Hey Ryxsen, we love playing UAF and we always use mining with nex, but never liked having to use non-UAF ships and equipment in our playthroughs.
So we made a mod to addon a couple of themed ships and gear.
Asked on the discord how to ask you for permission to use things like spritework and sounds and they said to ask here, and we wanted to ask cause if we added the images right you'll see we've used sprites to fit the UAF models on the Junepet ship and they use the UAF engine and hull sounds.
Wanted to see if we can send you the mod and see what you think?
Themed it around an engineering core figuring out energy weapons and being enthralled with the Auroran melody, so they worship the songs of waifu princesses and dance to the tune of planets... cracking them open and mining them with AI drones and sonic weapons.
In gameplay terms, they do very little damage but they're very tough, disrupt ship formations by immobilizing and pushing them around, and do a good amount of EMP.
Dancing with the enemy to open them up to all the UAF fighters and missiles.
It's only a couple of ships but wanted them to be unique and fun instead of just another reskin, like flying around in an Eyeseau and nuking a fleet.
The feel of launching an enemy ship into it's own fleet with a Y33T gun, and running down and freezing an annoying frigate with a mining cruiser fitted with asteroid catchers.
Then fitting a bunch of specialty mining wings to a supercarrier and doing both... is very satisfying.
Either way, had a lot of fun playing and hope you enjoy the fanwork.