Yeah, while all of the variants and their loadouts are added to Hegemony, Luddic Church, Sindrian Diktat and Independents, that'll all break if you use Dynasector because all those markets will be overrided with Dynasector stuff. The only way other than console commands (ship names are pretty simple by the way, it's just their standard name and if applicable followed by the full name of the variant e.g. pigeon/pigeon_rumbler) that you'll be able to get them is if I make a market for them which I would do if I could.
Also, hopefully there'll be an update this weekend. Most likely the Omen (Saboteur) and Kite (Guardian). So far all I'm thinking is that the Omen replaces the old EMP emitter with a rapid-fire EMP Lightning Gun that comes as a built-in weapon, and the Kite has a built-in Pulse Laser with stupid fire rate and spread, but low damage. Also also, TIL that the Lightning Gun is a SS+ weapon. Huh.
UPDATE: Kite (G) is almost done! The Pulse Sprayer fires 24 shot bursts of energy bolts (yes, they do the same damage as normal Pulse Laser shots) but it uses a lot of flux and is very inaccurate (generally, it'll hit a shielding Lasher with about half the shots at optimal range). The Kite itself has improved stats to match its new role as a combat frigate.