Thanks for the hard work! Really love this mod to add variety to the ships I can use and face off against in enemy fleets.
The new Foundation looks very nice but personally I also like the Old Converted Mora Foundation, if I might suggest maybe you could make separate ships with the Old Foundation being Low Tech Demilitarized Salvage Ship and the New Foundation being High Tech Salvage/Exploration Ship (it looks like it'd be a very good fit in a Long Range Explorator/Salvage fleet) just and idea.
Also there are some typos in the description of Filum Drones as "This drone has been used to limited extent to help construct remote station
s in deep space. A bit more elegant than the ordinary mining drones, the Filum use
it's its
Beam to help manipulate material in space. It helps its parent ship
not only to build
, but also salvage all kind
s of space-born objects. The beam itself is an adequate PD weapon, while the graviton flux may occasion
naly disable incoming en
nemy craft
Also also, personally not a fan of the Pirate Charon since I think it's kind of far too "
high quality?" for the Pirates imo.