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Author Topic: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)  (Read 41816 times)


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[0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« on: May 14, 2017, 11:11:12 AM »

Click the image below for download.

This is the First version of Interstellar Federation Legacy mod. It's an update of the classic IF mod by Keptin that was discontinued a few years back.

So far I have converted all the ships, weapons, item descriptions, and ship systems. The ships and weapons have been added to the independent fleets and markets as part of a demo versison of the mod while I work on integrating them as their own faction. A lot of the lore doesn't really line up with that of starsector, and I'm not really planning on expanding on the 'Jardain' aliens mentioned in the lore and a few teaser images by Keptin. I'm still brainstorming the specifics of the lore, faction relations, etc.
The ships and equipment are still in an early state of balance, many of their stats were either nonexistant in previous versions of the game, or have completely changed, I've given things a once over but there are still a number of oddities. If people want to start trying the ships and gathering information on what's broken with that stuff I can focus more on the other work that's going on, and it would be appreciated.

Released under with permission from the original author.

Special thanks to
Keptin for creating all the content. None of this would have been possible without what must have been countless hours of work on his part, and he definitely goes at the top of the list
Tartiflette and Mshadowy for inspiring me to get into mod creation in this game and some tips along the way.
Alex for making Starfare... sector and giving us such a great, versatile platform to express ourselves on.
Many folks in the Discord who I bounced ideas off of, asked questions, and just in general were very welcoming.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 11:22:52 AM by Wriath »


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Re: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2017, 11:14:06 AM »

Reserved for bugs/to do list
Version in mod_info.json and mod description are wrong, doesn't affect gameplay.
Also if someone familiar with data/campaign stuff (faction creation/campaign integration) I could use some direction.
Fix naming conventions, remove ammo on ballistics.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 04:11:40 PM by Wriath »


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Re: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2017, 03:58:08 PM »

First, I gotta say I am so glad you are picking up this mod.

The overabundance of ammo limited weapons doesn't really fit with current balance. The naming conventions for ship classes is all over the place (Gunship and Destroyer both being used for wildly different sizes of ships).


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Re: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2017, 04:31:05 PM »

Yeah, older must have mod is back ^^
kudos for necro this mod :D
-the ABOMINATION - in progress


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Re: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2017, 06:15:07 PM »

Good to see this again. I've been missing my Scythes and Dakotas for too long.
It's been a long time, but I still love ya!

- Pfp done by Sleepyfish!


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Re: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2017, 11:08:27 PM »

Where can I get an Orbital Fusion Cannon, and what the hell am I supposed to mount it on?


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Re: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2017, 04:54:42 AM »

The Orbital Fusion cannon is a remnant from this Expect it in a mission maybe in a later version, it's not at all balanced so I hadn't really intended to bring it to campaign. (at least I'm pretty sure that's what it is, I didn't see it on any of the other variants)


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Re: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2017, 10:31:00 AM »

Yeah I saw it pop up when I was refitting ships in the mission menu, I definitely can't see that being usable ever. It would be cool, but also insanely overpowered.


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Re: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2017, 05:07:08 PM »

I would put a cleanup of the fighters on your to-do list. The Foxbat needs new weapons on top of the LMG, as at 0 OP it is competing with the Talon. Honestly you could probably copy paste code from the Talon onto the Foxbat to give it swarmers. Overall fighters work very differently now and a lot of stats need to be adjusted.


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Re: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2017, 02:19:54 AM »

Disclaimer: I never played the original mod, so I can't say I have a "feel" for what the faction should have/did play like compared to vanilla balance back in the day. I'm just giving it my best go at it compared to how it plays with the game right now.

The vast majority of ballistics will need a substantial balance pass once their ammo restriction is removed -- right now most of (all?) the kinetic weapons all put out higher DPS than their flux cost, for example, which is not the norm for most vanilla weapons outside of some small mounts and the needlers. For example, the Mass Driver has the same range, accuracy, traverse etc as the Hypervelocity Driver -- but it does 208 DPS for 167 flux/s, while the HD does 138 DPS for 178 flux/s, *and* the Mass Driver has exceptional armor penetration with its 1,500 damage shot. This is all worth far more than 17 OP. Another big offender is the Cain, which beats out the Mjolnir in efficiency and the plasma cannon for raw energy damage. For starters, I'd suggest going through the medium/large ballistic weapons and inverting their DPS and flux/s where appropriate... that seems like it might be a good starting point.

Some of the missiles will need to be reworked too. Right now the medium MLRS mount is pretty much a strictly inferior Annihilator -- 800 vs. 1500 range is a cripplingly bad deficit, and it has few other features that justify a 50% OP cost increase. The large mount at least does substantially more damage, but the range is still incredibly restrictive. Even SRMs reach 1,000.

Like Surge mentioned, the fighters need a substantial balance pass as well. Both the Tracer and the Hornet are very slow at 100 and 125, barely capable of catching capitals with the zero-flux boost on, making them incredibly vulnerable to defensive fire... especially the Tracer, since it closes to a pretty short range to drop its torpedoes compared to the Atropos-equipped vanilla bombers. Even the Warthog goes 130, and the Piranha 150. The Foxbat has an acceptable speed of 200, but even that is only comparable to heavy fighters, and far lower than most other fighters classified as "interceptors," a number of which exceed 300.

Also, I believe the Hornet should get the *single* Sabot launchers like the Longbow uses. It's not necessarily imbalanced if it has 2 Sabots instead of the 1 the Longbow has, but right now it's using a pair of the standard Small Missile Mount Sabots, not the Longbow's single-shot fighter version, which makes it ludicrously overpowered as a single 8-OP wing of them is dumping 12 Sabots in a pass! With higher speeds, they'll also need higher OP costs; the Tracer is only 12 OP compared to the 20/28 for the Dagger/Trident; and the Tracer is 4 less than the Longbow, which has half the Sabots.

The Antares and Zephyr are still using point-defense drones as their ship systems; and the Mercury has sensor drones. The standard now is to have drones as a built-in fighter bay, with something else as a ship system, so that's something to consider an alternative for. Also, the Antares just sucks in general: too few weapons mounts, flux stats no better than a cruiser, *and* slower than either of the vanilla battlecruisers... despite a 40-supply deployment cost like the Conquest.

I can't really comment on the balance of anything but the capitals, as they're all I've experimented with in the simulator so far. As mentioned, the Antares sucks. The Auria and Titan feel like they're in a pretty good place, and the Yukon feels balanced for its deployment cost -- but its stats are more those of a cruiser than a capital, so it might stand to be reclassified. EDIT: the Titan might be a bit *too* good actually; the teleporter is incredibly powerful. Perhaps should get a higher flux cost, or fewer uses/longer recharge. /EDIT

More minor quibbles, but worth noting: missing ship, ship system, and item descriptions all over the place. Various typos in some others ("Hedgemony" instead of "Hegemony" in the Antares description, for example). Lack of Autofit options for the ships. CR costs on deployment are very low (about 1/2 vanilla numbers) across the board -- not sure if that was an intentional balance point for the mod, or just a different standard for an older version of the game.

Hope that helps!  :)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2017, 03:35:53 AM by Zenobious »


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Re: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2017, 10:09:01 AM »

My two cents after playing awhile with this mod:

Rethink the ordnance points of most of the ships. They are not enough. For example the interceptor (frigate)....even with +10 percent ordnance points I can barely put in hardened subsystems, blast doors, stabilized shields and two standart small weapons plus points on vents. This in a ship with four weapon slots. 38 points, that´s it! Some more hull mods? How? Maybe with an officer, that has vents and capacitors skills, which free some ordnance points, but even then I predict only one more cheap hull mod. Short said, at the moment the configuration range of the ships is very very limited. Can´t be compared with vanilla equivalents....


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Re: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2017, 08:08:49 PM »

So will they have a station? Or is this it?


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Re: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2017, 09:46:55 AM »

It said that he was developing the actual faction. So as it said they are found in independent stations.

Also.. I need this mod.


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Re: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2017, 05:02:11 PM »

"Slap slap slap, clap clap clap"

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Re: [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2017, 12:29:36 AM »

It feels like the ships (that I've seen) in this mod are grossly underpowered, but the weapons are fun. I've never seen anything other than Shoguns, some of the frigates, and that's it, but maybe I had/have some weird mod incompatibility.
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