Some FeedbackTM or something.
Gatchapull is really not my thing. I'd much rather just have a regular marine raid or whatever personally. I think this is with the Shady Informant, or something? One of the missions which says 'you should bring at least 300 marines'
Various 'breve missiles claim to be nuclear warheads. This is a little weird when we have an established missile system with a nuclear warhead in Starsector. The Reaper Torpedo has an 'enriched AM-catalyzed nuclear warhead'. Why am I picky about this in specific? Not sure! I think it's probably because the Reaper is quite iconic.
All the missiles reload. This... is vaguely alright, I guess? It's... very much not how the game normally plays. Auroran missiles are strange in general, though. Those kinetic torpedoes, though. Those are... you're probably aware of the whole Sabot issue and the reasons behind Sabots being changed from single big damage shots to the shotguns they are now. Very large kinetic damage values are fairly good into armour. They're... maybe fine, since they're perhaps sufficiently unwieldy, unlike old Sabots which just hit you. I've not experimented with the other missiles very much. 'breves appear to deal more damage than their description says? And appear to be capable of killing things through shields due to multiple damage instances? It'd be nice if auxiliary damage could be included in their description somewhere if these things are actually true. Outside of these things, I have not used the missiles enough to give substantial feedback.
The energy weapons! They all seem, uh, very bad? I'm not sure why I would want to use them. Maybe the Edge-type stuff is good, but I can't really say because it doesn't tell me what they actually do. Auroran energy weapons seem to be universally both inefficient and low-output though. I look at, say, Edge Type 2 MPC, the medium Edge weapon, and then I look at the Heavy Blaster. The Heavy Blaster costs the same amount, has higher output, is more efficient and has higher per-shot damage, and is thus better at punching through armour. A lot of the energy weapons are also claiming to be good versus armour and exposed hull while doing just energy damage. This seems incorrect? They should be effective versus both armour and shields. Or, perhaps, bad versus armour due to low per-hit strength- though that large anti-shield energy weapon, Cyrexa II 452 SXC, has a hit strength of 370 vs armour which is pretty substantial actually. The inefficiency of Auroran energy weapons makes me worry that their ships are perhaps too strong when used with vanilla energy weapons.
The ballistic weapons are... strange. The perfect mirror ends up with some odd relationships in comparison to vanilla weapons- notably the... wait, it's not even a perfect mirror. The Contata and Claris 50 Cannons probably shouldn't claim to be identical to the other except for damage type when they are very clearly not. Also, their range is slightly short- the Light Assault Gun, Light Autocannon and Railgun are all 700SU range. The Light Dual Autocannon is 600SU, which I guess the Claris is the most comparable to. Contata feels fairly weak compared to the LAG though? They are, again, the same OP cost, but the LAG has higher output and longer range.
HE weapon systems should probably also not claim to be more effective versus hull? It's... sort of vaguely true given how minimum armour works, I guess...?
Fighters! I like that the heavier fighters are actually fairly large. One thing which annoys me significantly about vanilla fighter balance is fighters are often very durable, to the point where you want to shoot them with ship weapons rather than point defense weapons, but have tiny hitboxes which make them very hard to hit with ship weapons. Vanilla's solution to this is the IR Autolance, I think? Outside of this thing I noticed, I've not interacted with the fighters enough to give any substantial feedback.
overall, it'd be nice if the tooltips told you more about what they do / were more complete.
oh, the colony items also all seem really strong. This is probably fine?