First and foremost, my apologies for not actually trying this mod out sooner. I finally downloaded it the other day (if I'm honest, I wanted to look at how a few things worked) and while I do like the content, I have noticed two initial issues I believe should be attended to.
First: the Pulse Rocket MRM. What's this thing supposed to do? It costs 5 OP for a single-shot missile with a long reload, which struggles to hit stuff. But it reloads on a one-round magazine? I suppose that means you could up the total ammo with Expanded Missile Racks to 2 shots, but it still seems very underwhelming and altogether... Strange. I might just be missing the point, but if so, what is this thing's role?
And second, a bunch of the custom ship variants are either over or under their OP budget. The Onslaught (GRD) and Tempest (SAB) are both slightly over budget, while the Sunder (WRD), Centurion (FYR) and the station in the "Surrounded" mission are about 10 OP under budget. Ships outside of the missions I can't check right now, but I'd bet there's a few more variants with OP issues.
Bear in mind I've done basically nothing campaign-wise with this mod enabled, and both these points come from mucking around in the included single missions.
Anyway, gripes aside, loving the additional ships and weapons, and while some things do look like they could use a touchup or correction (not gonna lie, I really want to enjoy the Pulse Rocket MRM, but right now I just can't... Or I'm doing it wrong. It's likely...) I'll definitely be using this mod more in future and trying the ships as I find them in the campaign.