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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.8a] Project ATX v0.4 - Two new ships, two new weapons, simulator support  (Read 35609 times)


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Yeah, it's all on my end - been running around like a headless chicken the last couple days. In this case, that variant file IS in on my end so I'm gonna put this down to me basically never using dropbox and not checking if it actually updated properly on there.

Sorry 'bout that. I've updated the link in the OP, with the download being so small there's not much point in just giving you the missing file :P

Just editing this because I don't wanna just bump it constantly with all the screwups over the last couple days, but current plan for the next addition?

A capital ship made by a madman. The design called for more speed than a conquest, more frontal firepower and armour than an onslaught, and a paragon's fortress shield. Obviously, to any sane man, this is impossible. But pirates aren't the sanest bunch, and the ATX project takes commissions from all sources - especially when the required parts are provided by the client.

Note: Sprite made by Levik, I just cleaned it up a little.

Being primarily made from salvage recovered from a large scale Hegemony-Diktat battle, the main hull is an onslaught, though large parts of the exterior have been replaced due to extensive battle damage. The woefully inadequate engines of the onslaught have been supplemented with a partially complete set from an eagle, along with two smaller maneuvering engines from a brawler. As the central spike of the onslaught was unrecoverable, it was decided to instead construct a new one, taking the frame from a second onslaught, stripping it completely, then cramming the sole functional TPC on the front and covering it with a welded mishmash of mostly armour. The rear section contains parts clearly salvaged from a paragon - though where these were acquired is unknown, and due to material constraints, the planned large rear turret mounts were removed to allow for much needed additional flux dissipation.

The Siegebreaker does indeed boast more frontal firepower, more speed, and more defensive toughness than perhaps any capital ship in the sector, but it certainly cannot fulfill that role itself - with minimal firepower in any other direction and an almost complete inability to turn, the ship cannot function in a fleet based battle without heavy support. But against a stationary target, such as a battlestation or particularly slow capital ship, it's sheer slugging potential is unmatched.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 05:36:23 PM by Calodine »

Takion Kasukedo

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...oh dear, seeing one of these next to an Onslaught...
If it ever seems like I'm not doing something you've asked/I said I'll get around to doing, it's because my time is occupied by other things that interest me in that current moment in time. Kindly be patient, or don't ask at all. Thank you.


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I wanna get a new ballistic gun for it to use in, but for initial testing, it wipes the floor with an onslaught or conquest in a straight fight, but can't deal with a paragon's shielding. It's got 60 speed to a conquest's 45, though with much worse acceleration, and every single gun can point forwards. On the other hand, the only two that point back are the two rearmost small mounts, and each side only has the two smalls and two mediums. And the fortress shield is front-locked to a 90 degree arc.

Basically, it'll outperform the other capitals against large stuff, but I'm pretty sure I could take it easily in a solo wolf, if it doesn't have support.


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The Siegebreaker is in, along with two new weapons for it to use. Additionally, the Flounder-class destroyer, with the standard variant also using the new weapons.
Actually remembered to add all the ships to the combat simulator this time, too.

And since I wasn't running all over the place this time, it won't crash horribly for everyone.


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Flounder?? Really?? :-\


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It does handle pretty clumsily, and is in serious danger around frigates :P
But mainly, the guy who made that sprite doesn't come here anymore, and I wanted to keep the original name they gave it.

Takion Kasukedo

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Makes sense I guess.
If it ever seems like I'm not doing something you've asked/I said I'll get around to doing, it's because my time is occupied by other things that interest me in that current moment in time. Kindly be patient, or don't ask at all. Thank you.


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So uhh... restored a Valkyr D and noticed I was SOL on the nose mount. That's a bummer but I dunno what you could really do about it.


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So uhh... restored a Valkyr D and noticed I was SOL on the nose mount. That's a bummer but I dunno what you could really do about it.

Nothing sadly, as far as I know.


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What's the best way to use the Valkyr? I'm having trouble making use of it, even putting Safety Overrides on it doesn't make it too usable.


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Yeah, it's in a bit of a weird spot atm - It's ridiculously strong on paper (Just the Geirskogul is over 15000DPS with the ripper up) but in practice, it's very fragile. Been thinking of a couple ways to make it better as a solo ship.

But for using it myself, I found it was much much more useful with a buddy. That CAN be converted hangar if you can fit it on your loadout, but really something like a lasher is ideal - You're bad against specifically beams and staggered missiles. Barrages you can just dodge, same for projectiles, but the homing on missiles will run your flux dry. Basically, wolves make you cry.

I grab a lasher or similar, and abuse the hilarous rate you can cross the map - zip over, backstab the cruiser your dudes are fighting, zip back to held defend point on the other side of the map, etc. THe geirskogul's not great for solo kills, but it's really good at applying pressure, and if you can get close enough to hit with the whole spread, it does a ton of damage.

And yeah, due to how skins work, you're pretty much out of luck on the nose mount - the D variant (Specifically the one that shows up in pirate fleets, NOT damaged standard versions) loses that for a converted hangar with talons. Just because occasionally the AI decides to spend all of it's flux bursting your shields with the geirskogul otherwise, and I didn't want small pirate fleets to just occasionally wreck people like that. On the plus side, free converted hangar!

When I get around to another pass (Got slightly addicted to Aurora lately), I'm probably gonna change the flares out for something a bit more useful - Potentially just 'dump a large chunk of flux' with slow or limited charges.


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I've got a D Variant of it with the unique weapon.
And that makes sense, I was trying to fight stuff solo with it, using it as a super-flanker probably would work better, with a small escort.


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Yeah, it's a weird distinction.

There's D versions of ships - which is just 'it got blown up and recovered', just the ship with a couple D mods. Then there's the damaged SKIN pirates get, which loses the large mount and gets a converted hangar. That can, itself, be damaged (For a damaged damaged variant!) like normal.

It's a bit weird, but that's how the game does stuff like the pirate hammerhead/lasher, with guaranteed Dmods and different paintjobs. They're basically two different hulls.

And yup, the problem with soloing stuff with it is any damage you take sticks, and you're hard limited by your flux in how hard you can pressure stuff - against frigates or other destroyers, you can usually last long enough to flux lock them, but against cruisers or even just two ships at once, you have to spend too move flux dodging and can't apply enough damage alone.


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Got a bug report for you.
Found this in some random Independent market. I assume you're not supposed to be able to find this as a weapon besides the built-in on the Valkyr, right?


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Compatible with 0.8.1a ?

Like this what i see. Keep it up!  :)
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