Absolutely great mod, never start a new game without it. (Kakafoni my beloved)
Only one issue I, and others've had is that the CC bonus for PRV gives a neglegible bonus but a massive debuff.
Giving my officers schizophrenia for a 5% or 1% speed bonus is a downright terrible trade.
I was wondering if you could buff it to something like 10% more speed for officered ships and 5% more for officerless ships, if that seems fair. (it is)
I'm a bit of two minds about it. You're entirely correct that having your ship have a schizo moment at the wrong time is a really harsh penalty, but it's also something that often creates interesting - if not neccessarily beneficial - situations.
The shared speed bonus is a nav rating buff that stacks with Coordinated Maneuvers, so you're getting that speed across all your ships, added together, so you're going to have a significant nav advantage against most fleets. The wording is a little funny, I think it's based on the wording for some old version of CM. I should update it to be clearer. But the total bonus tends to be significant unless you're already maxing out your nav rating from other sources.
Now, if you have a particularly sensitive ship it may be wise to not put a maniac with cyberpsychosis in charge of it, but hey, that's the prv for you. More sensible commanders can use the Commisioned Crew Ban hullmod in these cases. Actually, writing this out gave me an idea that I'll need to check if it's technically feasible.
Anyway, feel free to consider it a flavorful challenge mode - the CC mod has upside, but you're entirely correct it's not always worth the downside, which is sometimes to the point of having a lynchpin ship reenact the charge of the Light Brigade...