I'm not sure what you're trying to do or what you did but if you're editing unpack's files to add another mod's special_items.csv to unpack, stop right there. If you want HMI's BPs to unpack like Vanilla's, go to HMI/data/campaign/special_items.csv
Once that is open, check the list of BPs and see if they call "MultiBlueprintItemPlugin". If they do, select that entire call (example from Magellan: "com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.impl.items.MultiBlueprintItemPlugin") replace it with "data.scripts.UnpackBlueprints" no quotations.
Thank you, I was going about it all wrong, now I understand. Hopefully I will get it right this time!
Edit: I am an idiot. I must of done something wrong because I got an crash error and log report (tried to figure out the log error but could not). Anyway, I replaced the edited files and will try again but I thought I can ask for help here. Just to make sure I am doing it right and which is the right way.
HMI Junkship Package,hmi_junk_package,package_bp,0.5,10000,1000,1,graphics/icons/cargo/blueprint_lowtech.png,ui_chip_pickup,ui_bp_package_drop,
com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.impl.items.MultiBlueprintItemPlugin,hmi_junk_bp,Enables heavy industry to construct literal trash that could be misconstrued as space ships often found in Hazard Mining Incorporated and Scavenger fleets.,200
Does it become like this?:
HMI Junkship Package,hmi_junk_package,package_bp,0.5,10000,1000,1,graphics/icons/cargo/blueprint_lowtech.png,ui_chip_pickup,ui_bp_package_drop,
data.scripts.UnpackBlueprints,hmi_junk_bp,Enables heavy industry to construct literal trash that could be misconstrued as space ships often found in Hazard Mining Incorporated and Scavenger fleets.,200
or like this?:
HMI Junkship Package,hmi_junk_package,package_bp,0.5,10000,1000,1,graphics/icons/cargo/blueprint_lowtech.png,ui_chip_pickup,ui_bp_package_drop,com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.impl.items.data.scripts.UnpackBlueprints,hmi_junk_bp,Enables heavy industry to construct literal trash that could be misconstrued as space ships often found in Hazard Mining Incorporated and Scavenger fleets.,200I tried the first option, maybe I accidentally removed a comma by mistake or removed more than just what I was supposed too or something or I was completely wrong. I will try the first option again, and if that doesn't work I will the second option and hope I get it right.
^ I was before editing in notepad++ with word wrap on. I switched over to working with it in Excel and it is much easier now.
Edit 2: I got it working and it worked out great. I am going to slowly go through my mods making the changes but not to quickly like I did before and got the error, I wasn't sure at that point which mods messed it up so I replaced the few that I had edited. Now that I know what I am doing and have it working I will slowly patch them up as I come across the blueprints.
It is super awesome to open them up and read each ships description. The base game should totally incorporate this mod.