So I have been playing with the different ships, and among frigates and destroyers the Hammerhead with safety overrides just dominates everything. It's not the best in AI hands because the AI isn't aggressive enough with it, but in a player's hands it is monstrously powerful.
I started using the ship like this in the tutorial of my first game. I put 4 light machine guns, 2 assault chainguns, 2 reaper torpedos (they were all available during the tutorial for me). 20 points into vents, flux distributor, safety override, and the last point in capacitors. It was a D class with a faulty power grid, which hurt the build a lot, but it still did well. Using this ship I was able to wipe out the pirates with ease, but it was a bit of a glass cannon with the low flux capacity.
Then I bought a pristine hammerhead. Without the faulty power grid I was able to go 20 vents 9 capacitors and have more venting and way more flux capacity. With higher vent rate and almost double the flux capacity, suddenly the ship was no longer fragile. No pirate fleet stood a chance. So I decided to find a bigger challenge.
I jumped a Hegemony detachment with an onslaught, 3 enforcers, and 5 frigates (lashers and vigilances I believe they were), fully expecting to get blown to bits but excited to see how well I would do. I had my starter frigates flying after the nav relay and sensor jammer, but did all the real fighting myself. I avoided the big guy at first and just flew around wrecking the supporting frigates and destroyers while they captured points. I managed to take out all of them, although one of the enforcers hid behind the onslaught a bit and was difficult to finish off (but I still outmaneuvered and destroyed it). Then I just got in behind the onslaught. Fired both torpedoes into the engines then hammered away at it with everything I had until it died. The rear guns on it almost got me and I had to juggle shields up and down and strafe around a bit to avoid some of them, and pretty much all my armor and most of my hull was gone by the time it was done, but I beat a hegemony detachment with the starting ships plus one destroyer with only one lost frigate (I lost the wayfarer to a lasher/enforcer/vigilance attack, but the drone ship got away).
I have since tried every other destroyer in the game, and nothing quite compares to the build I stumbled upon in my first few minutes of playing. It can kill every other destroyer with ease and most cruisers, and even apparently onslaughts (although it was a very difficult fight). And it only uses up 8 supplies.
Anyone else stumble upon this playstyle and have success with it? What other crazy ship builds have you tried and found powerful?