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Author Topic: Remove fuel from the old salvage.  (Read 2032 times)


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Remove fuel from the old salvage.
« on: April 23, 2017, 09:48:46 PM »

My first game I got 3 missions to scan ships way off in the corner of the map (70, 70k, and 90k) and immediately set off to find them, despite only having the fuel for a one way trip. It worked out incredibly - I picked up some extra salvaged ships along the way and came back over 230k credits richer with a full hold of AI cores and supplies and guns and everything. And I only visited the 3 systems for the missions, I didn't go looking for more.

The thing is, the first system I came to I was almost out of fuel. In there I found more than enough to reach the 2nd, and the 2nd nearly topped me off, and the 3rd I had more than I could carry. And they weren't particularly close together. Right now, you can fly out to the edge of space with just enough fuel and supplies to get there and can count on finding more than enough to not only keep exploring, but get you home with full tanks and cargo holds.

What if we removed fuel from old dormant ships and such? You could still get some fuel by fighting the active ships (pirates, roaming neutrals, or the spoiler faction out there) but wouldn't be able to count on finding plenty of fuel at every ancient survey probe. The lore could be explained as the fuel on these old ships isn't good anymore or just isn't compatible with newer ships. You could reduce the drop on supplies a bit too and replace it with stuff like rare metals and goods and such.

This would mean you would have to bring a tanker and carry enough fuel to get there and back again for every mission, and carry some extra supplies out too. Returning would be with a full hold of valuable goods instead of a huge load of fuel and supplies, and each trip would have a point at which you have to return for more fuel/supplies instead of just going till you have full cargo holds.


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Re: Remove fuel from the old salvage.
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2017, 09:58:52 PM »

If you run just single tanker or close to that (since that's enough for analyze missions), what you wrote stands.

If you bring combat-capable fleet, you need all that loot-able fuel and much more.


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Re: Remove fuel from the old salvage.
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2017, 10:04:29 PM »

Might have been luck (or I was unlucky).  Had to roll a new character because I tried one of those missions gambling I would find more loot.  Got stuck there with my saves used up.  Did a distress and got partway home and then picked off by pissy salvagers.

That said, my current run I've been hunting [redacted] and I'm drowning in credits and loot but it was rough going at first.


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Re: Remove fuel from the old salvage.
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2017, 10:07:14 PM »

Please don't nerf fuel drops. D:

I have a fairly large fleet, several cruisers and lots of destroyers, and I need all the fuel I can get. I have two Phaeton tankers and usually don't set out on a far flung survey mission without having at least 1400 fuel. Some of the distant 100,000 credit surveys can suck up damn near that full amount for the round trip, and I even have the -25% fuel consumption perk!

I love to see salvage operations dropping 20-50 fuel a pop—those little fill-ups really help!


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Re: Remove fuel from the old salvage.
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2017, 10:48:55 PM »

I guess it just seems to me that going to the far flung reaches of the map should be something that requires planning, and maybe leaving some gas guzzlers behind. You shouldn't be able to just take a huge fleet and go star system to star system and keep refilling your tanks.

I think the fleet I brought was pretty combat capable. It was some of the salvaged D ships from the tutorial. I was able to take out the [redacted] fleets I discovered along the way, even the one with cruisers. And I upgraded and expanded my fleet to multiple hammerheads and a Mora and cargo ships and tankers and salvage rigs with the money I got from the first trip. Maybe I've been getting lucky but so far I can just fly off with whatever ships I seem to want and visit the system I'm headed to and fill up my fuel tanks when I get there. Visit another system and repeat. Every excursion I've made so far has had me heading back with over 1000 fuel and over 1000 units of valuable cargo. The last trip I ended up leaving over 500 fuel and probably 2000 cargo because the system was full of stuff.


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Re: Remove fuel from the old salvage.
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2017, 10:54:03 PM »


Do you have salvage skill from industry tree? Because I definitely don't get enough fuel salvaged without it to run a moderate fleet, just barely enough for return trip (and not 100% reliable even at that).


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Re: Remove fuel from the old salvage.
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2017, 11:00:14 PM »

I do. I guess a good bit of the salvage I get from things I couldn't salvage without the skill. I get the +10% from the two lines now too, although I didn't get it my first few trips till I had leveled up. And I have a salvage rig and one of those drone ships that acts as a mini salvage rig.

I also salvage debris fields multiple times if it tells me they still have stuff.


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Re: Remove fuel from the old salvage.
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2017, 09:51:16 AM »

Maybe there should be some opportunities to get fuel guarded by slightly tougher combat. They could have enough fuel for a combat fleet to refuel a bit, without allowing small exploration fleets to massively extend their range (since "a bit" of fuel for a combat fleet is a lot of fuel for a few frigates)

Pirate outposts, for example. Would also be an opportunity to add another enemy station, I think we need that!