Deep from within the Shroud Nebula, drifting hulks await the lucky (and the dead, as their automatic defenses are frequently active).
These ships have designs that are so different from those that typified the late Domain that more questions than answers remain: were they developed by rogue corporations, built for a civil war and then abandoned after the fall of the Gates, or built by human separatists on the fringe of Domain space and left there, dormant, for reasons unknown?
is known is that there are many such vessels drifting through the Shroud, and some of them bear internal designs that suggest strongly that they weren't built for True Humans. Perhaps the mysterious creators were Aliens, but it's more likely that they were built for some gene-modified sub-sect of Humanity and abandoned at the same time that the others were.
However, some of them show extensive battle damage or have been rendered to radioactive husks, which raises even more questions about why they are there and what, if anything, they mean for the future of the Sector. For now, they represent a treasure trove for the lucky, the inquisitive and foolhardy.
A band of misfits, rogues and psychopathic AIs was recently lucky enough to re-activate two of these monsters and tow them back into Tri-Tachyon space, after a lengthy skirmish with Cult of Ludd activists. Both ships are nearly pristine and will be able to leave drydock within months. No marques were recovered from the ships' wetware cores, however, and the logs are completely blank.