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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.75c ( Hotfix 3 )  (Read 826494 times)


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #750 on: April 12, 2023, 05:12:01 PM »

I’m glad that I’m not the only one who can’t get them to fire. The strange part is, the medium version usually works fine. I can get it to fire if I pair it up with a machine gun or point defense, that was how I used to rig up my Griffins so they would blast everything as fast as possible. But that usually ends up wasting the missile. 

That being said.. I didn’t actually know they needed to be charged to fire.. although that might be because I couldn’t pilot to save my life. But the fact that the input needs to be held down.. it actually explains a lot. It sounds like the inputs aren’t long enough to fire. So it’s pressing fire but not firing.. Interesting..

I guess I done goofed on the rar and zip, I probably didn’t read it right then. It’s good to know.

You found a keycard though? Interesting. How’d you find that? I’ve had several universe ending play-throughs and I’ve yet to find one.

You're GLAD we can't fire them?! Kidding, I know what you meant. And yea, sometimes when the AI switches to their weapon group, it just cycles to the other launchers without launching any of them. Do you know if Aggressive / Reckless officers have better results? I very rarely use officers that aren't Steady (Fits my playstyle better).

I found the keycard off a Research Station. Apparently it's the 2nd lowest level among the 5 keycards, so I thought they'd be a little more common lol. Well, at least it'd make collecting the whole set a big achievement  :)

Pfft, nothing makes me more glad than being disarmed. Nothing strikes fear into the heart of the enemy like a person pointing finger guns, am I right or am I right? And you're right about that, even when I mixed the missile groups into one to avoid that... Well, I was trying to mix the minibreive with the chorus so a large amount of missiles would act as a cover for the giant missile, but the chorus fires but not the other.

Ooh, I actually found out about the aggressive officers just a week ago, I used to always use steady but I didn't really know what the difference was. When I found out that aggressive officers try to be in range of the enemy with their shortest range weapon so all the weapons are able to fire, it kind of clicked why their dps was so much better. For the longest time, my officers would fire pot shots with their long range shieldbreaker but they would rarely use short range weapons like the antimatter blaster. It was more of a gamechanger as finding out the maneuverability affects acceleration in addition to turn speed.

Well, from one hoarder to another, I wish you luck on your collection. And I better start ransacking more of those research stations...
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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #751 on: April 13, 2023, 08:06:03 AM »

Depend on the type of weapon you build, or the ship you let the officer on, or the actually role you want them to play

Timid and Cautious usually work best for carrier, with long range missle to top off.
Steady are best for BB, or ship with big gun and long range, they are the tanker , area denial and point defense platform, you don't want them to be overload by firing all their gun willy nilly or over pushing into a blob.
Aggressive is best use for assasin type ship, those that go in, unload their stuff then go out, get a kill or 2. Best for fast cruiser or some beefy destroyer.
I still don't find a use for reckless tbh. they are....a bit suicidal...well i guess you could play as luddic path and get the IED.

Since the tool tip said the card drop rate are actually quite good, i would assume you have to farm those pirate in the UAF system...But tbh i never even bother, i just get their sweet comm money, their basically apathetic relationship on the world and then ran amok throught out the sector, hence no card.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2023, 08:08:39 AM by Aevita »


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #752 on: April 13, 2023, 10:33:07 AM »

Depend on the type of weapon you build, or the ship you let the officer on, or the actually role you want them to play

Timid and Cautious usually work best for carrier, with long range missle to top off.
Steady are best for BB, or ship with big gun and long range, they are the tanker , area denial and point defense platform, you don't want them to be overload by firing all their gun willy nilly or over pushing into a blob.
Aggressive is best use for assasin type ship, those that go in, unload their stuff then go out, get a kill or 2. Best for fast cruiser or some beefy destroyer.
I still don't find a use for reckless tbh. they are....a bit suicidal...well i guess you could play as luddic path and get the IED.

Since the tool tip said the card drop rate are actually quite good, i would assume you have to farm those pirate in the UAF system...But tbh i never even bother, i just get their sweet comm money, their basically apathetic relationship on the world and then ran amok throught out the sector, hence no card.

I’m not sure I could ever use a timid or cautious officer, they stay so far back that fighters usually don’t get reinforced properly. It usually feels wasteful too when I can give most of my ships a converted hanger to spread that role of carrier among the whole fleet. I usually prefer dominators, eradicators, griffins and enforcers, and with them all at aggressive, they do a good job of soaking damage and retreating to be covered by their allies. I don’t think there’s ever been an actual situation where a aggressive officers has been outperformed by a steady in my fleet.

But as for reckless, yeah, I’m sure there is a niche somewhere, maybe a Hyperion or something, probably a ship with the safety’s removed. But I usually just expect the ship to be gone after I use it.

Hmm, that’s good information, so maybe they have special loot drops for those pirates then. Thank you, I might try it to find that card.
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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #753 on: April 13, 2023, 02:11:08 PM »

range of a fighter/bomber is around 4000 to 7000 while interceptor could go to 1500 iirc.
And timid officer behave is they run away at the 1st sign of danger while cautious try to stay at maximum range. i used to use steady for carrier but they sometime push ahead when the tide of battle is favorable then get stuck because they over extended since carrier speed is usually terrible.

So you want timid carrier for bombing run with long range bomber + missle, and cautious for skrimish light carrier with more interceptor, fighter and a short range bomber couple with some gun.

That said, you will need a front line to keep them from being chase around since one destroyer or frigate break through and those carrier will scatter away thus unable to support the rest of the team.

A balance carrier focus fleet will need at least 1 chonky BB to hold the line with A LOT of destroyer and frigate to distract enemy and escort the carrier.

Most people i think build a doom stack carrier fleet with every ship being carrier or capable of having hangar, but that imo is a wrong way to do thing. Since the more hangar you have, the weaker your skill became and the more fragile you fleet get in draw out combat like 1v3 or 1v5, which can be devastating. Not to mention a single good PD ship can make 50% of your fleet useless not to mention the Remnant or the High tech fleet.

That's my experience from building carrier focus fleet with UAF, it grief me when i saw Tsugumu chan occupy 1 hangar slot and the Troop transport chan occupy like 2.

Recommend : Increase the skill threshold if you want to play with UAF cuz half of your hangar gonna be wasted in the logistic fleet.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #754 on: April 13, 2023, 04:24:11 PM »

range of a fighter/bomber is around 4000 to 7000 while interceptor could go to 1500 iirc.
And timid officer behave is they run away at the 1st sign of danger while cautious try to stay at maximum range. i used to use steady for carrier but they sometime push ahead when the tide of battle is favorable then get stuck because they over extended since carrier speed is usually terrible.

So you want timid carrier for bombing run with long range bomber + missle, and cautious for skrimish light carrier with more interceptor, fighter and a short range bomber couple with some gun.

That said, you will need a front line to keep them from being chase around since one destroyer or frigate break through and those carrier will scatter away thus unable to support the rest of the team.

A balance carrier focus fleet will need at least 1 chonky BB to hold the line with A LOT of destroyer and frigate to distract enemy and escort the carrier.

Most people i think build a doom stack carrier fleet with every ship being carrier or capable of having hangar, but that imo is a wrong way to do thing. Since the more hangar you have, the weaker your skill became and the more fragile you fleet get in draw out combat like 1v3 or 1v5, which can be devastating. Not to mention a single good PD ship can make 50% of your fleet useless not to mention the Remnant or the High tech fleet.

That's my experience from building carrier focus fleet with UAF, it grief me when i saw Tsugumu chan occupy 1 hangar slot and the Troop transport chan occupy like 2.

Recommend : Increase the skill threshold if you want to play with UAF cuz half of your hangar gonna be wasted in the logistic fleet.

I’m probably a minority here but the fleet I was using didn’t utilize any of the combat skills since I focus almost completely on exploration and industrial skills. Despite that, or perhaps because of that, I was able to create fairly capable fleets that could go toe to toe with redacted fleets with the setups I had mentioned earlier, by using griffins as missile screens and constant bombardment of missiles connected to a single PD so they auto fire like crazy and dominators to crush their shields with that gauss cannon and that one that works against armor. Each one of them is built to be a jack of all trades with emphasis on missiles and hardened shields. At least that’s what my fleets looked like before I got into mods. And if you can gather sparks from remnants, they function as PD and makes it harder for smaller ships to press up against a larger less agile opponent.
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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #755 on: April 13, 2023, 09:32:28 PM »

1 fleet vs 1 fleet is not that much of a problem, you pretty much can build whatever and your officer can handle the rest. Even more so when you are going on a leisure trip around the sector. Nothing can even pose a challenge.

The real test is when you are overwhelmed 2 to 1 or worse case 4 fleet to one or fighting IBB bounty with ridiculous ships that lies in the realm of wtf is going on.

Respec constantly between explore and battle, hours of simulation stress test lead me to those conclusion...Well that's only for the hardcore battle tbh. But i just say that if it's effective in a difficult situation it gonna made your life even more easier vs normal stuff.

Tl;dr don't sweat too much, if it works, it's good enough.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #756 on: April 16, 2023, 06:34:32 AM »

Just wanted to point out that the Solvernia V given out at the end of the mod for 60mil has mismatched engines.
The port engine appears to be classified as a cruiser and the starboard engine appears to be capital sized.
Also the composite slots on the engines don't seem to be aligned.

Loving the mod so far and I'm definitely excited to see what the final version would become!  :D


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #757 on: April 16, 2023, 09:19:56 AM »

For me the changes to Purcellyra were necessary as it was very strong.

After the changes could someone tell me how the passive "Missile Ammo Restored by 50% every 40 seconds" works?

During battles I noticed that I didn't get a 50% reload on my missile ammo at any time.

What I noticed was that ammo is being spawned seconds earlier than specified.

Vocal 3 seconds (4 seconds)
Minerest 8 secs (10 seconds)
Semibreve 232 secs (286 seconds)

Apparently what the passive does is that it reduces the reload by 20/25%.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #758 on: April 17, 2023, 11:30:23 PM »

Hi there, I think I found a little bug/oversight with the UAF energy point defense weapon, the Merupaka. It does not appear in any blueprint package and seemingly can't be learnt ingame. I checked the weapon_data.csv and I think the following must be the cause: The Merupaka is set to be part of "uaf_automata_weapon_bp" but this package doesn't seem to exist. It should rather be part of "uaf_automata_rare_bp", like the other UAF energy weapons. Otherwise, in my playthroughs, it doesn't seem to appear.

I can't say if this is a bug, an oversight, or even intended. Just my personal thoughts.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #759 on: April 19, 2023, 10:23:39 PM »

Purcellyra seems to have either a bug or a translation/description error

The description implies just flat reloading/restoring 50% of the ammo after 40 seconds . But it seems to speed up missile reloading by XX%


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #760 on: April 20, 2023, 08:18:35 AM »

could it be, that the mod still tries to create tourism fleets, despite favonius being razed? (on second thought, thats probably not it, favonius has been razed for ages now...)

cause im getting a very reliable null pointer about the uaf fleet event manager being unable to remove a despawned fleet

either that or one of the other random fleets from uaf could be broken here, you know, maybe the ones they send after you when you do pirate contracts on their planets or something:

   at data.scripts.plugins.UAFEventManager$FleetData.removeDespawnedFleet(
   at data.scripts.plugins.UAFEventManager$
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.BaseLocation.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignState.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
« Last Edit: April 20, 2023, 08:20:41 AM by Maethendias »


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #761 on: April 27, 2023, 06:23:32 AM »

new person to the mod how do i progress contacts?


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #762 on: April 28, 2023, 04:15:13 PM »

new person to the mod how do i progress contacts?

Welcome, prepare your space wallet and buy some baked goods to bribe the local administrator, Nia. Currently, our NPC leveling is dependent on Nia's reputation because we offer guaranteed NPC contacts ( which in vanilla, currently relies on pure RNG or campaign progression ). Think of the baked goods as a commodity for the player to fast level the progression without having to waste your resources and time going back and forth. However, at a reasonable cost of course.


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #763 on: April 28, 2023, 11:46:44 PM »

thanks for the reply also can i blueprints or weapons for the faction?


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Re: [0.9.51a-RC6][WIP] United Aurora Federation 0.73c / 0.73c1
« Reply #764 on: April 29, 2023, 12:45:12 AM »

So... Is the fact that carpet bombers (specifically the Sakurai/middle one) will try to attack fighters with their unguided ordnance an oversight in their unit AI or a feature working as intended?
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