I suppose? I think CR per deployment would be a better stat to hammer into the dirt than to give a destroyer less than half the PPT of a frigate.
It's kind of a playstyle thing; if you're playing as a player with the ship, then the poor peak time restricts it's usage to short bursts (as intended). If you're playing against the AI who have these ships, then the obvious strategy is to wait them out, then mob them once their CR has dropped to 0%. Further, it prevents their repeated usage anyway due to poor peak time.
Also lore-wise they're supposed to run out of steam quickly - they're a lot of rather questionable modifications added to existing ships that make them fast, without much thought into anything else. Heck, the reduced armour is often listed as a
feature. The GM Tarsus and GM Condor are both actually
garbage when you look look at it objectively. The only situations they're supposed to be good in is high-speed pursuit or very fast hit-and-run ttacks, hence making them an annoying if very niche sort of ship style.