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Author Topic: [0.97][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.75c ( Hotfix 3 )  (Read 824186 times)


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #690 on: March 14, 2023, 08:42:36 AM »

Question about yimie quest
1)yimie quest have timer? Bcs i take the quest but i forgot about it after few ingame months and yimie was send to jail, I can't get the quest anymore.

2) i search help in Reddit and someone help try to reset the quest but after many times of resetting and testing it didn't work at all,is there anyway of resetting the quest in a save game?
Yes Yimie does have a timer. It's said during the dialogue. You can also check the timer at the IMPORTANT section.
You should see it with Yimies picture with the dialogue for the Quest she gave you.
It won't show up in the ACCEPTED QUEST Section. Always check the Important as far as I remember it's automatically mark as such.
And no you cannot reset the quest as it is as far as I remember a 1 time thing for every playthrough. So if you f*cked up then that's a GG for Yimie's quest


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #691 on: March 14, 2023, 11:31:18 AM »

Unfortunately I still can't play the mod, since the update until now I tryied to download the mod multiple times, form diferents browsers, I even asked a friend to dowwnload it, and test if his version as working(with was) and pass a copy to me, I'm using the 7zip to extract the archives, I deleted the mod and reinstalled it multiple times, I even desinstaled the game a few times to see if it solved the problem, but nothing changed, the error in question is this one:

Fatal: ship hull spec [uaf_m_akatauzuma] not found.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #692 on: March 14, 2023, 02:32:29 PM »

Unfortunately I still can't play the mod, since the update until now I tryied to download the mod multiple times, form diferents browsers, I even asked a friend to dowwnload it, and test if his version as working(with was) and pass a copy to me, I'm using the 7zip to extract the archives, I deleted the mod and reinstalled it multiple times, I even desinstaled the game a few times to see if it solved the problem, but nothing changed, the error in question is this one:

Fatal: ship hull spec [uaf_m_akatauzuma] not found.

Try downloading the mod from the download link, then apply the hotfix by overwriting the files with the ones from the hotfix.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #693 on: March 14, 2023, 07:11:15 PM »

Unfortunately I still can't play the mod, since the update until now I tryied to download the mod multiple times, form diferents browsers, I even asked a friend to dowwnload it, and test if his version as working(with was) and pass a copy to me, I'm using the 7zip to extract the archives, I deleted the mod and reinstalled it multiple times, I even desinstaled the game a few times to see if it solved the problem, but nothing changed, the error in question is this one:

Fatal: ship hull spec [uaf_m_akatauzuma] not found.

Try downloading the mod from the download link, then apply the hotfix by overwriting the files with the ones from the hotfix.

Unfortunately the same error.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #694 on: March 14, 2023, 08:04:23 PM »

I'm honestly at a loss. The game is throwing an error stating that it can't find the Akatsuzuma hull, which literally shouldn't be missing, period. Is your antivirus flagging that specific file and automatically deleting it? Because otherwise that's literally the reason why you're not able to load the game.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #695 on: March 14, 2023, 08:56:02 PM »

I'm honestly at a loss. The game is throwing an error stating that it can't find the Akatsuzuma hull, which literally shouldn't be missing, period. Is your antivirus flagging that specific file and automatically deleting it? Because otherwise that's literally the reason why you're not able to load the game.

There is no response of the antvirus, I also tryied to disable it before I download the mod, installing it and starting the game while it's disable and the error is still there, what I have notice is that, whem I extract the archives it end before reach 100%, doing it by the winrar states that it end with 97%, by the 7zip, a bit more than the half of the bar, but the thing is, in the previous version it was normal, only after I tryied the new version I encontered this problem. I'm literally with no hope to play in this version, maybe I will have luck in the next. For now I will see if I still have the previous version somewhere here.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #696 on: March 14, 2023, 09:00:03 PM »

Unfortunately I still can't play the mod, since the update until now I tryied to download the mod multiple times, form diferents browsers, I even asked a friend to dowwnload it, and test if his version as working(with was) and pass a copy to me, I'm using the 7zip to extract the archives, I deleted the mod and reinstalled it multiple times, I even desinstaled the game a few times to see if it solved the problem, but nothing changed, the error in question is this one:

Fatal: ship hull spec [uaf_m_akatauzuma] not found.

Delete the entire UAF folder and replace it with whatever version you have, and stop trying to load your old save. Lastly, if all that din't work - go to your saves/missions/carrierflightmaiden or firingrange and delete those saves as well. Your game is trying to find a hull that doesn't exist anymore, your UAF must either have a file that tells the game its there or you're trying to load an old save.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #697 on: March 14, 2023, 09:09:04 PM »

Unfortunately I still can't play the mod, since the update until now I tryied to download the mod multiple times, form diferents browsers, I even asked a friend to dowwnload it, and test if his version as working(with was) and pass a copy to me, I'm using the 7zip to extract the archives, I deleted the mod and reinstalled it multiple times, I even desinstaled the game a few times to see if it solved the problem, but nothing changed, the error in question is this one:

Fatal: ship hull spec [uaf_m_akatauzuma] not found.

Delete the entire UAF folder and replace it with whatever version you have, and stop trying to load your old save. Lastly, if all that din't work - go to your saves/missions/carrierflightmaiden or firingrange and delete those saves as well. Your game is trying to find a hull that doesn't exist anymore, your UAF must either have a file that tells the game its there or you're trying to load an old save.

I start a new save every time I need to update any of the mods and yes I deletes the saves files and there is no mission folder inside the saves directory. so I cant find carrierflightmaiden or firingrange.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #698 on: March 16, 2023, 04:57:50 AM »

Question about yimie quest
1)yimie quest have timer? Bcs i take the quest but i forgot about it after few ingame months and yimie was send to jail, I can't get the quest anymore.

2) i search help in Reddit and someone help try to reset the quest but after many times of resetting and testing it didn't work at all,is there anyway of resetting the quest in a save game?
1. Yes, as is written in the quest you have 120 days to go and come back.
2. Look at page 39 at my post, it explains how to save scum to reset the quest.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #699 on: March 16, 2023, 07:46:59 AM »

Question about yimie quest
1)yimie quest have timer? Bcs i take the quest but i forgot about it after few ingame months and yimie was send to jail, I can't get the quest anymore.

2) i search help in Reddit and someone help try to reset the quest but after many times of resetting and testing it didn't work at all,is there anyway of resetting the quest in a save game?
1. Yes, as is written in the quest you have 120 days to go and come back.
2. Look at page 39 at my post, it explains how to save scum to reset the quest.
yes i tried the option that you posted already,the same thing that i tried but some of the lines did not appear such as <st>$UAFTDScavenge</st>
itried everything i could, but it wont work at all.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #700 on: March 16, 2023, 07:49:15 AM »

Question about yimie quest
1)yimie quest have timer? Bcs i take the quest but i forgot about it after few ingame months and yimie was send to jail, I can't get the quest anymore.

2) i search help in Reddit and someone help try to reset the quest but after many times of resetting and testing it didn't work at all,is there anyway of resetting the quest in a save game?
Yes Yimie does have a timer. It's said during the dialogue. You can also check the timer at the IMPORTANT section.
You should see it with Yimies picture with the dialogue for the Quest she gave you.
It won't show up in the ACCEPTED QUEST Section. Always check the Important as far as I remember it's automatically mark as such.
And no you cannot reset the quest as it is as far as I remember a 1 time thing for every playthrough. So if you f*cked up then that's a GG for Yimie's quest
first thing is i remember theres a timer in the old version bt the new version is not showing the timer to me


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #701 on: March 16, 2023, 08:16:42 PM »

Engine sections of the Slovenia V are probably being categorized differently, as the op cost and effect of hullmods like Heavy armor are different. On the left it cost 15, on the right it is 40.
Please do not mention High Scatter Amplifier.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #702 on: March 17, 2023, 04:34:46 AM »

First of awesome mod love what you are doing, this is just a quick bugreport. Don't know if you already are aware, I noticed someone mention it earlier and I thought I would add my finding to it.

The Minibrev's (Small and Medium) are not being used propperly by AI.
This is because the AI "Clicks"/fires for a short time when launching missils. And the minibrev weapon requires a click and hold to fire.

This can be seen if you equip any ship with a minibrev and watch the little launching bar at the bottom of the screen, it will go up to like 20-50% (as in they try to fire) and then it will drop down to 0% again.

This is unlike the Semibrev (Large) which functions as the normal missils (Click = fire and forget)

I hope this could prove usefull in fixing the bug
If all this was already known then disregard the information  ;D

P.S Great work all around


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #703 on: March 17, 2023, 06:18:02 PM »

The United Aurora Federation are extremely proud of their fighters, right? WELL! I'd love to see some integration with Armaa's Wingcom stuff. There's patches out for a few other mods now, and there's a new category in the Mod Index for this sort of stuff. Would be great to see pilotable Strikecraft!


Try downloading the mod from the download link, then apply the hotfix by overwriting the files with the ones from the hotfix.
Please god tell me that's not what you're supposed to do. The hotfix is the same size at the main file, surely meaning you install the hotfix only. It certainly doesn't look like a patch.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 06:20:37 PM by HopeFall »


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #704 on: March 17, 2023, 08:07:46 PM »

Please god tell me that's not what you're supposed to do. The hotfix is the same size at the main file, surely meaning you install the hotfix only. It certainly doesn't look like a patch.

Oh thank gosh, then it's probably the latter. My experience in general with uploaded hotfixes is that they tended to only have the necessary files for hotfixing. If Cy's hotfix includes all of the required files for the mod to run, then yes, absolutely, please just download the hotfix.

Though I do wonder what the previous user had issues with, hence my previous suggestion to replace all of the files within their UAF install with the one from the hotfix. They were still having issues, which truly confuses me.
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