Was a bit busy over the last few weeks so I didn't have as much time to work on the mod. However, I pulled myself together and finally finished the Tempest (SB)! It's a phase version of the normal Tempest, with a sweet paintjob, unique 2-light coil (yeah that's not very impressive) and a very awkward looking bridge.
I think I'll keep it at 3 different variant types for now. I might add more to each variant (there's no Rumbler cruiser or capital ship, and I gotta get those sweet green stripes on an Eagle or Conquest), and maybe look into making it playable with Dynasector (a market around Asharu, maybe). Not sure about adding more unique ships like the Torment and Pigeon.
Possibly a civilian/cargo version of combat ships? Who knows, I bet an unorthodox engineer could theoretically find a way to make to stick containers onto the Hammerhead, although I feel like that might have been done before.