@Goumindong: i disagree with your assessment that long-ranged weapons are specifically for fighting larger targets, and short-ranged ones specifically for smaller targets. if that was the case, small ships would
always win when maneuvered correctly, as they would simply be able to kite without ever getting into weapon range of their larger prey. there is no "natural range advantage" of larger ships in vanilla, beyond the range of larger weapons themselves.
when it comes to medium ballistic weapons, the current balance seems to be roughly along the lines of: the longer the range, the lower the dps. i agree that always adding new stuff just for the sake of getting new stuff is a bad idea, but we have no weapon that fits into the medium-ranged/medium-dps HE option for medium mounts at all. it's not a matter of "more more more", but of "we are lacking this specific thing".
i use ~800 range kinetic weapons quite frequently, on all ship size-classes. adding a 1000 range Heavy Mauler to that feels like paying extra for something that i don't really need, and can actually cause problems for the AI. adding a 450 range Assault Chaingun would either be ineffective, or force the ship into situations that are risky and make the range of my kinetics pointless.
as for your suggestion about changing HE damage into something entirely different: what you're describing is actually exactly what ion weapons (or any weapons with an EMP damage component) already do. EMP doesn't cause overloads, or affects flux at all. rather, it causes "direct damage to systems", disabling weapons and engines without doing any damage to armor or hull, and only very little damage to shields. any "repair systems", like the Automated Repair Unit hullmod, increase the speed at which said disabled weapons or engines are reactivated.
Re: Vent spam
As for vent-spam, will cooldown vary by weapon fire rate? If so, that would kill weapons with extremely long cooldown, such as AM blaster and Phase/Tachyon Lance. I think trying to kill vent spam will trade a possible problem for another, such as possible UI frustration.
i agree with MesoTroniK on getting rid of vent spam somehow, but i also agree that just adding a cooldown would either cause problems on its own, or would need complexity that would likely mean it would also needs its own, easily visible UI element to keep track of.
my idea would be to have a baseline cooldown time (possibly scaling with size-class) and increase the speed at which it ticks down based on current built-up flux. so a ship that goes from zero to almost full flux in just a couple seconds would likely not be affected by the cooldown at all, whereas one that always stays at very low flux would have to wait a while.
the flux dependency of the timer should probably not be linked to percentage of max flux, though, as that would incentivise against adding capacitors, in the same way that the old energy-weapon damage boost did.