mod.

The cargo delivery mission is, afaik, untouched and I thought it always had a chance for a pirate fleet to attempt to intercept you and take the cargo.

Next question. Where can I find the shield shunt blueprint?

You need the skill that unlocks it to get it. Skill balance is reliant upon hullmods being unique to the skill, so for the most part any skill that unlocks a hullmod is the only way to get that hullmod. There might still be one or two exceptions left iirc.


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1760 on: March 07, 2022, 04:27:07 PM »

Well, I just looked and there is no skill which unlocks the shield shunt. Also, of many of the hullmods that you can acquire via skill points, I have already found many in markets.


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1761 on: March 07, 2022, 04:43:55 PM »

Well, I just looked and there is no skill which unlocks the shield shunt. Also, of many of the hullmods that you can acquire via skill points, I have already found many in markets.

Darn, I just checked and you're right. I meant to add it to Polarized Armor. If you open the hullmods spreadsheet and remove , no_drop, no_sell from Shield Shunt (AO) it should eventually show up. As of right now you probably wont be able to find it. It will probably just be available in the next update rather than tied to a skill if I make it mutually exclusive with Heavy Armor (AO).

Also let me clarify because I wasn't being specific enough, sorry about that. You can still find a lot of hullmods - even ones that are unlocked through skills such as from Leadership. You shouldn't be able to buy any of the combat hullmod unlocks, nor should you be able to find Localized Amplifier (AO) or the Neural Interface hullmods.


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1762 on: March 08, 2022, 05:09:01 AM »

Well, I bought the expanded missile racks and the expanded magazines on some market. And I found the neural integrator hullmod blueprint outside the core somewhere. Though it may have been on some base from the Industrial Evolution mod. They also add derelict space bases with loot pools. Regarding the whole idea of hullmods being locked behind skills, I am not a big fan. I think it is better to just incentivize exploration. The specific skills already give enough bonuses for a specific playstyle. No need to force someone to go down a specific skill path if they want to make low tech viable for example, because it is a bit underpowered at the moment in my eyes.

Another thing I want to say is that if you make Heavy Armor and Shield Shunt mutually exclusive, you should add more armor bonus to the shield shunt and maybe more ordinance points. Another very fun and balancing idea would be to make the shield shunts effectiveness depend on the "shield flux per damage" stat. Therefore a high tech ship could get more armor from the shield shunt, because "flux/damage" is better and you would sacrifice more by removing their shields. It would also make it more viable for certain midline ships and would open up a range of new playstyles for ships. But shield shunt on ships with 0,5 flux/damage should not be twice as good as shield shunt on ships with 1,0 flux/damage, just a bit stronger.

Next regarding the Warship Bays High Tech and Low Tech. Instead of giving an ordinance discount for certain ship classes like interceptors/bombers you should make it so that Low Tech Carriers give a bonus to Low Tech LPCs and Luddic carriers give an even greater bonus to Luddic LPCs etc. The system at the moment limits the strategic application a little bit by incentivizing interceptors for example. However, if you would change the system for high tech carriers to give an ordinance discount to high tech LPCs (and archean and sci corps and high tech factions) and midline carriers to give a bonus to midline LPCs OP and replace speed and low tech carriers to give a bonus to low tech LPC OP, replace speed and hull points, then you would incentivize low tech more on carriers. Carriers mostly stay behind front line ships and get artillery weapons or long range missiles, they don't need a lot of flux strength, because ideally they don't take too much fire, so you usually fill the up with your strongest High Tech LPCS and breaking up that meta a little bit would be a nice thing I think.

Another fun thing would be a hullmod called "Armor Maintenance Nanites". It would repair your armor (not hull) over the course of a minute but during that minute you would be completely vulnerable to everything (no shields, no movement and no weapons active). Lock it behind a skill and make it player exclusive because programming an AI for it, would take way too long. If the player uses "Armor Maintenance Nanites" the AI treats their ship as if it is being Flux overloaded so they would take advantage of it. This would be a very interesting tactical option because it would force you to retreat your flagship, which might turn the battle in the enemies favor and also withdraw some escorts to protect it. It's also interesting because a minute is a long time and it's hard to plan ahead.

I don't know how hard these things are to program or if you agree with them but those are some ideas on my part. Thanks for all the effort you put into improving the best starsector mod. Thanks


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1763 on: March 09, 2022, 11:55:52 AM »


Definitely some neat ideas here.

Hullmods: Ah yeah it could be another mod potentially, or it is possible that the "no_drop, no_sell" tags aren't working in some situations. I checked a few markets and didn't see them but I didn't check every one. If you were using an old save, it could also be that the hullmods were placed in those places before that change took place. It was not in the first .95.1a update for this mod. At least not the ones you mentioned.

Having hullmods locked behind skills in combat was primarily just a way of artificially giving some fleetwide combat bonuses to combat without actual fleetwide bonuses if that makes sense. It naturally limits power creep from adding too many bonuses since these were available prior to the change (and UI space is an issue when adding too many things to a skill) but I felt that combat needed something even beyond the powerful flagship bonuses. It also makes the choice of skills more interesting imo. Heavy Armor and Safety Overrides are both very powerful hullmods. Though Corrosive Warheads got a nerf this update, Corrosive and Ionized Warheads are just as powerful. This makes investment into combat more than just flagship investment without overtaking the other skill lines in usefullness. It keeps it primarily a "powerful flagship" skill line, but adds something to the fleet that also synergizes well with other skill lines in various ways. For instance, taking the OP bonus from Industry makes it easier to install those hullmods - or lets them be built in as a story point dump.

Shield Shunt: Interesting idea with it scaling based upon shield efficiency. That might be possible and I'll probably look into it. I agree that the numbers might change if I make them mutually exclusive since my real concern was with them stacking in the first place.

Carriers and tech levels meta: I'm generally aware of the tech issues with carriers and I've done a lot to try and address that in the recent updates. For a brief summary, high tech was meta until the last update - which it was then considered less useful than some of the legendary midline and low tech gunships. Low tech bombers are budget LPCs for certain builds lacking OP. Low tech carriers in particular get a bit less OP to work with in order to discourage too much high tech LPC investment. They have a smaller DP to compensate and usually but not always have more weapons over high tech carriers.

Your idea is what I originally hoped to do, but it's currently impossible with the API. You can only differentiate wings by type, not by tech level. That's why I had to make OP scale so much and adjust carrier OP pools from there.

To further develop the balance more, I've been tossing around the idea of making high tech a lot more durable but really increasing the replacement times. I just need to find a sweet spot where low tech feels useful because of staying power, midline is an upgrade to damage for additional OP but replaces less quickly, and high tech is the choice for extremely good effectiveness at the start of a battle but once you lose them they will gone for a long time. Thoughts?

Armor Maintenance Nanites: Very cool idea. I can't tie it to a new button press or anything like that, but I have a thought on this: what if I linked it to venting (player flagship only) so that active venting always assumes a full flux bar and venting takes 3 times as long but fully repairs armor over the process? That's similar to the original idea. Armor is tricky to work with code-wise though, so it might not be easy, and that is assuming that active venting can be captured in the available code. I know some inputs are. I'll do an effort analysis on it and go from there.

Thanks for your thoughts!

*Fixed up awkward wording and minor typos*


Unfortunately, editing Shield Shunt to scale via shield efficiency will not work. It *technically can* via coding but I cannot communicate the bonus through the UI and so it realistically can't be implemented without causing confusion. The built in hullmods to ships and fighters is already a stretch as far as player communication is concerned. I have intentions to consolidate them eventually once balance is more defined, but for now adding additional layers to that is off the table, sorry!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2022, 04:47:14 PM by Morrokain »


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1764 on: March 10, 2022, 04:40:09 AM »

Initial observation report:

The current mine ability is too strong against crafts. The AoE is very large and can wipe an entire chunk of crafts from the screen. Effectively rendering carrier ineffective. While craft should be the best option at chasing Phase ship down. Tyrant's mine skill is also excessively fast. Fighting Andamatine will be a nightmare now. IMO, the mine ability should be reserved for frigate or destroyer class phase ship only. The mine should be smaller in AoE and move toward the target as in the vanilla setup. Doom And Tyrant should have something else.

AI still fires Atropos at crafts wasting a lot of ammo.

Hurricane MIRV's second stage lifetime is too long the missile can circle awkwardly around a small ship for a few laps.

Megalith raised shield's flux is supposed to be zero? It is now... very strong. I will try to abuse it as best as I can.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2022, 05:04:16 AM by Albreo »


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1765 on: March 10, 2022, 05:19:42 AM »

Three more balancing things I am a bit curious about. The Sunder is horrible in terms of defense. In vanilla it had this particle accelerator weapon to balance this out. Here it seems to be missing. And the second thing is the Medusa. Its armor rating is incredibly low. Lower than that of some heavier fighter wings. Maybe make it a bit higher. And the Eagle (Sci) has this built in hull-mod that lets you passively vent 50% of hard flux. It might be a tad bit too strong, though I can't say I don't like it :P

Regarding armor maintenance nanites: I would make it so that venting takes 2-8 times as long to balance it out depending on hull size (bigger ones take longer), because else it's too strong for ships with super tough armor. Though I think the AI may be too stupid to use it properly. If they use it when they would normally vent, they could disable their ship for too long and it might leave them in a bad spot. There should also be some AI loadouts for a few ships with this and shield shunt installed which would need some playtesting.

Regarding carriers I would make it so that some carriers then give an ordinance discount to gunships and bombers, instead of fighters and interceptors so that some carriers are thus more specialized towards them. Epiphany could use that for example, because it has a recall device and can quickly restock bomber payloads.
Well my idea of the tech levels is that low tech should have bad shields, but a lot of ballistic fire power, very heavy armour and hull integrity and maybe some shield alternatives. Mid line is more about good maneuverability and mediocre shields and still good firepower and high tech is about phasing, special weird ship systems and very good shields and low armour and they should lose combat readiness quickly.

Maybe you could make some versions of low tech LPCs that cost as much OP as high tech LPCs. They could have very fast replace for example. Or you could just add more ships to the low tech wings and increase their OP. Talon wing with 6 fighters per wing instead of 4 for example and call it Big Talon Wing.

I have one more question: I modified the file with the Shield Shunt like you said and it is still nowhere to be found. There is even a mod I use, where you can look which market has which item currently and there is still none to be found. Can I modify a file somewhere, so that I have shield shunt from the start or that I get shield shunt in my current game? I wanna test it out a little bit.


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1766 on: March 10, 2022, 06:15:47 AM »

Or better yet: Make Armor Maintenance Nanites an active ship system so that it is harder to abuse. Add it to some ships with only 1 charge and 15 minutes recharge time. Ships that rely (mostly) on armor for defense or that have a shield shunt built in could rely on that system for armor repair. Otherwise I could make a Tyrant Phase Ship even more OP than it already is. And make it generate some hardflux while active. I think that would be better. And don't add it to Luddic Ships because nanites are tools of the devil.

The Vanguard frigate has 2 active ship systems. One of them is called Special. How do you activate that? And maybe that could be the solution to the problem with the Armor Maintenance Nanites.


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1767 on: March 10, 2022, 07:43:16 AM »

In this search bar from the Stellar Networks mod, I can only search for an item called "Shield Shunt Modspec", which removes shields and adds 15% armor. Is this the right one?


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1768 on: March 10, 2022, 07:57:21 AM »

Through cheating with the console commands mod, i got the version of the shield shunt from your mod now :)


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Re: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - Hotfix 3/6/22
« Reply #1769 on: March 11, 2022, 02:12:15 PM »

Read these a day or two ago and just now able to respond in detail:

Initial observation report:

The current mine ability is too strong against crafts. The AoE is very large and can wipe an entire chunk of crafts from the screen. Effectively rendering carrier ineffective. While craft should be the best option at chasing Phase ship down. Tyrant's mine skill is also excessively fast. Fighting Andamatine will be a nightmare now. IMO, the mine ability should be reserved for frigate or destroyer class phase ship only. The mine should be smaller in AoE and move toward the target as in the vanilla setup. Doom And Tyrant should have something else.
What if I moved the mine system to the Harbinger and gave the Doom the Harbinger's system? The Tyrant I'm still thinking about potential systems. Mines seem too hard to balance for it since I got the opposite report the last update so maybe a mobility system to offset the speed changes to phase ships?

AI still fires Atropos at crafts wasting a lot of ammo.
Unless Alex finally adds an AI hint that strictly prevents the missile from firing at them, the only thing I can do is lower its maneuverability to make it less likely. That will make it bad against frigates but that's not necessarily a bad thing. *EDIT* Made it less likely to use on strike craft but hopefully retains overall hit rate against ships - even when the weapon is side-facing.

Hurricane MIRV's second stage lifetime is too long the missile can circle awkwardly around a small ship for a few laps.
Noted thanks. *EDIT* I fixed this up and balanced a little more as far as the Hurricane goes. I gave it 1 additional missile in the clip and increased the second stage hitpoints a bit. It's a good finisher weapon for its OP now I think. I also adjusted the Thunderbolt line of weapons to no longer circle the target either.

Megalith raised shield's flux is supposed to be zero? It is now... very strong. I will try to abuse it as best as I can.
Lol ok let me know the results. It is definitely better under AI control and I think its weaker to a direct attack without relying on high flux sniping.

Three more balancing things I am a bit curious about. The Sunder is horrible in terms of defense. In vanilla it had this particle accelerator weapon to balance this out. Here it seems to be missing.
Are you sure you don't have it backwards? Iirc, vanilla sunder just has a large energy slot. This mod has the built in particle accelerator which deals very high damage at long range for a lot of flux. The caveat is that the Sunder is very weak defensively. However, the (D) version doesn't have the built in and has a medium weapon instead. At the time, there wasn't as many balance levels for that, but now I can reduce the deployment cost considerably to compensate. Let me go ahead and do that now for the next update. Also, the Sci Corps version has a large energy like the vanilla version. I lowered the DP cost a bit for that one too.

And the second thing is the Medusa. Its armor rating is incredibly low. Lower than that of some heavier fighter wings. Maybe make it a bit higher.
That is because its drones are really good. It has decent shields and it now has the Terminator Sequence just like the vanilla Tempest.

And the Eagle (Sci) has this built in hull-mod that lets you passively vent 50% of hard flux. It might be a tad bit too strong, though I can't say I don't like it :P
I increased its DP to match the Eagle (AD) and adjusted its mounts to have a few synergy so I can add a few more variants.

Regarding armor maintenance nanites: I would make it so that venting takes 2-8 times as long to balance it out depending on hull size (bigger ones take longer), because else it's too strong for ships with super tough armor. Though I think the AI may be too stupid to use it properly. If they use it when they would normally vent, they could disable their ship for too long and it might leave them in a bad spot. There should also be some AI loadouts for a few ships with this and shield shunt installed which would need some playtesting.
Unless I make it a system with its own AI I will try some way to prevent it from being applicable on ships that aren't the player flagship. I can already tell it will take a while to implement.

Regarding carriers I would make it so that some carriers then give an ordinance discount to gunships and bombers, instead of fighters and interceptors so that some carriers are thus more specialized towards them. Epiphany could use that for example, because it has a recall device and can quickly restock bomber payloads.
Well my idea of the tech levels is that low tech should have bad shields, but a lot of ballistic fire power, very heavy armour and hull integrity and maybe some shield alternatives. Mid line is more about good maneuverability and mediocre shields and still good firepower and high tech is about phasing, special weird ship systems and very good shields and low armour and they should lose combat readiness quickly.
That is generally the way I think about tech levels. As far as carriers, the OP of bombers and gunships is set to already encourage gunships and bombers because they are very strong and a lot more effective than interceptors or fighters at assaulting ships. I actually had to add a bonus to interceptors and fighters against missiles to make them more of an alternative. Warships are generally incentivized to use fighters and interceptors in their launch bays since they get an OP discount but the same effectiveness.

Maybe you could make some versions of low tech LPCs that cost as much OP as high tech LPCs. They could have very fast replace for example. Or you could just add more ships to the low tech wings and increase their OP. Talon wing with 6 fighters per wing instead of 4 for example and call it Big Talon Wing.
That would sort of break the balance of low tech carriers because most of them wouldn't have the OP to use them. I am under the current opinion that low tech wings are still effective due to other factors, like high armor and replacement rate. Does this not hold up?

Or better yet: Make Armor Maintenance Nanites an active ship system so that it is harder to abuse. Add it to some ships with only 1 charge and 15 minutes recharge time. Ships that rely (mostly) on armor for defense or that have a shield shunt built in could rely on that system for armor repair. Otherwise I could make a Tyrant Phase Ship even more OP than it already is. And make it generate some hardflux while active. I think that would be better. And don't add it to Luddic Ships because nanites are tools of the devil.

The Vanguard frigate has 2 active ship systems. One of them is called Special. How do you activate that? And maybe that could be the solution to the problem with the Armor Maintenance Nanites.
You activate the Special system through a right click like you would shields. I'm not sure there is a way to set up a similar thing with a hullmod, but if so that would be my ideal route.

I have one more question: I modified the file with the Shield Shunt like you said and it is still nowhere to be found. There is even a mod I use, where you can look which market has which item currently and there is still none to be found. Can I modify a file somewhere, so that I have shield shunt from the start or that I get shield shunt in my current game? I wanna test it out a little bit.
Through cheating with the console commands mod, i got the version of the shield shunt from your mod now :)
Glad you found it! I was going to suggest that exact solution. It should ideally show up in a couple of in game months anyway once stuff is bought from markets, but the wait could be a bit so that was the easier way.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2022, 09:33:01 PM by Morrokain »
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