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Author Topic: how to counter tempest class?  (Read 6519 times)


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how to counter tempest class?
« on: April 28, 2017, 05:39:33 AM »

i used to have carriers to do this job, until i noticed that they eat up my supply, fuel and crew.

in my current game i have none carrier in line and then i met a bounty target fleet with 2 tempest, with help of a pirate falcon, they down 1 of my sunder in pretty much the first round of fire, and my apogee lost most of its hull as well. then i go for new tactic, to avoid the cruiser engagement and wait until the tempest run out of their CR. did win the fight without losing any more ship though, but after fight i have to spend tons of supply to recover.

is there any better way to fight those fan-hitting-xits? i mean any ship other than carriers or any special loadout on cruiser that i should know?


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Re: how to counter tempest class?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2017, 05:51:48 AM »

- Fast high-tech or SO frigates of your own
- Ships with enough alpha strike power to overwhelm a Tempest before it can run away. A triple phase lance Sunder can kill a Tempest in one hit (with HEF active).
- Multiple cheap fast frigates like Kites, that can't kill a Tempest, but distract them until they run out of CR.
- Missile spam

You can use drones on your carrier to stop crew losses, btw. And d-carriers use up much less supplies for deployment without sacrificing much (as long as they don't have the flight deck d-mod).
Generally, I think carriers are absolutely worth their supplies.
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Re: how to counter tempest class?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2017, 06:07:31 AM »

yeah, carriers r king, wasps and sparks cost no crew

and if ur using crewed fighters u should always have an officer with carrier command and the recovery shuttles hull mod and have fighter doctrine on ur leader.

if ur planning on beating the other fleet with CR timeouts, u need 2 vessels with hardened subsystems (and preferably combat endurance) then u deploy the one ship and by the time the PPT runs out the other vessels will have lost about 20CR then as soon as PPT runs out (or less than 5s before) u retreat that ship and deploy the 2nd hardened subs vessel, that one will still have PPT by the time the opposing ships reach 0CR and u get easy kills with maulers, HIL, swarmer or other HE weapon.


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Re: how to counter tempest class?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2017, 06:09:21 AM »

- Ships with enough alpha strike power to overwhelm a Tempest before it can run away. A triple phase lance Sunder can kill a Tempest in one hit (with HEF active).
- Multiple cheap fast frigates like Kites, that can't kill a Tempest, but distract them until they run out of CR.

im defentlly going to try triple phase lance, and kites swarm is a great ideal!
ty gothars!


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Re: how to counter tempest class?
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2017, 06:21:33 AM »

If the shield turns fast and the player has decent reaction time, he can keep the drone busy until it's dispatched. I usually do this with a Medusa, then warp into hugging range of the Tempest and take it out quickly.

Carriers also make quick work of both the drone and the Tempest. You could try Afflictors or Shades; Tempests are slippery so just getting missiles shot at them or their shields threatened might not be enough. You want to get in close.

Don't ignore the drone! Take it out or tie it up with shields until your buddies can take it out. Yeah they respawn relatively quickly, but they hurt even more if you let them do their thing.


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Re: how to counter tempest class?
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2017, 06:30:37 AM »

yeah, carriers r king, wasps and sparks cost no crew

and if ur using crewed fighters u should always have an officer with carrier command and the recovery shuttles hull mod and have fighter doctrine on ur leader.

if ur planning on beating the other fleet with CR timeouts, u need 2 vessels with hardened subsystems (and preferably combat endurance) then u deploy the one ship and by the time the PPT runs out the other vessels will have lost about 20CR then as soon as PPT runs out (or less than 5s before) u retreat that ship and deploy the 2nd hardened subs vessel, that one will still have PPT by the time the opposing ships reach 0CR and u get easy kills with maulers, HIL, swarmer or other HE weapon.

yes, carriers are very strong in this patch, maybe even in further patches as well, but they bore me a little bit, because i always favor the high speed interceptor Talon, it must be the reason why i lost so many crews even with all those commander points and hull mod invested in. i did try the drones, but they just dont fancy me that much, i personally like the dog fight style, and their long range bean are like ultra science fiction for me  xD

and for the CR warfare, my cruiser class are fine, but the medusa suffer the same as the enemy, other destroyers in my rank are facing the similar situation. i like your ideal about having some reserve, time to send in the second wave :D


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Re: how to counter tempest class?
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2017, 06:45:59 AM »

My chasing hammerhead works well vs tempests.

Loadout is: 2x assault chainguns, 3x light machineguns, safety overrides, unstable injector. 19 vents 4 capacitors.

It's a variant of the one I usually use set up to chase. I have used it to great effect vs tempests though. You're 30 slower than them with their flux boost, but as soon as they engage they lose it - you don't due to SO. Then you're 20 faster. Then you just ram them and watch them melt under the assault chainguns and machineguns. It's great vs other frigates too. Works ok against destroyers too, but if you're facing a cruiser you would be better off taking out the unstable injector and adding some torpedoes and more capacitors. I keep one of each around because I like the ship so much :)

Just watch out for their drones, those suckers can take your engines out quick.

-edit- I don't think I have ever tried to fight two of them with this setup though, just one. I imagine two would be rough if you didn't have backup to distract the drones.

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« Last Edit: April 28, 2017, 06:51:26 AM by Paul »


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Re: how to counter tempest class?
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2017, 06:59:55 AM »

There are lots of carrier skills and hull mods that significantly reduce carrier drain on crew and supplies.  Im running a dedicated combat carrier focused fleet with a Leadership specialist right now, and it is far cheaper to maintain than my last "Jack of All Trades" fleet. Partly because a well specced carrier is very potent, requires you to deploy fewer ships overall to support it, and reduces the overall number of vessels I need to fly around with to be effective.   I pay far less in supply maintenance and repair, though I trade that for slightly increased crew consumption.

You should at least consider keeping a drover around and spec it with expanded flight decks and recovery shuttles to keep from going crazy from high speed and retreating enemies.


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Re: how to counter tempest class?
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2017, 08:38:48 AM »

i did try the drones, but they just dont fancy me that much, i personally like the dog fight style, and their long range bean are like ultra science fiction for me  xD

those would be xyphos ....... OP as hell but not drones, also the 2nd most expensive fighter wing.

wasps have pd laser: so only 400 rng .... not long rang units and prox mines so they are most similar to the old pirannas (they eat other fighters like holey cheese)
sparks have burst pd so only 500rng, again not long range units, they do use beams but they have to furball in a dogfight just like talons do


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Re: how to counter tempest class?
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2017, 08:41:40 AM »

Talons eat Tempests for breakfast, as well as pretty much any other frigate (except, maybe a Monitor).

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Re: how to counter tempest class?
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2017, 04:11:49 PM »

Tempests are exceptionally fast, but they aren't tough and they don't have any immediate 'oh ***' buttons they can push to get out of a bad situation, so I've had good success just phasing up to them in a bursty Medusa and killing them before they can fly away or get bailed out by their drone.

Bursty Medusas are also a good flagship for midgame, so I've found this to be a practical solution.