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Author Topic: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)  (Read 49137 times)


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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #15 on: February 29, 2012, 01:26:14 PM »

Indeed drawing squares and circles is going to test my skills haha :)

I'm willing to crank out ships....

As soon as I finish my mod anyway.

Thats cool me and Ashbringer are currently working on some more Starfleet ships along with some Klingon. I'm keen to get some Romulan and Borg ones done aswell :)

The Borg will be a pice of work ...


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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #16 on: February 29, 2012, 01:31:37 PM »

They lose too much detail if I make them smaller. I'll upload the files soon so people can get a feel for them. I want to make a simple mission first against the Klingons :)

Would you mind scaling them against my star destroyer? It's 1.6km long, but I made it 500 pixels tall. So a galaxy should be roughly half that size. A little license would be fine and maybe even make it 300 or 325 tall, but it would be odd if the star trek ships were larger than an ISD (with some exceptions of course).

How tall is the galaxy sprite? it's ~700 meters long according to wikipedia so still, it's quite large. But I've honestly been thinking of re-scaling all of my ships since they are really off in some cases. Basically the Victory I-II class is the same size as a galaxy class, so I could start from there.


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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #17 on: February 29, 2012, 01:46:17 PM »

The galaxy class is:

Length 642.51 meters
Width 463.73 meters

So thats:

Length 173 pixels
Width 106 pixels

(im changing the galaxy class one to a different model)

The sovereign class one is:

Length 265 pixels
Width 93 pixels

They lose too much detail if I make them smaller. I'll upload the files soon so people can get a feel for them. I want to make a simple mission first against the Klingons :)

Would you mind scaling them against my star destroyer? It's 1.6km long, but I made it 500 pixels tall. So a galaxy should be roughly half that size. A little license would be fine and maybe even make it 300 or 325 tall, but it would be odd if the star trek ships were larger than an ISD (with some exceptions of course).

How tall is the galaxy sprite? it's ~700 meters long according to wikipedia so still, it's quite large. But I've honestly been thinking of re-scaling all of my ships since they are really off in some cases. Basically the Victory I-II class is the same size as a galaxy class, so I could start from there.


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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #18 on: February 29, 2012, 02:17:35 PM »

OK no problem then, I think the current Victory class is about the same pixel size.

I'm debating making some major changes though, say 1 pixel per meter for any ship under ~100 meters. Any ship over 100 meters would be 2 meters per pixel. I'd have to scale my ISD up to 800 pixels and the victory would be slightly smaller then the existing ISD at 450 pixels high. That would also really show a much better sense of scale of the star wars ships. Right now thing are really arbitrary and odd and I'm having problems keeping things scaled correctly without some kind of hard rule like this.


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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #19 on: February 29, 2012, 02:20:04 PM »

In honesty i'm not too bothered about the exactly scale, aslong as the user gets an idea of the scale of the ships its generally okay in my eyes :)


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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #20 on: February 29, 2012, 02:36:39 PM »

In honesty i'm not too bothered about the exactly scale, aslong as the user gets an idea of the scale of the ships its generally okay in my eyes :)

I was not bothered by it at first either, but when you start adding lots and lots of ships, it's a lot easier to just have some sort of easy standard system in place beforehand. I plan on (hopefully) over 100 ships. Arbitrary scaling has worked out for me so far, but it does not really work out when you add so many. And also, the current ISD is kind of imposing, but it's not anywhere near as large as it should really be.


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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #21 on: February 29, 2012, 04:00:23 PM »

It probably wont matter now but once you have done a few more ships you might realize that while they look ok on their own they start to look weird when grouped together. Considering how easy it is to look up how long the enterprise is for example (enterprise D was 642.5 Meters) it might be better in the long run to just decide to make them as near as possible to scale.

It would be easier to do now while you only have 1-2 ships then when you have 10-20


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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2012, 10:45:59 AM »

Dude, someone just found an amazing starship site, this is the star trek section, it's mind blowing.


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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2012, 03:01:53 PM »

So it was pretty much my first thought to do something like this when I played this game, and I started on something, and then pretty much stopped because I have a short attention span. I managed to add three ships: the akira, nova, and defiant class ships, as well as a standard phaser, photon torpedo, and phaser cannon weapon set (the sprites for these are incredibly basic and slightly offset in placement). I tried doing some sound stuff for the phaser sound, but it ended up not sounding great mostly because I suck at sound. Also, they are all very over powered.
Basically, you start with a nova class, and you can buy the other two off of the hegemony station. OP: Feel free to use anything I've done here with your stuff.

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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2012, 03:45:30 PM »

Just watched the video looks good.

quick comment, why dont you increase the speed at witch the sheilds go up to ultra fast so that it appears that you just rais sheilds instintaniously. I dont know if its possible but there is a ship upgrade in the standard game that increases that by 100% so it seems likely you can tweak that number.

The slow raising sheilds just does not feel startreky to me.


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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2012, 09:35:00 PM »

I have added the credits in my original post should you need them.

Watched your video with the Sovereign, its looking pretty good. Looking forward to your first release.


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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2012, 02:05:16 PM »

Thanks for the feedback guys :)

I agree with the ship shields i'm still very much new at this modding business but im getting better by the day. I'm working on getting more ships out and cool missions too. Ive been very busy with work IRL atm but this weekend should give me an opportunity to turn up the heat!

Thanks for the ships btw Coyote itle help me build quicker as I can use the templates :)

Anyone who would like to contribute to the mod please feel tree, the more the merrier and hopefully we can get a really cool Star Trek mod going soon!

PS im working on a website as a central hub for all my work. As soon as its done ill post the link. Keep checking my youtube channel as i'll be posting vids of my progress there.


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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2012, 10:24:25 PM »

New ships added!


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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2012, 09:46:20 AM »

if your planning on playing around with the campaign i would be more than willing to come up with dialog


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Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2012, 11:34:24 AM »

That sounds, good. Im taking a break for a few days for studies but then ill be back to do some more.
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