One of the more prominent things in the lore is that, things are getting worse, not better. Over the course of the post-collapse history, seems like there has been only events leading to further depopulation, and few leading to prosperity and growth.
I imagine Alex will eventually implement some planet killers or planetary conquest in some shape or form. But I think conquests in general should be extremely difficult if nigh-impossible. Afterall, the requirement of a takeover of a half-million-population planet should not just beating a fleet, thats rather unrealistically. It should be a tremendous logistical undertaking - assault, and occupation by a groundforce of tens of thousands for an extended period.
Granted, 10^3,10^4 could be made to be easy targets, as it shouldn't be too hard to quell a thousand people station. But core faction worlds >10^5 should be made difficult to conquer. If conquest was too easy, the player could easily snowball out of control in strength. The sector would shift borders far too quickly as well between AI. However, if conquests were generally near impossible, then the sector would be stable and AI factions wouldn't just collapse.
That said, for the sake of allowing player impact, I think starvation and famine resulting from food crisis should be allowed.
First, each planet should have two population tracks. One is the standard population counted in 10^3 to 10^8. Next is the refugee population count, ranging from 10^3 to 10^7.
An extended food crisis (say a full 6 months) should cause a massive emmigration event to occur. Once a crisis occurs, the planet sees a massive out-flow of refugees via civilian convoys (and the planet loses 90% of its population). These convoys will travel to a nearby well stocked planet, and the planet will see its refugee population become equal to the emigrating planets.
For example, a food deprived 10^6 planet suffers a population crisis. Its population becomes 10^5. Transport convoys headout towards a nearby planet 10^7. That planet now has 10^7 population with 10^6 refugee population.
Refugee populations that are too large (10^(-1) of the native population), will cause a massive food and food production crisis (lowers production efficiency). If this one is not resolved, the same event occurs again and the sector snowballs with even more refugees.
Transport convoys can be destroyed. Planets, if weakened enough, can be conquered (though at which point the victory is largely pyrric in nature). If given enough time to stabilize (say two cycles), a planet will attract back whatever remains of its refugee population via convoys. However, the back and forth journey of convoys has a chance of suffering too much from piracy, and the planet does not get enough population back and permanaently remains at a lower population level.
Now onto my reasoning for why I think the above system makes sense.
1. This makes blockade play a lot more interesting. Does the player opt for a large fleet that can block a planet for a long period from receiving any food shipments? If he does, does the player choose to engage neutral fleets, for the purposes of the blockade? What about those pesky 10 burn blockade runners and smugglers?
Or does the player turn off transponder and hunt food mercantile convoys and relief fleets like u-boats, but risk failing the month long effort entirely when a well-armed relief fleet arrives.
2) Excessive negative actions could have lasting impacts on the sector. Excessive piracy by the player, especially on key resource production worlds, can cause a refugee crisis which would then cause a negative feedback economy loop that permanaently *** the sector. Its not profitable for the sector to become too depopulated.
Thus, , there are all of a sudden incentives to be both a morally grey pirate and a hero delivering food to relieve a planet.
3) Planetary management becomes a challenging task as a conquered planet would typically be starved out first. The player will need to make massive food shipments to stabilize the planet's markets. To prevent the sector from going to ***, the player needs to contribute to civilian needs.
Anyways, that's it. Let me know what you guys think.