New version is out, check the main post for download.
New save data format to enable new functionality
* this won't break anything
* but your old combat data will be automatically deleted.
* Your save game is fine.
No longer displaying kills based on killing blows, we now display Solo Kills (> 80% of hull damage) and Assists (> 20% hull dmg)
DP destroyed based on pro-rated armor/hull damage
Much more accurate damage calculations. Not perfect, much but better.
More accurate tracking of what ships were killed.
Fighters are now treated as a singular weapon system, since that is often the most useful way of thinking about them
Ships details "kill" grid removed, replaced with sprites:
* now render sprites for ships that were solo-killed
* render ship sprites that were kill-assisted (along with a damage overlay)
New enemy fleet status summary area
Player ships are shown as Disabled/Destroyed/Retreated in ship list
Added % hull remaining after combat, color coded
Can now aggregate data based on history and generate a "Merged combat result"