With the Unstable Injector changes, it seems only worth using on ships with either long-range ballistics and beams (e.g., Eagle with Mauler+HVD+Tac Lasers) and can afford the range cut or any high-tech that just should use Safety Override because 600 range energy weapons become 450 with Unstable Injector (same as Safety Override). Energy weapons (aside from beams that are hard countered by shields) have terrible shot range, and aside from the ultra-rare super frigates, low tech equals or beats high-tech. Seems like a win for low-tech and ballistic focused midline. High-tech will probably get shafted (be slow or use knives instead of guns), except Hyperion and maybe Scarab (and maybe Paragon if it has that builtin mini-station targeting hullmod).
It is nice Hammerhead will get a little more OP, plus ammo feeder not so suicidal. Since ships that have ammo feeder have poor flux stats, 30% was not enough, if the weapons were not flux efficient LMGs or Mortars.
Also nice that battlecruisers will become battlecruisers, not just simply remain as inferior battleships.
I like that hullmods may be accessible aside from skills. Never liked Applied Physics, but I sometimes took it at endgame just to get Advanced Optics and make Phase Lance viable. It is useless with 600 range since Pulse Laser and Heavy Blaster can hit for hard flux but Phase Lance cannot, and Phase Lance needs the extra range to have a point.