Lots of excellent changes in there.
Re: Odyssey
I nearly posted a semi-rant in Megas' feedback thread about how the Odyssey was in a no-man's land for high-tech ships. Every other "large" high-tech ship had either a mobility system or strong shield but the Odyssey did not. It was trying to slug it out with inferior energy weapons and an asymmetrical design.
What I like about the 90 speed, even if it is high, is that the Odyssey becomes closer to what I wanted the Aurora to be before Plasma Jets: something of a high-tech ship-of-the-line. It's following classic battlecruiser doctrine: outgunning what it can't outrun and outrunning what it can't outgun. While its offensive/defensive capabilities remain relatively unchanged (though the addition of another flightdeck is pretty significant), the fact that it's moving at destroyer speed means that it can outflank cruisers and capitals that would win a straight-on fight. Maybe it will it be a tad too strong in this iteration but do remember, it has the second-highest deployment cost in the game: right after the Paragon and tied with an Astral.
Re: Tug changes
I get that it's useful to increase the speed of your fleet, especially if you have a load of slower freighters or capitals but as long as S-Burn remains the preferred method of travel, +1 just isn't that significant. Now that the AI is using S-Burn, maybe I'll have to pay more attention to my fleet's base burn speed because I could get chased down but like I said in the Augmented Drive Field thread, S-Burn has trivialized (or perhaps more appropriately, homogenized) burn levels. With the changes to S-Burn, perhaps its use won't be as ubiquitous as current?
I thought you were looking into making Tugs more of a fuel-saving measure for the rust-bucket fleets, though the +50% fuel perk in Recovery Operations may have been the route you took.
Added "Converted Hangar" modspec to level 2 Fighter Doctrine
Massive change, IMO. I don't think there is a single modspec that completely changes the way you play as much as this one. It's rarity in the current game means I don't mess with it much but if I ever stumble across it, most of my destroyers and above use it. The flexibility that's offered by adding a fighter wing to even a destroyer is huge and it's not difficult to reach a critical mass of fighters/bombers if you toss in a few dedicated carriers. I'd hate for it to get nerfed but fighters are just so good right now. I'd daresay move it to Level 3 if nothing else changes.
Less drastically reduced flux cost of PD Laser and both Burst PD Laser versions
I must be dense: I don't understand what this is saying. Did flux costs
increase for PD Laser and Burst PD...? The "less" is throwing me off and perhaps it's not supposed to be there at all?
Ton of a great bugfixes. Huge QoL improvements in there. Loving the fighter changes and will have to be on the lookout for Thunders now.